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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 647

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 646

Claire Wilson Wilson came out of the bedroom as she stretched her waist and asked Charlie Wade, “Do you have something on today?”

Charlie Wade replied, “I am going to attend a friend’s birthday party later at noon.”

After that, Charlie Wade asked Claire Wilson Wilson, “Wife, did you need something?”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded slightly before she said, “Yes, I wanted to do some shopping, but if you’re busy, you can go ahead and do your own thing! I will ask Loreen to accompany me.”

Charlie Wade replied, “Sorry, my dear wife. You can go shopping with Loreen today. I will accompany you some other day.”

Claire Wilson Wilson smiled slightly as she said, “Okay, then.”

Charlie Wade’s mother-in-law, Elaine Ma, had a very black face as she said, “Oh, Charlie Wade, are you going to attend your friend’s birthday party? Is he old?”

Charlie Wade nodded as he said, “Yes, he is eighty years old.”

Elaine Ma sneered before she said, “Are you trying to use your set of silly skills to try and fool those old men so that you can cheat them out of all their money?”

Charlie Wade simply replied, “I did not lie to anyone.”

“You are still pretending even now?” Elaine Ma said as she snorted coldly. “Are there any more wealthy and powerful figures in Aurouss Hilll that have not been fooled by you yet? Let me tell you something. I can already predict your future. You are no different from those fortune-tellers from back then. Only two futures are awaiting you. You will either end up in prison or get hacked to death!”

Elaine Ma had been very upset with Charlie Wade recently. The main reason was simply because Charlie Wade has donated all of the money she had lost to Linda and Hannah to the Hope Foundation.

Now, her pockets were even cleaner than her face. Even though her store-value card for the beauty salon had already been used up, she did not have the money to top up the card to renew the beauty services. Elaine Ma did not know how she was going to explain things to her husband or daughter if they found out she had lost all the family money.

Elaine Ma felt that Charlie Wade was the main culprit behind this matter!

Therefore, she was naturally very unhappy with Charlie Wade.

When Jacob Wilson heard Elaine Ma targeting Charlie Wade again, he hurriedly stood up to defend him as he said, “Seriously, why are you doing this again? What did Charlie Wade ever do to you? Don’t you think that Charlie Wade has really done well to prove himself during this time?”

“What a load of crap!” Elaine Ma did not know that when Jacob Wilson had attended a gathering with his old classmates not too long ago, he had managed to save himself a lot of face because of Charlie Wade.

When Elaine Ma saw her husband speaking up for Charlie Wade, she started cursing immediately, “Jacob Wilson, don’t be fooled by this guy over here! Otherwise, you will not even know when you have already been sold out by him!”

Jacob Wilson was too lazy to be bothered with Elaine Ma. Instead, he simply handed his BMW car keys over to Charlie Wade before he said, “Charlie Wade, Dad has already reserved a room at The Heaven Springs for dinner tonight. I will be having dinner with the leaders of the Calligraphy and Painting Association. I will definitely be drinking a little with them, so I don’t think that I will be able to drive home later. Can you keep my car keys so that you can come and pick me up from The Heaven Springs later tonight?”

Charlie Wade nodded slightly before he took the car keys and asked, “Dad, what time should I pick you up?”

Jacob Wilson replied, “We have already made an appointment to meet up for dinner at seven o’clock. I think that we should be done by about half-past eight to nine o’clock. You can come to The Heaven Springs to wait for me at half-past eight tonight.”


As soon as Charlie Wade had agreed to pick Jacob Wilson up, Elaine Ma anxiously asked, “Jacob Wilson! Are you going to treat your guests to dinner at The Heaven Springs tonight? Where did you get so much money?”

Jacob Wilson did not dare to say that Charlie Wade was the one who had given him the money. Therefore, he retorted immediately, “Why do you care so much about the origins of my money? I am not spending your money anyway!”

Elaine Ma replied angrily, “Don’t you know that it will cost you at least twenty to thirty thousand dollars just to book a room to host a dinner at The Heaven Springs? Do you have so much money to waste?”

