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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 607

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 606

“Huh?!” Hannah shrieked in a panic, “But I just donated fifteen million as you said…”

“So what?” Charlie Wade said coldly. “You’re the mastermind behind today’s scam, do you think it’s fair for me to punish Linda alone?”

“Yeah!” Linda growled indignantly, “She’s the real culprit!”


Charlie Wade looked at Hannah and smirked, “See, even your accomplice says that you’re the culprit. You have to go to the coal mine with your pal here and contribute to the Hope Foundation.”

Then, he pointed to the woman named Gianna and commanded, “And you too, the three of you, get ready to work at the coal mine and redeem yourself.”

Gianna cried out loud. She shook her head and hands, knocked her head on the floor to beg, and wailed, “No, please don’t! I’m innocent! Linda dragged me here to join them for mahjong, that’s all! I don’t know about their plan, I don’t know anything!”

Charlie Wade said coldly, “Do you think I’d believe you? Shut up when I ask nicely and I’ll spare your family. If I hear a single yelp from you, you’ll end up like Linda and your whole family will go to the coal mine with you!”

Gianna shut her mouth tightly and shivered in great fear. Indeed, she didn’t mumble a word although she was terrified.

Then, Charlie Wade said to Albert, “Albert, make a headcount of all of these bullies here, including Hudson, and send all of them to work in the coal mine. They will be given the worst accommodation and food, a monthly salary of two thousand dollars, and they’ll work all year round!”

He added in a louder and stern voice, “If these people work hard and voluntarily work overtime, give them a reasonable salary increment. On the contrary, if they are lazy and procrastinate, deduct their salary accordingly. No matter what, as long as they manage to accumulate three hundred grand to donate to the Hope Foundation, let them go.”

Two thousand a month, twenty-four thousand a year, it would take more than a decade to accumulate three hundred thousand dollars.

Even if their salary was increased to three thousand a month, thirty-six thousand a year, they still needed at least nine years to reach the three hundred thousand mark.

Charlie Wade felt that since these people were part of the gambling racket, they had to atone for those families who were ruined by gambling and bankrupt. They also had to atone for the children who had gone through all kinds of hardships because of their parents’ gambling habits.

Sending them to work at the coal mine and make a donation with their salary was the best punishment for them.

Albert nodded and said, “Okay, Master Wade, I’ll prepare a bus right away and send them there!”

Charlie Wade commanded, “Before you let those gangsters on the bus, break their legs so as to prevent them from trying to escape from the mine.”

“Alright, Master Wade. Don’t worry, I’ll break their leg here, then have them cuffed with iron chains all day long when they arrive at the coal mine so that they can’t run away!”

“Good.” Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction.

Hannah cried desperately and pleaded, “Charlie Wade, you can’t lock me at the coal mine forever… I still have my husband and children to take care of and my mother-in-law to support…”

Charlie Wade said flatly, “Simple, the same rule applies to you too, I’ll let you go when you save enough to make the three hundred thousand dollar donation.”

Hannah wailed loudly, “No, Charlie Wade, you can’t do this to me! We are family!”

“Family? Why didn’t you think of this when you cheated my mother-in-law? Why didn’t you think that we are family then?”


Elaine Ma, who had been silent throughout, shouted angrily, “Hannah Queen, you cruel b*tch, you wanted to con me and now you talk about family?”

Hannah knelt in front of her, crying and begging, “Elaine Ma, I’m so sorry, I know I did you wrong, but I’m still your sister-in-law after all. Please forgive me!”

Elaine Ma kicked her aside and growled, “You conned me. You let me lose two million dollars, then you aimed your target at my house, then my villa. You were trying to drive us to a dead-end! You are a cruel and greedy b*tch!”

Then, something crossed Elaine Ma’s mind suddenly. She slapped her thigh and screamed, “D*mn, my money!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 607

Elaine Ma completely forgot about her money when she was immersed by the scene of the people wailing and crying.

When the thought struck her mind, she turned to Charlie Wade and yelled, “Hurry, ask them to return the money to me! They won more than two million dollars from me!”

Charlie Wade asked them to donate their money to Hope Foundation for two reasons, one was to punish them and the other was to teach his mother-in-law a lesson.

You were always so greedy and dissatisfied with your current situation, weren’t you?

You were addicted to gambling, weren’t you?

You thought that you could make a fortune and be rich by playing mahjong, didn’t you?

Well, I let you lose all your money so that this experience would stick in your mind!

