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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 154

One-Hundred Fifty-Three: On the Inside


I am going to kill Blain and Nigel. This is the last fucking time I am letting them talk me into doing shit like this. I must have been drunk when they convinced me to help them out with shit. I should call them up and tell them I am done and that they can fuck off. There are three reasons I don’t do this. One is because I know who they are working with. The two main reasons are that I know who they are working with, Mykenzie and Kylani. While I have no problem telling Nigel and Blain to fuck off. I value my life greatly, and I don’t dare tell those to do that. Yeah, I don’t feel like dying today. They moved me from the low-level island to another that is still low-level but a step up from the last one. They have more unique creatures here—mostly rare hybrids.

“Where are we exactly?” I ask.

“We are somewhere in the Mediterranean.” The demon tells me.

Ok, at least I have a location I can tell them. It at least narrows the search area. I don’t think the last island was in the same area. I bet the high-level island or islands are also in a different sea. I am gaining their trust day by day.

“How many islands are there?” I ask.

“There are a total of six islands. The last two are high level and have security up the ass. Very few make it to those islands. Only the most trusted and closest to the boss.” He answers.

I like this guy. He likes to talk, and he is easy to get information out of. He has been the easiest to get information out of. The other guys that I tried talking to would only give me one-word answers. Which really weren’t that helpful. Plus, they always gave me a weird look. Like they wanted to kill me after they gave me their one-word answers. They creeped me the fuck out. This whole operation creeps me the fuck out. It also made me sick to my stomach and pissed off. I have continued to see the two wolves here as well. I wonder if they have access to every island? If I continue to see them, I might try to make friends. Maybe they can get me access to where ever the fuck Asmoday is hiding. I don’t talk with Nigel till tomorrow so that gives me some time to figure out how to approach them. After this is done, I am done with this shit. If those two need help again, they can find someone else.


“I heard from my guy on the inside last night,” I tell them.

Dustin, Kaleb, Reecie, Blain, Chris, Rye, and I are in Dustin’s office so that I can update them on everything. I had to laugh when I got the call last night. He was unhappy and told me this was the last time he would help me.

“What did he have to say?” Rye asks.

“They moved him to a new island. It is still a low-level one but it is a step up from the last one. This is in the Mediterranean somewhere. He also found out that there are a total of six islands. He also told me that he keeps seeing the same two wolves.” I explain.

“I bet those two wolves are Darrius and Thomas,” Dustin says.

We all agree with that. Those two have to be with Asmoday. No one has seen them since the council showed up that day to tell him what was going to happen. I have no idea why the council didn’t lock him up right then before he could run. I bet they regret it now. Even if he does show his face somewhere, he will get locked up almost immediately. No pack will have anything to do with him. He might as well be marked as a rogue.

“Six islands, damn that's a lot. Well, this gives us an area to search in.” Dustin comments.

“Yeah, it is helpful. I bet though that not all the islands are in the same sea.” Chris states.

He is holding Dustin’s little girl. Dustin has her twin. Apparently, they weren’t behaving for their nanny, and Mykalya had other shit to do. Dustin got stuck with babysitting. They are good babies, though, and so far, they have slept. Chris hands the girl to Blain. She is awake but just looking around. She has a fascination with Blain. She keeps trying to touch his teeth and face. I think she is trying to figure out why he is so cold.


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