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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 89


“So, are you ever going to tell us his name?” Amelia asks excitedly.

Gavin and I look at one another and I nod, giving him the go ahead. Instead of just telling them, he builds the anticipation by talking about why and how we decided on the name, and how we went back and forth on deciding. Everyone is getting antsy and it’s amusing Gavin.

“Will you stop already,” I laugh, “I am more than happy to tell them. myself if you keep going on and on.”

“You’re ruining the fun, baby.” He takes my chin and kisses me once more. Becoming serious, though, he gazes into my eyes, “I thought I was losing you…losing both of you. I’ve never been so scared in my life.” He turns back to the others, “I am so happy that Quinn is okay and that in just over a week, she will be honoring me by becoming my Luna,” placing his arm around my shoulders, he continues, “But this union ceremony is going to be even more special, because the future Alpha heir to the Dark Moon pack will be in attendance as well. Quinn and I are proud to announce to you all, the future Alpha, Asher Lincoln Davis, of the Dark Moon pack!”

Excited chatter breaks out as Gavin turns back to me, “Drama King…” I chuckle.

“Hey, our pup deserved a great introduction!” He grins.

“He sure does!” Declan cuts in, and shakes Gavin’s hand, “Gavin, Quinn, congratulations, Asher is perfect, and I can’t wait until he is old enough to play with Holden.”

Dividing into pages now

I study him to see if he is being sincere or just nice, but I can tell that he truly means what he says, “Thank you Declan, that really means a lot, and I’m with you on our boys being playmates.”

“Gavin,” Sarah passes Asher off to Amelia and comes over to the bed, “You announced that he is the heir to Dark Moon but not Blue River, why is that?”

Gavin tenses, “I know how father feels, Mother. I’m not going to claim something that may never be mine.”

I place my hand on his thigh as Declan places his hand on his cousin’s shoulder, showing him that we stand with him. It makes. me so happy to see Gavin and Declan’s relationship flourish into a friendship once again.

“Well, who else will it go to if not you?” Sara balks.

“Ayden. It’s why he had him to begin with. He never planned to pass it to me, Mother. Why else would he rape a seventeen-year- old over and over until he knocked her up?”

“W-what are you talking about?” She seems taken aback by this news and I can’t help but wonder if she really is in the dark about most of it. Although, she still would have known about the infidelity.

“Are you telling me that you didn’t know that Demi’s son is father’s son, my baby brother?”

The horrific expression that appears on his mom’s face, proves that she knows nothing of the pregnancy, “No! You’re lying! He wouldn’t do that to that poor child, you have to be mistaken!”

“I’m not, Mother. Why do you think she fled. We have them both in hiding, so father doesn’t get his hands on Ayden.”

Sara collapses, and Declan is right there to catch her, as he helps her to lower herself in the chair beside the bed, “I knew he was unfaithful. I tried to stop him, threatened to leave him multiples times, and take you with me, but then the beatings started whenever I threatened him. Then whenever I just brought the topic up, he would beat me. After a while, all I could do was accept it, for fear of both my life and yours, but I never thought he would rape an innocent girl!” Her head whips to all three of us, “Please, you must believe me, I knew nothing!”

All three of us look at her with sympathy, “I believe you, Sara.” I state, “I wondered how a mate could stand by and allow her mate to sleep around, especially if you’re fated. You must have endured horrible pain.”

She nods, “You have no idea, but if it meant keeping both me and my son alive, I’d do anything.”


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