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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 602

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 601

Hudson started panicking as soon as he heard Charlie Wade’s words. After that, he hurriedly pointed his finger at Linda and said, “Mr. Wade, that’s my second aunt. She called me last night and told me that she was going to set up a trap for a woman so that she could cheat her out of her money. She asked me to come over here to scare the old woman when the time came. That was why I agreed to her request…”

After that, Hudson hurriedly spoke again, “Mr. Wade, I was really used and taken advantage of!”

Linda was frightened when Charlie Wade turned around to glance at her.

Charlie Wade pointed his finger at Linda before he beckoned for her to come over to him. “You, come over here.”

Linda did not dare to disobey Charlie Wade’s words and she hurriedly came before him as she said with a trembling voice, “Mr. Wade, this is all a misunderstanding! If I had known that Elaine Ma was your mother-in-law, I wouldn’t have dared to cheat her even if I had immense courage!”

After that, Linda pointed her finger at Hannah before she blurted out, “This stinky woman, Hannah, was the one who tricked me into doing this! She told me that her younger brother-in-law and sister-in-law are very rich and terrible people. Therefore, she told me that she wanted to teach her sister-in-law a lesson and she asked me to help her set up this trap. She told me that she wanted to cheat your mother-in-law of her villa at Thompson First…”

Hannah was also frightened and she hurriedly said, “Charlie Wade, this is all just a misunderstanding. I really didn’t lie to your mother-in-law. I was also deceived by Linda. Linda has always pretended to be very lousy at mahjong in front of me. I wanted to bring your mother-in-law over here so that she could make a fortune. I really did not expect her to lose so much money to Linda…”

Elaine Ma was very angry when she heard Hannah’s words and she yelled angrily, “Hannah Queen! You b*tch! You were trying to cheat me out of my money and Charlie Wade’s villa?”

Hannah quickly took a step back as she waved her hands and said, “No, no, don’t talk nonsense. I wouldn’t dare to do that!”

Linda cursed as she glared coldly at Hannah. “Are you still trying to deny it? Okay then, I will show Mr. Wade our chat history!”

After that, Linda quickly took out her cell phone before she opened her text message and played a voice note for Charlie Wade.

Hannah’s voice sounded immediately. “Sister Linda! I heard that you are already back in Aurouss Hilll?”

Linda’s voice followed. “Yes, I came back two days ago.”

Hannah then replied, “Sister Linda, I heard that you worked as a croupier in Macau for many years. You must have good skills at the gambling table, right?”

Linda: “I wouldn’t dare say that. I can barely rank amongst the top five in Macau but I dare say that there isn’t anyone that I can’t beat in Aurouss Hilll.”

Hannah: “Wow! That is really amazing, Sister Linda. I wonder if you’d be interested if I tell you that I have a way for you to make a fortune?”

Linda: “Why don’t you tell me about it first?”

Hannah: “I have a younger sister-in-law who is quite rich. She has a villa at Thompson First and the villa is top-rated and is worth more than one hundred million dollars. This stupid b*tch is addicted to gambling and I was thinking of setting up a trap for her so that I can cheat her out of her money. Should I call her to come over and we’ll set up a trap to get money out of her?”

Linda: “She owns a villa worth more than one hundred million dollars? Is that really true?”

Hannah: “It’s true!”

Linda: “Okay then, but I want sixty percent of the profits after we’re done with the scam!”

Hannah: “No problem! You can get sixty percent and I will get forty percent!”

Hannah was already trembling in fear as soon as the voice note was played. She hurriedly said, “Charlie Wade, I didn’t mean to do that. I am still your aunt no matter what happens. We’re a family…”

Charlie Wade looked at Hannah before he said, “I’ll deal with you later.”

After that, he asked one of Albert’s men to drag her to the side.

Then, Charlie Wade looked at Linda before he smiled and asked, “I heard that you’re very good at cheating when you are gambling?”

Linda hurriedly explained, “Mr. Wade, in fact, I only know a few tricks to cheat…”

Charlie Wade nodded as he asked, “So, could you tell me how you cheated in the mahjong game today?”

Linda hurriedly explained,” Well, I can actually customize the settings on the automatic mahjong machine. I can set all the presets for the tiles in advance on my computer. After that, I can just activate it on my cell phone at any time. When the automatic mahjong machine shuffles the tiles, it will simply follow my request and shuffle the tiles according to my settings.”

Linda continued explaining, “When the time comes, I can simply use the software to control the number of tiles and I can specify the tiles that would go to each player. I purposely gave your mother-in-law all but one tile that would make up the Heavenly Hand and it is actually a dead end.

