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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 80

Seventy-Nine: Discussion


The six of us returned to my colonies' lands. Our two groups have become close over the years. I believe the meeting with the pack went well. Over the years of watching this pack, I have learned many things about them. I learned that they tried to avoid conflict with other packs. They did have a couple of issues with other packs, and they did go to war with a couple of smaller packs, but both times it was justified. The other packs had attacked them first. I watched Dustin, Kaleb, Nate, Ashton, and Brighton grow up and knew these five were special. I wasn’t sure how. I always had an odd feeling about Kaleb as I watched him grow. I always felt like I knew him, but I could never place why I felt this way. I knew my colony, which was 200 strong wanted to be part of the pack and not have to hide anymore. We worked in the city, but we lived hidden away. We were currently outside, and the entire colony was there. I wanted everyone to either want this or not. We had been talking for an hour when it was decided that we wanted to be part of the pack. Now it was the six of us. Draydon had gone back to their clan and had the same discussion. Their clan was significantly smaller than ours. They only had 25 members. I knew they were more hesitant, and I could understand why.

“So we have decided to become part of the pack again,” I told Draydon.

“We have as well,” Draydon replies.

I was surprised by this outcome. I didn’t think most of them wanted to return to be part of the pack. Our kind had been hunted and exploited, but the dragons had suffered greatly. I knew they didn’t trust anyone. They had many clans worldwide, but they kept themselves hidden and were very secretive. I knew that I wanted my colony to be protected and safe. Kylani and Mykenzie had done that for so long, and I appreciated everything they had done. They did so much to keep both of our kinds safe. I had no idea that they had never told Chris about us being alive and well. I was actually very good friends with Chris, and it hurt when he never came around. I did talk to him that night about everything, and he told me that his sisters had kept all this to themselves, and he didn’t even know that we were still alive. I told him I wasn’t mad, and we started talking like we had never been separated for so long. I am still mad at Gianya and Vincent for sneaking into that meeting. I mean, they were only able to get to that island because of Satyira and Myca. I was sneaking into a meeting just to sate your curiosity. Those kids are nuts. Kaleb is right, thank god Kylani and Mykenzie didn’t sense them as a threat, or things could have ended up much worse. When I told everyone about the meeting when I got back they were excited. We did have a few families that decided to leave and go to our sister colony that wanted to remain in secret. I respect their decision, and hopefully, one day, the other werecats will decide not to remain in hiding and possibly join this pack. Draydon and the others leave to return home. He told me to contact Dustin so we can talk more about all of this. I unlock my phone and give Dustin a call. I tell him what we have decided on, and we set up another meeting. We will be meeting at the packhouse. I am slightly nervous about this, and I give Chris a call. I tried both of the girls, but neither of them answered. He told me that Dustin had already told everyone about the meeting. He told me not to worry about anything. Mykenzie and Kylani will be there, and they have already given everyone a warning about being rude or showing any kind of aggression towards us. I laugh at this. I have no doubt that we are going to be fine. I was glad to hear that Kylani had finally found her other half. What was discovered at the meeting was a total shock. Chris told me that they had all found their mates. Well, all except Rye, Tyrell, Tarlek, and Brandon. I told them that maybe now they would find their mates.

“Tye when are we going back to the pack?” Einyn asks shyly.

“Soon, probably within the next week,” I tell her.

She smiled at me and left to go to her room for the night. I hope they will be ok with her coming with us. I will probably take her to the meeting just so the pack can meet her. I have kept her safe for years, and the girls don’t know about her. I leave my office and head to my room. I sit there on the edge of my bed and sigh. I wonder if I will ever find my mate. I removed my shirt and laid down on my bed, quickly falling asleep.


Today is the day that Tye, Mitchell, Payton, Draydon, Blake, and Xion are coming here to talk about joining the pack. I have already discussed everything with all of our parents, and my father agrees that this would be a positive move for the pack. That’s the one thing I love about my father. He has never agreed with the concept that supernaturals should segregate themselves. He has always believed that to have a strong pack, it needs the strongest people, and if those people are different supernatural, so be it. Of course, he never expected gods or goddesses to show up. Hell, neither did I. I figured different creatures might be a witch or two but not Kylani, Mykenzie, and Chris. Especially when they are the children of our moon goddess, but hey, who am I to question any of this? Mykayla is nervous about this meeting for some reason. I think it has to do with the fact that dragons are coming.

“Mykayla stop with anxiety. It’s not good for the baby and you are driving me crazy.” Imyra says.

I watch as Mykayla sits down, and Imyra hands her a cup of tea. It is meant to calm someone down. It worked the other day, and it did relieve my stress. I can hear the usual argument between Chris and his sisters. I would actually be more concerned if they didn’t argue. We are all making our way to the rec room to wait for the others to show up. I have already let the border patrols know to let them onto the land. I received a mind link telling me they had just crossed the borders. I stand up, take Mykayla’s hand, and walk to the door to meet them.


We pulled up to the packhouse and parked. We get out of the car and walk up towards the door. I had to laugh about all five of those ridiculously huge beasts the girls have been laying out on the ground. I know why they are trying to ensure everyone knows this place is well protected. I have known these beasts for way too long to be scared of them. I respect them, but I am not scared of them. I hear Tye and the guys chuckle at sight. None of us is worried. I see Phantom stand up and look at us. I just give him a nod, and he lays back down. I look ahead of us and see Dustin and his mate. I see him shake his head when he sees the beasts.

“Welcome to our pack. Sorry about them.” Dustin says.

“Don’t worry about it. We have been around them for many years. This is just the girls letting everyone know they are watching.” Xion says with a chuckle.


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