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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 86

Eighty-Five: Kids


I had to take early maternity leave. Well, sort of, I do all of my work from home. This pregnancy has been more taxing on my body than my last one. No one can figure out why, though. At least the morning sickness stopped. That was fucking terrible. Kylani’s morning sickness ended as well. I think she still gets nauseous, though. Since being home all the time, I have gotten to spend more time with Bree and Araya. Well, when they are not at school. Both of them have done amazing at this school for the last two years. I was worried in the beginning, but they have not had any issues with any of the kids there. Mykenzie. Kylani and I have been helping Bree get control of her powers. She has become very good at them. I have started to notice things about Araya, though. She is constantly staring at the sky and seems fascinated when Hades comes around. She will ask him endless questions about the underworld. He is very patient with her and answers all of her questions. I have noticed her eye colour has changed as well. She used to have hazel-coloured eyes that have darkened considerably over the last two years. She has also had a major growth spurt and is still growing as tall as me. I pulled out pictures of her parents the other day, and she looks nothing like either of them. She looks nothing like anyone in our family. I am beginning to wonder if she was actually adopted and no one knew or something else. I hate to think that my uncle would steal a child, and I know my aunt wouldn’t have because she barely wanted anything to do with Araya. I am not sure who to talk to about this. I was thinking of talking to Hades then next time he comes around, but who knows when that will be? I decided to talk to dad about this and call him. I told him my thoughts, and he said he could look into it, but he really wasn’t sure about this kind of stuff. He said that he knows someone who does, though and would send her my way. I considered talking to Mykenzie and Kylani about this, but I don’t need them going off on some weird mission to find out. Kaleb would kill me if Kylani got into trouble trying to find the truth.

The next day I am again out by the fire pit when someone sits down beside me. I look over to find a stunningly beautiful woman sitting there. I am not sure who she is, but I feel comfortable around her and not in danger in any way.

“Hello,” I say.

“Hello, Mykayla. I am Persephone.” She says, smiling at me.

So this is the amazing aunt that can bake all those amazing desserts. Then it hits me this is also Hades wife. You would think by now. I would be used to all these different gods and goddesses popping up, but no, especially when it is one that I have not yet met.

“Your father asked me to come to talk to you.” She says.

I explain to her my thoughts on Araya and showed her the family pictures. I show her pictures of Araya when she was little and point her out in the crowd of kids that are out back sitting around the pool. I notice her watching Araya for a while and wonder what she is thinking.

“I think you might be onto something. I definitely see your point. I am not sure, though. What I can tell you for sure is that Araya is not human.” She explains.

I already figured that. I had a gut feeling that she was not human. I have always had this weird feeling around her but never understood it. I knew she always felt like she didn’t belong.

“What do you think she is?” I ask.


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