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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 66

Sixty-Five: Unconscious


I feel absolutely terrible, and I hurt so badly. I have no idea what is wrong with me. At first, I thought it was that damn stomach flu that is going around, but now I am not so sure. I can barely keep food or water down. I feel so weak and can barely move. Today has been the worst. I know something is wrong, and I need to find someone. I am currently in the bathroom down in the rec room. I rinse my mouth out and open the door. No one else is here. I get halfway across the room when a sharp fucking pain radiates across my abdomen. It hits me so fast that I can’t even get a scream out. I drop to my knees. I sit there for a few minutes and try to get up. A sudden wave of dizziness hits me, and my world goes black.


I am heading down to the rec room to play some Xbox. I freeze at the doorway. I see Kylani unconscious on the floor. She is pale and looks awful. I walk over and touch her. She doesn’t respond. I pick her up and carry her to the pack hospital. I am the only one home. Everyone else is at work. I need to let Kaleb know what’s going on, but I don’t have any of his numbers. I get her to the hospital, and I walk in. The nurse sees me carrying her and yells for the doctor. They have me carry her into a room and lay her on a bed. I hear something behind me, and there stands Mykenzie. I explain what I know and where I found her unconscious. They take some blood from her and hook her up to an IV and fluids. They determine she is dehydrated. They take her vitals, and they are normal. She lets out a cry of pain and curls in on herself. Mykenzie is sitting on the bed, lying down next to Kylani. I look over, and both are asleep. We have been there for about an hour when there is a commotion out in the hallway. I am about to go out and tell whoever is making all the noise to shut the fuck up. But then I recognize the voice.

“Where is she? Tell me now.” Kaleb growls.

I am getting up to go to the door when it opens, and Kaleb, Reecie, Chris, Dustin, and Marcus walk in. I look at Kaleb, and all the colour drains from his face. I would feel for him if this were Alexis I would be freaking out. He walks over to the bed and touches her face. She turns her head and nuzzles into his hand.


Dustin, Reecie, Chris, Marcus, and I are sitting in Dustin’s office when Mykenzie pops into my head.

“Kylani is in the pack hospital. Jason found her unconscious on the floor of the rec room. He carried her to the hospital. All we know right now is that she is dehydrated.”

My heart stopped, and I thought I was going to pass out. I sit there in a daze until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Kaleb, what’s wrong?” Reecie asks.

I tell them what Mykenzie told me, and I still can’t process what is going on. I knew it wasn’t the stomach flu. I tried to get her to go to the doctor, but she kept saying it was just the flu. Dustin says that we are going now, and I get up. I think I am still in shock. Marcus finally literally shakes me out of my shock.

“Come the fuck on man we need to get you to the hospital now. Snap the fuck out of it.” He tells me as he shakes me.

I snap out of it, and we get to the car and get back to the hospital. I walk in, and I start yelling. I need to find her now. They tell me which room she is in and run to it. As I enter, I see Jason walking toward me. That’s when I see her lying on the bed. She is so pale and looks so sick. I walk over and touch her face. She turns her head and nuzzles into my hand. This makes me feel a tad better. Jason tells us to change out of our suits and that he will be here with them. That’s when I notice Mykenzie sleeping next to her on the bed. This makes me smile. I am hesitant to leave, but I know that Jason will let me know if something happens. I am back within fifteen minutes, and as I am walking to her room, I hear her let out a scream of pain. I run into her room, and she is curled up on the bed crying. I walk over to her and sit down by her. I touch her face, and she turns to me.

“Kaleb, it hurts so much.” She cries.

I lay down by her and pull her into my arms. She rolls over and buries herself into my chest. All I can do is hold her. The doctor walks in and smiles. I tell Kylani I will be right back and walk out of the room with the doctor. Dustin and Chris follow us.

“What’s wrong with her?” I ask

“She is very dehydrated, but the rest of her blood work looks fine. She is exhausted and she said that she has not been able to hold down much food. I have the nurses bringing up the ultrasound to see what’s going on.” The doctor says.

I nod at her, and we walk back in. Kylani is sitting up and looks a little better. They gave her something for the pain. I go to her, and she smiles at me. I sit by her, and she lays her head on my chest. I feel much better seeing her sitting up. She is still pale and looks exhausted. There is a knock on the door, and the doctor walks in with a nurse and the ultrasound machine. I get up as Kylani lays down and pulls up her shirt.

“We got the results of your last test.” The doctor says.

“Ok, and what was the test and results?” She asks

“You’re pregnant.” The doctor says.

Pregnant, my goddess is carrying my pup again. I have been hoping for this. I wonder why she is so sick. I watch as Kylani lifts her shirt, and the doctor squeezes out some gel onto her belly. I see Kylani flinch, and I know that the gel is cold. I watch as the probe moves around.


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