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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 642

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 641

As soon as Donald’s voice fell, all of his bodyguards swarmed into the clinic immediately!

The bodyguards began kicking all of the medicine racks on the sides of the clinic as they knocked down all the Chinese medical herbs and materials to the ground. After that, they also smashed all the medicine pots into pieces on the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the huge medical hall had turned into a complete mess.

Anthony trembled in anger, but he knew that there was no way he would be able to stop them. Therefore, he could only watch silently as the bodyguards continued smashing and destroying his clinic in front of him.

The clinic was completely in a mess and ruined, and it did not look anything like it did just a short while ago.

Donald snorted coldly before he said, “Dr. Simmons, I will give you another three days to consider my proposal. Before you agree to my request, I will come and smash and destroy your clinic if you dare to reopen your clinic at any time! You’d better think twice before you do anything or make any decisions…”

After that, Donald turned around as he left the clinic with Sean and his bodyguards.

When the young staff working at the Serene World Clinic saw that everything in the medical hall had been smashed and destroyed, he cried out loud as he asked Anthony, “Dr. Simmons, should we call the police?”

Anthony waved his hand slightly before he said, “No. The Webb family is very influential and has connections everywhere. Even if we called the police, we will not be able to solve anything at all.”

The young man hurriedly asked, “What should we do, then?”

Anthony replied, “We will just repair and fix all the damages done to the Serene World Clinic so that we can reopen and resume business as soon as possible.”

The young man quickly said, “But the guy just now said that if you reopen your clinic, he will send his men over to smash and destroy your clinic again…”

Anthony replied indifferently, “So, does that mean that I will stop opening my clinic and medical hall just because I am afraid that he will send his men here to smash and destroy my clinic? I have been studying medicine my entire life. Should I really stop seeing or treating my patients simply because I am afraid he will send his men to come and destroy my clinic?”

When the young man saw the indifferent expression on Anthony’s face, he could not help but sigh. He could feel the courage of the old genius doctor, and he knew that he was a very kindhearted man who was worried about the patients who would not be able to receive his treatments.

At this time, the young man quickly asked, “Should I call Sister Xyla and ask her to come back as soon as possible? She is probably waiting to pick you up so that you can attend Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet.”

Anthony nodded as he suddenly recalled that today was Lord Mooore’s birthday!

When Lord Mooore had come to see him for treatment a few days ago, he had already told him about his upcoming eightieth birthday banquet. Lord Mooore had also personally invited him to participate and attend his birthday banquet.

Xyla specifically drove to Raventon yesterday so that she could prepare a birthday gift for Lord Mooore. She was planning to drive back to Aurouss Hilll this morning before coming to the Serene World Clinic to pick him up so that they could go to the Moore family mansion together.

At this time, Anthony suddenly recalled that he had heard rumors stating that Donald and his son were both currently staying at the Moore family mansion!

Therefore, both of them would definitely be attending the birthday banquet that would be held at noon later!

As he thought about this, Anthony suddenly decided not to attend the birthday banquet anymore. If he attended the birthday banquet, he would inevitably run into the father and son from the Webb family. He did not want to end up quarreling with them and causing trouble for the birthday star who was already old.

Anthony felt that it would be better if he did not go instead.

Moreover, he truly did not have the mood to attend the birthday banquet at this time.

The Serene World Clinic had been smashed and destroyed, and all he could think about was how he could restore and reopen his clinic as soon as possible.

Besides, Anthony knew very well that he could not possibly take the Serene World Clinic off his mind at this moment. Even if he forced himself to attend Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet, he would be very absent-minded at the party because he would not be able to get his mind off the Serene World Clinic.

If Lord Mooore noticed that something was amiss, Anthony would be placed in a very difficult position if he had to explain himself.

After putting some thought into it, Anthony gave Lord Mooore a call. He excused himself from the party, stating that he couldn’t make it because he wasn’t feeling too well.

Lord Mooore was very worried and concerned about Anthony and was only relieved after Anthony told him that he was merely feeling a little under the weather because he had caught a cold as it was rather chilly nowadays. Lord Mooore did not force Anthony to come for his birthday banquet, but he made an appointment to meet up with him in private some other day instead.

At this time, Donald and his son were both driving back to the Moore family mansion after leaving the Serene World Clinic.

Donald’s initial plan was to come over and tell Anthony about his youngest son’s condition. He was originally certain that Anthony would have definitely agreed to help the Webb family. Therefore, he had already prepared to make the necessary arrangements for a private jet to send Anthony over to Sudbury immediately to treat his youngest son, Kian. After that, he would attend Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet with Sean before heading back to Sudbury after the party.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 642

However, Donald never expected reality to be so cruel even though he had already planned everything perfectly.

Anthony had directly rejected Donald’s proposal without any hesitation whatsoever. Besides that, he even said that his youngest son could only blame himself for the predicament that he was in. This made him very angry.

After getting into the car, Donald continued cursing as he said, “Anthony, that old dog! He really does not know what’s good for himself! I would have taken his life if I did not have to worry about getting into a lot of trouble!”

On the contrary, Sean was secretly feeling very happy.

He had initially been very worried that Anthony would truly be able to cure his younger brother.

Unexpectedly, after visiting his clinic, Anthony had actually completely refused to treat his younger brother. As a result, Sean would not have to worry about having a strong competitor on his path to inheriting the Webb family fortune.

