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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 91

Caleb’s Point of View

I know that I must get up from the bed but laying here with Daphne sleeping soundly splayed across my chest I do not want to move. Last night was amazing. I did not expect Daphne to be ready for intimacy on that level yet, but when she bucked her hips up, I was lost in the void of lust. I had missed my mate severely, so it was a huge relief to both myself and my wolf spirit. I felt like our bond was stronger than it was yesterday. I bent my head and softly kissed the top of hers, sending up another thank you to the Moon Goddess for blessing me with her.

“Mmmm I do not want to get up yet.” Daphne’s sleepy voice called out.

“I know my love, but there is a lot to get done today. On the bright side almost, everyone will be leaving after today so that we can start to untangle some of the mysteries we have around here.” I am not sure if I said this more to reassure her, or if I was trying in vain to convince myself. This week had brought a ton of new problems, and headaches.

Daphne rolled on to her back, and I wanted to whimper for a moment at the loss of contact with her. “I know, I just hate that there are so many questions without answers.” She looks up at my face, and I can already tell that her brain is switching into overdrive.

“Yes, but we will not be finding any answers if we dally in bed my sweet. On a different note, how are you feeling this morning?” I cannot help but be worried that I have hurt her.

Daphne immediately picks up on the meaning behind my question. “Caleb I am not glass and you did not hurt me. I wanted it, and I am pretty sure that I was ready. I healed a long time ago from the loss of our pup, I just was not ready mentally. I feel great, a little sleepy, but other than that I am fine. So, stop your worrying over that, and get up. We have to make sure everything is good for the summer bash tonight, plus we have the whole Axle, Clint, Hannah situation. Any idea when we can expect the messenger from the elders to be back?” Just like that my mate was out of bed and already getting her clothes ready for the day.

“Knowing Theo as well as I do I assume he sent someone that is like him, so our runner will not return unless they have gained some kind of knowledge about the situation. Unfortunately, that could take a day or a month, we just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I will go talk to Axle. I offered everyone a tour of our training facility after breakfast, so I need to get a move on to catch him early.” I watched as Daphne slipped on a cute pair of jeans shorts and decided that I need to taste her lips immediately.

She yelped in surprise as I walked over and gently pushed her against the wall by our closet. She started to protest, and I took advantage of the situation by caressing her lips with mine and slipping my tongue in her mouth. It did not take long before she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body fully against mine. I grabbed her waist and lifted her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around my waist, as I used the wall to help support her never breaking the contact I have with her lips. I rocked my hips up so that she could feel the affect she has on me. I knew that if I did not put her down and move away soon that we were going to end up naked again. Daphne whimpered when I broke the kiss and gently placed her feet back on the ground.

“What was that for?” She asked me breathlessly. I smiled as I looked at her red lips, and pointy nipples knowing that she was as turned on as I am.

“I just wanted to taste you again before we got too busy today.” She laughed and wadded up her shirt and threw it at me. “Hey at least I am honest.” I give her a cheeky grin as I toss the shirt back to her. It is these little moments that I love the most.

I quickly donned my shirt, shorts, and grabbed my tennis shoes. I was hoping that I could get Axle to go on a small run with me. I walked over and gave Daphne another quick kiss before darting out of our room.

Axle and Corey were our only guests that were not staying at the pack house. Due to his reaction to Hannah, we had felt it was best that they bunk down in our warrior lodging. I wasted no time exiting the main house and heading in that direction. To my surprise I ran into Brandon, and I could tell that he had something on his mind, as he walked over to me.

“Alpha may I talk with you for a moment?” He asks me hesitantly. I slow my pace and nod yes to him. “I am struggling a lot with the Hannah, and Axle situation. To be honest I have felt until recently that Hannah and I were meant to be destined mates. I mean how could the Moon Goddess not make us for each other. We are both peculiar wolves, we get along amazingly, and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. How am I supposed to be ok with all of this?” The exasperation in his voice is painful, and I can tell that he has been pining for her for a long time.

“Does Hannah know that you feel this way about her?”

Chapter 91 1

Chapter 91 2


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