She would never be able to win the game because I had already given another player the tile that she would need in order to win. Moreover, both Hannah and Gianna are working together with me. So, it was basically impossible for your mother-in-law to win…”

After listening to Linda’s explanation, Charlie Wade nodded slightly before he asked, “So, how many people have you harmed and cheated using this method?”

Linda hurriedly replied, “Not many, not many…I don’t usually do such a thing.”

Charlie Wade frowned before he asked, “So, how many gamblers did you help the casino to cheat when you were working as a croupier in Macau? Among these gamblers you’ve cheated, how many of them have gone bankrupt and sold their own sons or daughters, or even taken their own lives because of you?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 602

“This…this…” Linda was sweating profusely at this time.

Over the years, she had already done plenty of such evil acts. She did not know how many lives she had ruined.

Gambling was in itself an abyss that could swallow everything up. Some people fell into this abyss on their own, while others fell into it with their entire families.

However, Linda had never cared about the life or death of these victims at all. She felt that this was her means to earn a living. How could she possibly win if other people did not lose?

Therefore, she has never felt guilty because of these people.

Charlie Wade could see right through the hearts of these people.

People like this were the cruelest and most ruthless vampires in this world.

She lived by sucking other people’s blood and she did not care whether other people would die because she was sucking all of their blood.

Charlie Wade naturally had no sympathy for such people.

He looked at Linda with a playful expression on her face as he smiled and said, “Well, let’s do this then. Why don’t you play a few games with me?”

Linda was stunned and she asked in surprise, “Mr. Wade, what would you like to play?”

Charlie Wade replied, “I don’t know how to gamble. I don’t know how to play poker, mahjong, or anything else. I only know how to play rock paper scissors.”

Linda asked with a puzzled expression on her face, “You want to play rock paper scissors with me?”

Charlie Wade nodded before he said, “Yes, I’m going to play rock paper scissors with you. We’ll bet ten million dollars for each game. What do you think about that?”

“This…this…” Linda was very nervous at this time. “Mr. Wade, I do not dare to play with you…”

Charlie Wade replied, “You’ll have to play no matter if you want to or otherwise!”

Linda nodded before she replied in an anxious manner, “Okay then. I’ll do as you say, Mr. Wade…”

After that, Linda asked again, “Mr. Wade, are we going to play now?”

Charlie Wade smiled before he said, “Don’t worry, we aren’t in a rush. I’ll have to make some preparations to cheat before we start playing.”

“Preparations to cheat?” Linda was very surprised.

Charlie Wade smiled before he asked, “You don’t know what I am talking about? Just like how you made all the plans and preparations before you cheat my mother-in-law out of her money, I’m going to do the same to win all of your money today.”

“Ah?” Linda felt even more puzzled at this time.

What could Charlie Wade possibly do to cheat in rock paper scissors?

She had been cheating people for a lifetime but she really did not understand how anyone could possibly cheat in rock paper scissors!

Was he going to deliberately be a few seconds behind his opponent? Was he going to wait to see what other people were going to do before he showed his hand?

But that was simply too low and underhanded, right?

Before Linda could even figure out what Charlie Wade was going to do, Charlie Wade suddenly grabbed her right hand and straightened all five of her fingers before breaking them all at once. Crack!

All five of her fingers broke at once!

Linda cried out in pain but Charlie Wade simply raised her left hand before he broke all five fingers on her left hand as well.

Linda could no longer control any of her ten fingers and all ten of her fingers were limp as they hung onto her skin in an unnatural manner.

At this time, Charlie Wade simply said, “Well, if your hand is in that position, I’m going to assume that you are showing paper by default. If you’re going to form a rock, you’ll have to curl all five of your fingers to make a fist. If you’re going to form a scissors, you have to make a V with your fingers. Do you understand me?”

Linda cried out loud as she said, “Mr. Wade, all ten of my fingers are broken! How can I possibly form a rock or scissors now?”

Charlie Wade replied disdainfully, “That is none of my business. It has nothing to do with me at all. After all, when you cheat people of their money, you had also made sure that they had no chance of winning at all. I’m simply giving you a taste of your own medicine today! This is what they call to deal with a man according to how they deal with you.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 603

Linda was completely devastated.

Never did she expect that Charlie Wade, with his harmless and innocent appearance, would be so ruthless and cruel!

He broke her ten fingers and asked her to play rock-paper-scissors with him. She could only form the shape of paper with her broken fingers, which could only mean that she would keep on losing in the game!

Charlie Wade glanced at her blankly and said, “Alright, let’s begin.”

He shook his hand while muttering, “Rock, paper, scissors!”

As soon as his voice fell, he immediately formed a scissors hand.

Linda couldn’t control her fingers at all. She glared at Charlie Wade with her sorrowful eyes.

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “Okay, scissors beats paper, I win. You owe me ten million.”

“Come on, let’s play the second round.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 604


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