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The Alpha’s Contract (Taylor West) novel Chapter 462

I stand there, staring at her in some kind of disbelief. “We are cousins.” I mutter


“That is how we are related. Your mother was my mother’s sister. That’s how you have Alpha genetics.”

She creeps forwards, her fingers winding around the bars as she focuses on me. “Did you know her?”



“She wasn’t spoken about, but my parents died when I was a kid, so maybe I just don’t remember. Her name was Amelia.”

“Thank you….hold on, you keep saying ‘was’. She was your mother’s sister. Her name was Amelia.”

“She’s dead.”

Her hands drop from the cell bars. “Sounds about right. I assume you don’t know how?”

“No. The book just had her birth and death date.”

A small frown appears and her tongue glides along her bottom lip. “There is a reason you are telling me all of this, isn’t there?”

“I want you to help me kill your brother.”

“What?” she squeaks

“Do I need to repeat myself?” I mutter

“No…I just don’t understand. Why do you need my help? You are the Alpha.”

“So he doesn’t see it coming.”

‘Are you seriously trusting this bitch?’ Nyx asks me

‘No, but I want to see where she stands.’

Samara turns around in her cell, facing the back wall, likely talking to Dakota. Her hands come up to her temples, rubbing them. She slowly turns back to me, “If I do this….”

“I might give you a chance to live.” I mutter

She mulls over my words, “Cooper is smart. He always has been. He just seems to be prepared for anything. Or maybe he designed it so that everything works in his favour. I don’t know anymore. It seems like I was blind to everything.”

“You say that he is prepared, but will he be prepared for his sister to set him up?”

Her grey eyes hover on mine. “I don’t know. He has always been in charge. But that was before and now I don’t hear him.”


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