However, he could not publicly display his feelings or emotions. Therefore, he could only say, “Dad, why don’t we hire a few hitmen to go over and kill that old man one night?”

“No!” Donald blurted out immediately. “Even though this old man might not have a lot of money, many powerful and influential people actually owe him a lot of favors. They are all expecting him to live a long and healthy life. Killing him would be equivalent to pronouncing the early deaths of many powerful figures in advance. At that time, the Webb family will definitely become the subject of public criticism!”

Sean nodded before he said, “Alright, then. We will just do everything according to what you have decided, dad. We will smash and destroy his clinic as long as he dares to reopen it in the future!”

Donald replied, “That is just a little something to intimidate the old man. It would be best if I can force him to agree to see and treat your younger brother.”

Sean felt a little nervous, and he blurted out, “But Dad, that old man simply refused to agree to your request!”

Donald replied, “That is why I am going to ask for Lord Mooore’s help to intercede on my behalf.”

Sean hurriedly said, “Dad, it is Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet today. So, I think that it would not be appropriate for us to ask him for this favor now, right?”

“You’re right.” Donald nodded before he said, “We will talk to him about it tonight or tomorrow.”

Then, Donald looked at Sean before he said, “You have to hurry up and look for ways to cultivate and build a relationship with Jasmine as soon as you can. You have to get her to agree to marry you as soon as possible!”

Sean nodded before he said, “Dad, don’t worry. I have already instructed Cain to help me to carefully prepare a gift for Jasmine. I will give her the gift later. I believe that she will positively like it.”

Donald nodded before he said, “This young woman is very capable. If you can marry her, she will surely be of great help to the Webb family in the future. When you inherit the Webb family business, your grandfather and I can rest assured if you have Jasmine by your side to help you.”

Sean had a very determined expression on his face as he said, “Dad, don’t worry. I will definitely marry Jasmine and make her my woman!”

As they continued chatting, they had already arrived at the entrance of the Moore family mansion.

The lights were already lit up outside the main entrance of the Moore family mansion at this time.

As the head of the top and most influential family in Aurouss Hilll, Lord Mooore was a person of high status and authority. Therefore, it was only natural that his birthday banquet was very grand and luxurious.

Even though the banquet had not officially begun, many guests had already arrived in advance as they waited outside the gate of the mansion.

The Moore family was the top and most influential family in Aurouss Hilll after all. Thus, many smaller families were still trying to get into their good books.

Consequently, no one dared to neglect Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet.

At this time, even though Marcus’s father, Cain, was not invited to attend Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet, he had been waiting outside the gate of the Moore family mansion for a very long time.

When he saw Donald and his son arriving back at the Moore family mansion, he quickly rushed forward with a beautiful gift box in his hand.

As soon as Sean rolled the car window down, Cain hurriedly said, “Young Master Webb, I have the gift that you asked me to prepare for you. This is the finest masterpiece of the top Italian jewelry designer, Mr. Fischer. You gave me one hundred million dollars for it, but I only used ninety-eight million dollars!”

Sean took the gift box from his hand and when he opened it, he saw a beautifully shaped bracelet inlaid with dozens of pink natural diamonds which was very valuable.

Donald asked, “Did you prepare this bracelet for Jasmine?”

“Yes.” Sean smiled before he said, “The bracelet she is wearing right now looks very cheap and ugly! I believe that bracelet only cost several hundred thousand dollars. I think she will absolutely love this bracelet that I am going to give to her!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 643

When Donald saw that Sean had already begun to take action, he nodded in satisfaction as he praised him, “Good job, Sean! You have already learned to observe the fine details so that you can take advantage of the situation to advance forward!”

Sean smiled before he said, “Dad, I have already been following you around for so long, thus, I have learned and picked up some of your skills. However, I still have a lot to learn from you as I am still far behind you.”

“No,” Donald said seriously, “It is good enough that you noticed that Jasmine’s bracelet is relatively old and worthless. That is already a very big improvement. Moreover, you even took the initiative to buy her a nicer and more expensive bracelet. That proves that you are already learning to take action because you are much more mature and stable now! That is not bad at all. You did very well!”

Sean was overjoyed when his father praised him. When he saw Cain looking at him with a desperate expression on his face, Cain smiled before he said in satisfaction, “Cain, this bracelet is truly very beautiful. You did very well this time. If you continue doing things this well for me in the future, I will not treat you badly at all.”

Cain replied respectfully, “Yes, sir! I will do my absolute best for you!”

After that, Cain hurriedly handed the remaining two million dollars to Sean as he said, “This is the remaining two million dollars after buying the bracelet.”

When Sean saw how sincere Cain was, he was very satisfied and he said, “You can keep the two million dollars for yourself.”

Even though Cain did not care about the two million dollars at all, he knew that this was a reward and incentive that Sean was giving to him. Therefore, he nodded in excitement before he said gratefully, “Thank you, sir!”

At this time, Donald was also looking at Cain with a very satisfied expression on his face.

He did not expect Cain to not only have a sufficiently pious attitude, but the latter had also gotten his work done so neatly and perfectly.

Besides, Cain was also the first person who had pledged his allegiance and agreed to become the Webb family’s dog after they had come to Aurouss Hilll.

Therefore, Donald felt that he should reward Cain for his loyalty.

At this time, Donald suddenly asked, “Cain, did Lord Mooore invite you to attend his birthday banquet today?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 644


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