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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 327


My lungs burn like they never had before. Being human like was hard. Even at a slow pace, I could barely run for more than a few minutes at a time.

Every step had intense pain tightening around my legs, forcing me to stop, along with the weird pain just off to the side of my stomach that seems to appear every time I’m out of breath.

I definitely took my abilities as a Lycan for granted.

Pausing against a lone tree. I take a few deep breaths, I was grateful for the drip bags, but I was dying of thirst. Cooper must have lied about the drip feed being everything we need.

I cast a glance over the field. The sun was starting to set and I had no idea where I was. I had stuck to fields and wooded areas rather than roads. But I hadn’t seen any other of the escapees either.

I could slow down, but every hour that passes means I’m running out of time. I only had the full bag left and the partial one attached to my arm. I needed to find a Witch.

Going into a town seemed to be my only option. an option that I didn't want.

I start walking as quickly as I can. Though I’m pretty sure it’s the equivalent of me running when I first left the prison. It doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere fast.

Relief floods through me when I spot a farmhouse, and more importantly, clothes on a washing line. Anything beats the gown that I’m wearing.

Powering on, I make my way over to the hanging clothes, grateful that they are at least dry. I pull on the jeans which are a little too big for me and grab the blue tee when someone clears their throat.

“SHIT!” I spin around. I hadn’t heard them creep up on me.

A woman a little taller and curvier than me, has her arms folded across her chest, a wicker basket hanging from the crook of her elbow.

“For a moment there, I thought you were a man stealing my clothes.” She stares at me

My heart thuds like crazy. I could barely defend myself.

Her grey eyes move to the drip bag and then down to the discarded gown. “You on the run?”

“Something like that.”

“Lycan or Wolf?” My mouth drops open at the question and her eyes move up to my shaved head. “Trouble maker no doubt.”

“Are you a Hunter?”

She bursts into laughter and is almost doubled over. Her blonde hair is practically touching the ground. She continues to laugh until she is crying at the same time. “No, not by a long shot.”

“Then what are you?”

She straightens up, “I’m you, five years ago. So Lycan or Wolf?”


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