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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 310


“OW!” I land on my back a little hard and just lie here, stunned by the pain. My energy was almost non-existent and I was done practising for the day. There are only so many times I can deal with the breaking of bones in one afternoon.

‘Better.’ Nyx mutters “You have almost nailed it.”

I had been practising in secret for weeks. Shifting into my Lycan without Nyx’s help and it was far from easy. I wanted to give credit to all those that could shift without help.

I had given in a few weeks ago and actually spoke to Nyx, trying to find out why she was forcing herself forward and her answer was always the same. ‘I’m just trying to protect us.’

My body and mind had worked so hard to keep her from entering my thoughts that it was becoming impossible to keep her out. She was a constant. A piece of me that I couldn’t suppress no matter how much I didn’t want her in my head.

I fought against her. Every waking moment I tried to keep her out of mind, wishing that she would stop sharing her opinion, hoping that she would just give up. But she never stopped and the more I pushed, the more she pushed back.

“I want the darkness to go away.” I had muttered one day. “I want you to go away.” I hadn’t wanted to become a monster. I hadn’t wanted to become something that fed on blood and flesh. I still don’t.

‘Do you know what makes us better than the rest?’ She had asked me during one heated discussion, ‘Our blood.’

‘I don’t know what that means.’

‘We are better than the others. Stronger. Powerful. A leader of Lycans. And you know it!’

I had laughed at her words that day and caught Abraxas watching me from afar. A dark look on his face that had me disappearing into the training hall and out of sight. I didn’t want or need his opinion, especially while he kept silently torturing his mate, Maddie.


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