Jacob Wilson said angrily, “I’ve already told you a long time ago that I want to compete for the position of the standing director. What is twenty or thirty thousand dollars for a meal? Besides, I am not spending any of your money at all!”

Elaine Ma became very furious, and she blurted out, “I can already go to the beauty salon to do several face and body treatments with twenty thousand dollars! Why do you have to use so much money just to entertain some guests for dinner?”

Jacob Wilson retorted, “I’ve never once stopped you when you go to the beauty salon and spend ten to twenty thousand dollars there every month! You are also keeping our family’s savings of more than two million dollars in your bank account. You can spend your money, and I can spend my own money. Why are you still trying to control what I do with my own money?”

Elaine Ma was startled when Jacob Wilson suddenly mentioned the family’s savings.

Their family savings of two million dollars was indeed supposed to be in her bank account, but now, it had already been donated to the Hope Foundation!
She did not even have money to go to a beauty salon for facials anymore!

How great would it be if she could use the twenty thousand dollars that Jacob Wilson was going to spend on food on her facials at the beauty salon instead?

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 647

Charlie Wade truly felt like laughing when he saw Elaine Ma’s performance.

He knew that Elaine Ma was really short of money right now. She usually spent a lot of money all by herself, but she had to be very sad now that all of her money was completely exhausted.

Now, Elaine Ma felt even more depressed when she saw that Jacob Wilson was going to The Heaven Springs for dinner tonight.

Sure enough, Elaine Ma said to Jacob Wilson, “No! I want you to give me the twenty thousand dollars you are going to spend on dinner tonight!”

“Why should I do that?” Jacob Wilson was also very anxious and he blurted out, “Elaine Ma, I am warning you not to go too far! All of our family’s savings are already in your hands. Even if you do not want to give it to me, it’s fine. Yet, you are still trying to ask me to give you my own money?”

Elaine Ma had a guilty conscience, but she continued speaking stubbornly, “Can’t you just go to a cheaper place for dinner tonight? You can just spend ten thousand dollars on dinner and give me the other ten thousand dollars instead!”

Jacob Wilson replied angrily, “You have so much money in your hands! Why do you have to take ten thousand dollars from me? Don’t you think that you are being too much?”

Elaine Ma said angrily, “I don’t care anymore! If you don’t give me ten thousand dollars today, I will not let you go out for dinner tonight! If I allow you to step out of this house today, it will mean that I, Elaine Ma, have already lost!”

“You are insane!” Jacob Wilson replied as he slammed his chopsticks down on the table. After that, he said angrily, “I am warning you not to take things too far, Elaine Ma! I’ve finally managed to invite the president and all the board members out for dinner tonight, and I have already informed them that we will be having dinner at The Heaven Springs. If you make me lose face, I will never forgive you or let you go just like this!”

“Alright, then! You can just come at me. Who is afraid of whom?”

Elaine Ma was very anxious because she really wanted to take the ten thousand dollars from Jacob Wilson!

If she could just get her hands on the ten thousand dollars, she would be able to renew her beauty pass and go for a facial with her friends later in the afternoon.

Earlier that morning, everyone in her group chat had already made an appointment with one another to go to the beauty salon for a facial together in the afternoon. However, since Elaine Ma did not have any more money inside her card, she could only decline the invitation under the pretext that she had something on in the afternoon.

If Jacob Wilson could give the ten thousand dollars to her, she could go and join her friends for a facial as usual!

Jacob Wilson almost cried out in anger when he heard Elaine Ma’s words. He stood up and glared at Elaine Ma as he said indignantly, “Elaine Ma, why are you so unreasonable? We always give you all the money we bring home, and I even gave you the hundreds of thousands of dollars that I made from my antique sales. Why are you still not satisfied with what you have? Don’t try and push your luck too far!”

Elaine Ma gritted her teeth before she said, “Is ten thousand dollars not enough for a meal? I just want to curb your habit of spending so wastefully and extravagantly! I really do not want you to be a spendthrift!”

