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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 68

Sixty-Seven: New Insight Part 2


I am sitting in the rec room with all the guys, including their fathers. The women are out somewhere shopping for baby stuff. This makes me incredibly nervous with those assholes still out there. Chris told us not to worry because where they went shopping is out of reach for pretty much everyone unless Mykenzie and Kylani approve. We decided to have this meeting to talk about how we want to approach everything that has happened. Brandon just got done telling us he found out.

“What is so damn special about that land that makes it untouchable?” I ask

“That land belongs to the Blue Diamond Pack. It remains unattainable because I still have a claim over it since I am still alive.” Dimitri states.

Well, that explains a lot. I remember hearing about that pack from my grandmother. I remember her saying that this pack was the greatest and that they were friendly with many werebears. She even said that they had a few werebears as pack members. This surprised me. I tell them what I remember my grandmother telling me.

“She is right, we had eight were bears in the pack. We even had eight werecats in the pack. Werecats have been wiped out since then, unfortunately.” Dimitri states.

We all sit there in shock. We have all heard the stories of were cats. They are not house cats but usually big cats like tigers, lions, leopards, and so on. No one has seen a werecat of any lineage for at least 200 years. That gets me thinking.

“Mykenzie and Kylani have werecat in them, don’t they? Also, do we know how powerful Xaydyn, Jordyn, and the two new pups are going to be? I ask.

“Yes, these three have werecat in them. As for the powers, we won’t know the extent of babies' powers until they are in their teens. These three had powers from the start but their full powers weren’t revealed until they hit their teenage years. Those were fun years.” Dimitri says.

“Hey, I was a great teenager.” Chris retorts.

“You were, your sisters were a fucking handful. Especially once we all realized how fucking powerful they really were. Then came the tattoos and body piercings and the fact that they could give a shit about being actual goddesses. I thought Zeus, Poseidon,. and Hades were gonna sedate them.” Dimitri claims.

I have to laugh at that. I can completely picture those two being extremely defiant and doing whatever the hell they pleased. I looked at Jason and noticed that he had been very quiet. Things between him and Alexis have gotten better, but she is still not letting things get that intimate. I have talked to her, and she wants to, but she is scared of something. She wouldn’t elaborate on what was holding her back.

“I know the girls all have certain powers. What is Alexis capable of?” I ask.

“Well being the daughter of Hades she is able to basically kill people by touching them. She can totally control her powers but if she loses focus sometimes they can get out of her control.” Chris explains.

So this is what she is afraid of. Ok, a valid worry, but I don't believe she would hurt Jason. I see him thinking about what he has learned. I still think there is more than just this, though. I am sure he will figure out what it is. I look down and see the babies sleeping on the makeshift bed on the floor. They are surrounded by Phantom, Jade, and Leo. Onyx and Ember are lying off to the side. I am fully aware that we are going to have a litter of immortal wolves here soon. I can smell that Ember is pregnant. We decided to have a meeting and have Deklan there as well. We decided to have it at his office. We are going to be careful about not attracting the attention of Mykenzie or Kylani, but at the same time, we can’t lie to them either. This is going to be interesting.


I am sitting on the couch when Alexis walks into our room. Things have gotten better, but I want to take our relationship to the next level. She finally gave in after her father told her and me that he wouldn’t kill me. We have made out a few times, but she always stops before long. I am starting to think that she doesn’t want me. I wonder if we should even continue this relationship. I did learn more about her today, and I think the fact about her powers has a lot to do with it. She gives me a smile and goes into the bathroom to change. She comes out wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts. I start to think about her clothing. The other girls wear clothes that show off their bodies, but not Alexis. Even her swimsuit is a tankini, not a bikini like the rest. The t-shirt is one of mine, and it makes me smile. She looks good in my clothes. I still feel like she doesn’t want me.

“Hey what’s wrong?” She asks me

I feel her run her hand through my hair. I look up at her. She is so beautiful. She is 5’6” with long black hair, pink streaks, and the palest hazel eyes I have ever seen. She is super curvy but hides them with the clothes she wears. I don’t understand why she covers up the amazing body I know she has. Maybe I am not her type even though she is my mate. I stand 6’6” with shaggy curly light brown hair and a hint of red. I have light hazel eyes with specks of blue in them. Maybe I am not her mate.

“Do you even want to be with me? Every time I try to do anything more than a nice heavy make-out session you stop. I am beginning to think you don’t want me.” I tell her.

I see tears start to form, and I feel bad, but I need to know if I am wasting my time. I would rather be rejected and move on than have this go nowhere.

“Yes, I do want to be with you. I am sorry to make you feel this way.” She says quietly.

“Then tell me what it is baby. I know about your powers and I am not scared of them.” I tell her

She nods at me, and I have a feeling that it has nothing to do with her powers.

“That is partially the issue. I have never been with anyone because I am afraid that I will forget to control them a while, and hurt that person.” She explains


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