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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 105

One - Hundred Four: Caged Bear


I have no idea how long I have been in this cell. I am still chained to the floor and try as I might I can’t break them. I figured that Chris probably did something to make them unbreakable. I can’t believe I fell for that. I have to admit she looks so damn identical to Leah. I can’t believe I lost my focus like that. That is not like me. I feel like a complete idiot. I guess I should be happy that they haven’t beaten or tortured me. I still haven’t been visited by Mykenzie and Kylani. I bet they have no idea I am here.

“Oh they know you’re here,” Chris says.

This is how he lets me know that he is here. I wonder why they haven’t come and said “hi” yet then. I look at him and he has a frown on his face. I have never liked this guy. I don’t mind his sisters but he has always rubbed me the wrong way. The other guys are just as bad. They all think they are better than everyone else. We continue to stare at each other.

“I want to know why the three of you would turn on my sisters when it was them that granted you the bears that you have,” Chris asks.

“Seriously, for us, this has nothing to do with your sisters. We want to overthrow the gods. They have been in power way too long and it’s time for a change.” I tell him.

“You realize that whoever you are working with wants my sisters.” He tells me

“Well, we don’t,” I reply.

That is the last thing I have to say to him. This conversation is going nowhere. It’s true, the three of us have no desire to get our hands on the girls. Besides, that is impossible, unless you want to die. I watch as he leaves and I am again alone. I have to figure a way out of here. I need to get back to the others so we can finish what we started all those years ago. Asmoday and Vepar may want to get their hands on the girls, and I wish them all the luck in the world. The three of us just want to see the demise of the gods.


Well, we caught one of them at least. Now to get the other two bears. Ian still has not told us anything. At least Chris was able to read his mind and find out some good information. I was surprised he fell for our little plan, but looking at Malyka I would have fallen for it as well. I look over and Leah is sitting in a chair reading something. She is not showing but she already has that glow about her. I can’t wait for her to start showing. I am worried about her carrying my child and giving birth. I did speak with Imyra and she said not to worry. She said that Leah will have no problems. That put my mind at ease. We did have to tell the girls about capturing Ian. What surprised me was that Mykenzie and Kylani were ok with us dealing with it. I could tell they were itching to go and talk to him, but they haven’t yet. I fully expect them to at some point. That’s just how they are. I know Chris has been down there to talk to him. He wants to know why those three are betraying his sisters. I can’t blame him. They did give those three their bears.

“Hey, are you ok?” Leah asks me.

I didn’t even notice her walk over to me.

“Yeah, just thinking about all that’s happened the last few days,” I tell her.

I have no intention of hiding anything from her. Besides she would more than likely find out sooner or later anyway. She might still be mad at me but at least I told her. She sits down in my lap and leans her head against my chest. Damn, she always smells so fucking good. I am currently looking at a layout of Alpha Darrius’s land. We know the other two bears are hiding there somewhere. We still have no idea exactly where that is. It’s somewhat hard because his territory is large and heavily forested. There are many places where those two could hide. Between Jason and I, we have been looking at this screen for two days now and come up empty-handed. I hear the door open then close. It’s probably Jason coming back from the packhouse.

“Hello, you two,” Jailynn says.


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