Jacob Wilson’s eyes flashed red with anger as he said, “Think about it yourself! How much pocket money do I get from you throughout the entire year? When have I ever been wasteful or extravagant in my spending? In my opinion, you are the one who is wasteful and extravagant! Look at all the clothes and jewelry you own. Even though you cannot fit any more clothes into your cupboard, you still buy clothes endlessly!”

Elaine Ma replied angrily, “I have been suffering so many grievances for so many years after I married you! Can’t you just allow me to buy some clothes? Do you still have a conscience?”

After that, tears started rolling down Elaine Ma’s cheeks as she choked and said, “Back then, I suffered so much ridicule and insults when you got me pregnant before marriage! After marrying you, I was constantly bullied and humiliated by your mother. Now, you are even reprimanding me for simply buying some clothes for myself. I truly have a very miserable life!”

Jacob Wilson felt that he wanted to die at this point.

When they were younger, Elaine Ma was the one who had gotten him drunk so that she could end up sleeping with him!

If it weren’t because of what she had done, why would his first love have been so angry that she left for the United States?!

Elaine Ma had ruined his entire life, and the only reason why he chose to put up with her was because of his precious daughter. However, now, she would not even allow him to go out for dinner with his friends tonight! Wasn’t that a little too much?

As he thought about this, Jacob Wilson trembled in anger as he said, “Elaine Ma, don’t you know for yourself what you did back then? Do you really still have the gall to blame me for it?”

“What did I do?! You got me pregnant with your child!” Elaine Ma continued crying as she yelled out loud, “I was just an innocent girl whom you took advantage of after you got me drunk!”

“You… you are ridiculous!”

Jacob Wilson was so aggrieved that he truly felt like crying. Over the past few decades, he had been secretly enduring and suffering inside his heart. He never expected Elaine Ma to distort the truth and blame him for everything instead. How shameless could this woman be?!

At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson was already getting a little overwhelmed, and she said, “Dad, Mom, can the both of you just stop arguing already? Can we just have our breakfast in peace?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 648

After that, Claire Wilson Wilson looked at Elaine Ma before she said, “Mom, can you stop making things difficult for dad already? He does not usually spend much money anyway. Why are you confronting him now that he simply wants to treat some of his friends to dinner?”

Elaine Ma said, “I am simply trying to save some money for the family! Are we the kind of family who should be spending twenty thousand dollars just for a meal?”

After that, Elaine Ma glared at Jacob Wilson before she said, “No matter what it is, you will have to give me the money today, whether you want to or not!”

In truth, Claire Wilson Wilson already knew what her mother was up to.

She knew that her mother was just a very materialistic person who was mad about money. If her father refused to give her mother the money today, it would be impossible for him to leave the house.

At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson quickly cut in. “Mom, stop making things difficult for dad. You want ten thousand dollars, right? I will give it to you.”

“Okay!” Elaine Ma replied in excitement, “Then you’d better transfer the money over to me right away!”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded slightly before she took out her cell phone and transferred ten thousand dollars over to Elaine Ma.

Elaine Ma quickly turned on her cell phone to check that she had already received the money that Claire Wilson Wilson had transferred over to her. She could not help but grin to herself when she saw that she had already received the money.

After that, Elaine Ma quickly texted her group of five friends: [Sisters! I am joining all of you for the facial later in the afternoon!]

Someone in the group asked: [Eh! Didn’t you say that you had something on in the afternoon earlier in the morning?]

Elaine Ma hurriedly replied: [I was planning to go shopping at first, but my legs are hurting a little. So, I decided not to go shopping and to go to the beauty salon to do some facials and relax instead!]

Claire Wilson Wilson could not help but sigh helpless when she saw the look on her mother’s face after receiving the money from her. After all, Claire Wilson Wilson did not know that her mother was already left with nothing as she had already lost their entire family’s savings.

At this time, Charlie Wade’s cell phone started vibrating on the dining table.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 649


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