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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 22

Twenty-Two: Change in Plan


Well, today did not go as I planned at all. It has been four months since we started keeping tabs on the pack. During this time, the Alpha had found his mate. It was now obvious she was carrying his pup. We had noticed that Luna and Natalya would go to town every Sunday and have a girl's day. Sometimes they would have the two younger girls with them. Today it was just the two of them. Which is good or well, that's what we thought. There were 16 of us watching and following the two of them. I must admit that the Alpha’s mate is beautiful, and I am starting to think that maybe she should be my Luna. I have been racking my brain as to why he hasn’t turned her yet. As I sat at a table across the street watching her, I noticed she and Natalya had left the store. I get up, and I know that the others are not far away. Still being wary of Natalya, I knew she would not be able to take on all 16 of us. We had planned to corner them somewhere and kidnap the Luna. I saw the two of them head down a side street, and I knew we had our opportunity. A few of us followed behind them while the others went to block their exit. We all thought this was going to be easy and take no time at all. OH, SHIT, we were dead wrong. Natalya realized that they had been cornered and went into fight mode. We knew we needed to separate Luna from Natalya. We had just managed to do this when out of nowhere, came a very deep growl. Then I realized there were two deep growls. The growls were not from a pack member or a wolf; they sounded more cat-like. When I say cat-like, I mean it sounded like a fucking tiger. We all looked around, and that’s when one of the guys who was closing in on the Luna went flying back 6 feet and hit the wall behind me. We all turned around to find seven women standing there. I recognized three of them. I had seen them at the gym where Natalya trains. The other five I had never seen before, but I got a feeling shit was about to go down. I turned around to look at my guy and saw that the entire left arm was basically flayed open. The wounds looked like claw marks. I turned back around to face Luna to find the two women, who I came to realize were sisters standing in front of her. They are in a defensive stance, and their eyes are glowing green. I have to admit they are absolutely fucking gorgeous. Something about them screams power but is not like a witch or warlock kind of magic power. Power like only a god could have. I am brought back from my thoughts when I realize that it is them growling. I have to admit that it turns me on a little to hear gorgeous women growling at me, but I need to get back to business. I have to get the Luna. Me and six of my guys slowly back the three of them into a corner. I really should have been more observant because the more we cornered them, the louder the growling got. I was all of a sudden hit with a very ominous feeling. Two of my guys charged and went after one each. That went terrible. They were flying through the air and into the wall within thirty seconds. One was no longer moving, and the other was hurt bad. The rest of us advanced and tried to get to Luna. I looked over to see that one of the guys was able to get a hand on the one sister with green in her hair, but then she bit down on his arm. It was like watching something in slow motion. I see the bite happening, and then I hear it. The next thing I know, he is on the ground twitching while turning a horrifying shade of green. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THEY ARE FUCKING POISONOUS! screams my mind. I look over and see the other group is not faring better. I look back forward, and that's when I catch a scent of the sister with the blue in her hair. It’s not her scent; I still cannot get a scent on any of these women. It’s the Beta’s scent. I look at her and see the mark on her neck. SHIT, SHE IS THE BETA’S MATE! FUCK!!. I quickly mind-link the others and tell them to grab everyone who is hurt or dead and give the order to get the fuck out. We quickly back off, grab everything and book it back to the cars. As we drive away, I take stock of the situation. Out of 16, four have died, and the rest of us are injured in some way. Our only saving grace is that we heal fast, thanks to our wolves. We race back to our pack land and pull into the driveway of the packhouse. I mind-link my mom, tell her what has happened, and ask her to get the pack doctor now. She says ok and is down to where we are faster than I can think. The pack doctor walks in soon after and begins to put us back together. Mom asks me what happens via mind link. I tell her the entire story. We watch as the pack doctor tends to Phil, the one whose arm was flayed open. The wound is healing, but the doctor says it is going to scar. How no matter what, no wolf scars. What the hell are those two that when they claw someone, it won’t heal like normal? We all separate and go to rest, all except me, my Beta and Gamma. My mother follows me to my office. We sit there in silence for a while.

“They literally came out of nowhere. Made no sound until the two started growling.” Zak, my Beta, says, breaking the silence.

“It was like they walked out of the shadows.” Jace, my Gamma, adds.


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