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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 90


Closing the door to my office, shutting out all the noise that comes with living in a pack house, I sigh and then take my seat behind my father’s, and his father’s desk. I run my hand over the hard wood and smile at the memory of playing hide-and-seek with my brother, Dylan. He never could find me, and eventually, he stopped playing with me. It’s because I would always come in here and hide underneath this desk. Even when my father was working, I would quietly open his door and close it, and then he would move, so I could crawl under it, beside his legs. Dylan would crack open the door, take one look at our father working, and then leave again. It became our thing until Dylan decided not to play anymore. I never did tell him where my secret hiding spot was.

I crawl under the desk and sit for just a few moments, letting myself soak in the memory of the one male that had loved me with his whole heart. Now, I have another male who loves me just as much, and it makes my heart feel full again. Of course, I will always ache for my parents and brother, but I’m no longer alone. I now have my future mate and my son who have filled that hole that’s been shallow for the past four and a half years.

Thinking about my parents, I come out from under the desk and go to the safe. The last letter from my mother sits in there, as well as the key that she gave me and the jewelry that both guys gave me in which I had forgotten all about. I place Declan’s locket around my neck and Gavins’s bracelet on my wrist. I decide to keep the key in the safe for now as I take the envelope over to the desk.

I’m not supposed to open it until the day before my twentieth birthday, which is in about five months. My fingers itch to tear the seal and read its contents, but then I hear my mother’s voice,

Dividing into pages now

telling me to have patience. She was always telling me that I was so impatient and that I would have to learn how to have patience once I became a Luna. Even though Alpha females could either be mated to an Alpha or a Beta with alpha blood, my mother always told me that I would be a Luna someday, she was sure of it.

As much as I want to see my mother’s writing to me, I return the letter to the safe and close the door. Blowing out a heavy sigh, I return to the desk and start going through pack business, but not even five minutes later I’m leaving my office once again and linking my best friend as I do.

‘Where are you at right now, Cici?’

‘What’s up, hoochie mama?’

I roll my eyes, ‘I wanna go for a run and it’s been so long since Tala and Rani have run together, that I was hoping you would want to go.’

‘You don’t have to ask us twice! I will meet you in front of the pack house in a few minutes.’

‘Sounds good.’

‘Woohoo! Rani is going to be so pissed when she learns that she can’t beat us any longer.’ Tala snickers.

‘Now Tala, what did we talk about? We are going to let her win every once in a while…starting with today.’ I lecture my wolf.

‘Awe man! You are a serious Debbie downer; you know that Quinn?’

I shrug, ‘Sorry, but Rani needs the extra self-confidence, whereas you have plenty to pass around.’

Tala prances around, ‘Not everyone can be as perfect as I am. It’s not my fault the Goddess gave me everything that I have.”

I chuckle, ‘That doesn’t mean you need to rub it in, Tala. Try being a little less arrogant.’

My wolf scoffs at me and then gives me the silent treatment for a while. I shake my head and then go in search of Gavin. Finding him out on the back patio with a few of the other males, I press my lips against his briefly, and then to my sleeping pup’s head.

“Cici and I are going to let our wolves run. Are there any warriors available to keep watch?” After the last time, I’m not taking any chances, I’ve learned my lesson well.

Two of the males jump up, “We would be happy to escort you, Alpha!”

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were twins by the way they move and talk in unison, but they are two completely different wolves from two different families, no relation whatsoever. I chuckle when Gavin growls at them both, causing me to slap him. playfully.

“Stop being overbearing. They only want to protect their Alpha and future Luna. Isn’t that right guys?” I look at them both as they stand there, like a deer in headlights.

“No disrespect, Sir. Alpha Quinn is right; we only want to protect her and her Beta female.” One states.

“We don’t go on patrol duty until this evening, so we are free.” The other one speaks up.

“Fine, but you better protect them well!” Gavin grunts.

Chuckling, I give him another kiss, “I will be back by the time Ash

needs his next feeding. If you need me back sooner just have someone link me.”

“Goddess, I can’t wait until we are bonded. I hate having to go through others just to get to you.” He pouts.

“We will be bonded soon enough, babe.” I mess his hair up and head towards the front with my two warriors.


‘Catch me if you can!’ Rani calls out, or should I say links with Tala as she runs ahead of us.

My wolf growls, ‘Don’t be so arrogant, Tala…let her win, Tala.’ She tries mimicking my voice, ‘See what happens? She gets all cocky when you let her win!’

I’m trying so hard to keep my laughter in while my wolf gets all huffy over Rani, ‘I don’t understand why you take it so personal, Tala. It’s okay.’


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