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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 304


Taking the booth, I settle my tired body just as one of the waiters brings me a glass of wine. It had been a long time since I had been here. I glance up, half expecting to see Jenson as this is where we met.

Though I knew he wouldn’t walk through the door this time, it still hurt. I put my all into him, made him who he is and now he does this to me.

The place is riddled with Wolves and Lycans. Far too many for my liking.

“Busy night?” The waiter makes small talk though he backs off as soon as I give him a look that says I wanted to be left alone.

The delicious deep red liquid hits the back of my throat and I let out a heavy sigh. All my plans were failing.

Being alone had never been a problem until Jenson wormed his way into my heart. I could move how I wanted, acted how I wanted and most importantly of all, the only person I needed to care about was myself, until he walked through those fucking doors.

My fingers graze the mark on my neck and I quickly hike up my jacket. I had given in to him. I had let him do the one thing I promised myself would never happen and now I have no idea what is happening to him.

Are they drugging him? Have they found a way to keep me out of his head? I knew he was hanging on. But that was all I knew. Maybe he was in their dungeon being starved to death?

So many unanswered questions. I hated being kept in the dark.

The waiter places another glass of red on the table. “I didn’t order another one, dumbass!”

There’s a flicker of annoyance in the wolf’s eyes, but he keeps his face emotionless and nods to a guy at the bar, another Lycan. “It’s from him.”

“Well you can take it back to him.” I press my fingers against the base and start sliding it back to the waiter but he’s already gone.

Straightening my back, it cracks a little and I down the rest of my wine, preparing myself to leave when the Lycan from the bar steps in front of me.

“Hey, you must be on your way to Black Shadow. Mind if I join you?” His voice is husky and luring. But it's the scent surrounding him, calling to me.

A cackle leaves my lips with a head shake as I try to ignore his scent. “I’m not going there.” Well not yet anyway, I needed a bigger plan if she is rounding up as many Lycans as possible.

“Are you not curious about the female Alpha?” His sage green eyes have flecks of blue as he gazes at me.


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