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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 321


“Can you go and get Neah and Dane, please.” Eric tells me

“I can just link her.”

“I think it’s better if you go in person.” He stares through the gates at the group of people walking towards us. A huge amounnt of Lycans.

“Fine.” I roll my eyes at him, I still hadn’t had a chance to tell him I was pregnant. Or maybe secretly he already had guessed it. He hadn’t questioned me at all when I told him I wasn’t going on the pack run tonight.

I move quickly, but don’t run as I didn't want to draw attention to myself. There were at least a hundred Lycans walking towards the gate and I don’t care what Abraxas says, he can’t kill that many in one go.

Damien and Dane are in the office. “Where’s Neah?”

“Upstairs with the boys. Why?”

“More Lycans.” They both start to leave. “You might want more backup.”

Dane turns to Damien and instructs him to round up some Wolves and Lycans and meet him at the gates.

Neah was easy to find, I follow the sound of her voice and she seems to be having a bit of a heated conversation with Raven.

“So you think that I should let you kill Blair because of Jenson?” The irritation was very clear.

“Look what she did to him!” Raven snaps back

“Raven, you are not the only one that wants to kill her.” Neah starts reeling off names of who wanted Blair dead.

“I can’t help but notice you didn’t mention yourself.” Raven pushes

“Sorry, I didn’t realise I needed too.” Weirdly, it was nice to hear Neah stick up for herself.

“You’ve changed!” Raven snaps and Logan and Evrin start to cry.


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