Charlie Wade looked at the women on the floor and asked, already knowing what their answer would be, “Hey, about the money you won from my mother-in-law—quickly discuss how you’re going to repay her!”

They exchanged befuddled glances and cried, “We’ve donated all our money to the foundation, including her money…”

Charlie Wade turned to Elaine Ma and shrugged indifferently, “Sorry, Mom, they don’t have the money.”

“What?!” Elaine Ma gaped in horror and then screamed in great dismay. She barged forward, grabbed Hannah’s hair with one hand and Linda’s hair with the other, and shook their heads violently. She even bumped their heads together like two bowling balls.

She screamed and cursed hysterically, “Argh, b*tches! Give me back my money! Give it back to me!!!”

A lot of their hair was torn off their scalps from the shaking and tugging. Their painful wails echoed through the house. Hannah cried out aggrievedly, “Elaine Ma, please let go, Elaine Ma, please! Your money has gone mostly to Linda, I only won a little from you and I donated it all…”

Elaine Ma let go of Hannah and grabbed Linda’s hair with both hands. Then, she released one hand to slap and scratch her face until it was covered in blood and was swelling badly.

“Linda Howard, you’d better return the money to me today or I’ll scratch your skin off your face! Argh, d*mn you! I’ll ruin your face!”

Linda didn’t dare to fight back although she was in great pain. She could only cry and beg, saying, “Elaine Ma, I’m sorry. Elaine Ma, please let me go. I really don’t have the money now, I donated all of them to the charity at your son-in-law’s order, that includes the money that I won from you. I really don’t have any money to give you…”

Elaine Ma was out of her mind. She scratched Linda’s mouth and shouted, “I don’t care! Give me back my money! Give me back my money!”

Soon, the corner of Linda’s mouth was torn and bleeding. Her face grimaced in pain and she wailed in horror.

Elaine Ma had gone completely crazy now. All she wanted was to get her money back which was all the money their family had. These people conned her of all her money.

Now she had only taken back her house and nothing else…

She knocked Linda to the floor, crouched over her, and slapped her non-stop.

Linda was in utter pain. She screamed and struggled violently. Suddenly, there was a sudden cracking sound from the pocket of Linda’s jacket. Elaine Ma and Linda froze.

After a while, Elaine Ma roared, “Bangle! My bangle! My jade bangle!”

She screamed like a lunatic as she reached out to Linda’s pocket. Abruptly, she yelped in pain and withdrew her hand. Her fingers had been cut and were bleeding.

Even so, she reached in Linda’s pocket again and retrieved a small part of the broken jade bangle out of the pocket…

Elaine Ma sat on the floor and howled in despair as she looked at the broken bangle!

The jade bangle that was worth five million dollars!

And she had broken it!

The most valuable jadeite jewelry were bangles. A bangle with such a good quality could fetch up to four or five million on the market. However, once broken, they could only be made into rings or pendants that would only be worth around two hundred thousand…

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 608

Elaine Ma was on the verge of collapsing.

She couldn’t collect the two million dollars and she broke the five million dollar jade bangle. It was a terrible loss!

She turned her glare at Gianna and shouted hysterically, “You! You didn’t donate your money! Give me back my money! Give me all my money back or I’ll kill you! I’ll f*cking kill you!”

Gianna knelt on the floor in fright, crying and pleading, “I don’t have any money, I’m very poor. I only have around sixty thousand in my savings account. I’ll transfer it all to you if you want it…”

Elaine Ma slapped her furiously and growled, “I don’t believe you! Show me your balance! Hurry!”

“I really don’t have any money, I have an income of two thousand something a month. I wouldn’t have joined Linda to con people if I were rich…”

Then, she took out her phone, opened the mobile banking app, and showed Elaine Ma her balance. It really only had sixty-three thousand dollars in it.

Elaine Ma nearly fainted.

What could she do with sixty-three thousand dollars?!

She had lost a hundred times that amount!

Elaine Ma turned her fury gaze at Charlie Wade and yelled, “You! It’s all your fault! Loser, why did you let them donate the money? Why didn’t you let them pay me back?!”

Charlie Wade frowned in annoyance and said monotonously, “Mom, I just saved your life. Nothing is more important than that!”

“Argh!” Elaine Ma stomped furiously, “I don’t need you to save my life! I want you to get my money back! Now that my money’s all gone, what’s the point of staying alive? Give me back my money! Give it back!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 609


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