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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 394


‘He already has his Lycan.’ Nyx murmurs, she was still coming to terms with it.

‘Uh huh.’

‘What do we do?’

‘Nothing.’ I reply. I don’t intend on having him bound like I was. This is who he is. But what I couldn’t understand was why Evrin and not Logan. Logan is the first born and yet there have been no signs of this happening to him.

As soon as Evrin shifted back to Human form, he crashed and he crashed hard. I’m certain if there were bombs going off, he would sleep through it.

‘Nothing.’ It wasn’t so much of a question from Nyx, but a confirmation that we agreed on what is right.

Running my fingers through Evrins short dark hair, his lips curve up into a smile. I glance over to Logan who is sitting on the floor playing with some toys. Was he close to shifting? Would he shift? Or would it be when he turns thirteen?

I know I shouldn’t compare them, but I couldn’t help myself. I had so many questions and I knew no one here could answer them. Not even Brax.

I briefly wonder how my parents must have reacted, but the thought disappears as I realise just how quickly they had me bound. They were obviously not happy about it. A far cry from how I feel about Evrin shifting.

Picking up Logan, I tell him we are going to let his brother sleep. He needed it after last night. I carry Logan down the stairs, just in time to see Dane pushing Blair out of his office.

She doesn’t see us and keeps her head low as Dane marches her from the house. Hopefully she had managed to give him some information.

Logan and I head to the kitchen where we find Brax eating. He waves a hand in acknowledgement as I settle Logan on the floor with a couple of his toys.

“Just the one.” Brax muses.

“Evrin is sleeping.”

“Bit of a hectic night for him, wasn’t it?” He’s full of himself as usual.

“What does it mean?” I ask. “I’ve been trying to understand it. He’s not the oldest. In theory, Logan is the heir to the Alpha position, both Black Shadow and the Lycans. But then when Klaus was researching me, he said it was because I was the last female Alpha and that’s why I was gifted my abilities earlier. So why does Evrin have his?”


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