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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 657

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 656

Cain said with an arrogant grin, “Mr. Webb brought me in! To tell you the truth, I am now the Webb family’s man. As far as I’m concerned, no one here has the power and influence to go up against the Webb family, right? The Webb family is so much more powerful than all of you combined! If you dare touch me, you are literally provoking the Webb family!”

Cain looked very cocky and triumphant. He knew that by mentioning the Webb family, no one would dare to do anything to him.

When he glanced around him like an almighty cock, he saw a black shadow flash past him suddenly, and before he could react to it, his face was slapped hard!

He felt as though the sky had grown dark and starry after being slapped, and he stumbled backward from the great force. After managing to compose himself and stand still, he lifted his gaze and saw that the person who had slapped him was none other than Charlie Wade.

Charlie Wade plastered a wide smile on his face and said flatly, “I couldn’t be bothered if you didn’t mention the Webb family, but since you did, I have to show them some colors!”

“D*mn it! You slapped me! F*cker!”

Never did Cain expect that he would get a slap in the face when he mentioned the Webb family. Although Charlie Wade had slapped his face, it was the same as slapping the Webb family’s face!

Charlie Wade was nothing but a scammer who knew a trick or two to fool others, but he was going up against the Webb family, the most prominent family in the South Region!

Charlie Wade smiled at his curse and slapped him again. “Did you think I wouldn’t dare to slap you just because you are the Webb family’s dog? Let me tell you, I am slapping the Webb family’s dog! If you’re not happy about this, go and tell your master to come and see me!”

Before Charlie Wade came today, he had made up his mind.

Albert had called and given him a heads-up that the Webb family was looking for him everywhere for two reasons—he had turned Kian into a poop-eating monster, and he was the man Jasmine liked.

So, in due time, the Webb family would eventually figure it out and get to him.

In fact, there was a high chance that they already knew that Jasmine admired him. It was also possible that they were behind Cain’s obnoxious behavior toward him and the other guests.

If so, it was better if he could force the Webb family out of their foxhole and challenge them face-to-face rather than bothering himself with Cain, their lap dog.

Cain was going insane from Charlie Wade’s provocation.

He had clearly mentioned the Webb family’s name, and yet, Charlie Wade still dared to instigate them! Did he have a death wish?!

Alright, Charlie Wade Wade, since you wanted to die, I’ll fulfill your request!

Cain knew that Sean was watching them from the terrace on the second floor, so he raised his voice and shouted, “Charlie Wade Wade, I have already stated clearly that I am the Webb family’s man but you still dared to lay hands on me! Do you even take the Webb family seriously?!”

Charlie Wade noticed that he had been peeking toward the second-floor terrace sheepishly, so he guessed easily that his master was there.

Thus, he laughed out loud and said loudly, “The Webb family, so what? A family who keeps trash like you as their dogs must be trash themselves as well! Why do I have to take a bunch of trash seriously?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 657

Sean was extremely infuriated when he heard Charlie Wade insulting his family, so he turned and rushed down the stairs to confront Charlie Wade.

Meanwhile, Jasmine glared at Cain and his swollen face in disdain and gestured for her bodyguards.

She pointed at Cain when the bodyguards arrived and demanded, “Kick this guy out! Break his legs if he dares to come in again!”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

The bodyguards marched forward, grabbed Cain, and was about to drag him out of the yard when a chilly voice echoed from the house.

“How dare you! Let him go!”

With his hands behind his back, Sean walked down the stairs slowly, indifference and anger imprinted on his face.

Initially, he had wanted Cain to cause a scene and humiliate Charlie Wade in order to drag him down, making him look bad in front of Jasmine.

However, he did not expect that Charlie Wade would be so arrogant. He had slapped Cain twice on his face without any concern to the Webb family!

This was not the worst humiliation yet!

The worst thing Charlie Wade did was to call the Webb family trash!

This was totally unbearable!

The bodyguards didn’t dare to make another move since Sean had come down and ordered them to stop. They knew that Sean and his father were the distinguished guests of the family as they had lived in the house for a few days.

A flash of excitement flashed across Cain’s eyes, and he blurted, “Mr. Webb, please help me!”

Sean glared at him disdainfully and cursed quietly, ‘Useless dog, what good are you if you cannot handle such a small matter?’

Jasmine frowned in contempt and asked, “Sean, what are you doing? Do you have anything to do with this?”

Sean said flatly, “Nothing. Still, Cain is our guy. He came with me and my dad. If you throw him out now, you are humiliating us!”

Then, he turned to Charlie Wade and said, “And you! How dare you slap my man and insult my family! Kneel now and slap yourself as a punishment, otherwise, you won’t like what I’m going to do to you!”

For him, although Cain was his dog, only he could beat him, not other people! This represented his pride, his family’s pride!

Charlie Wade looked back at him and asked, “Why? Is your family very powerful?”

“Of course,” Sean sneered arrogantly, “The Webb family is the number one family in the South Region. We are among the top families in the country! How dare you say that my family is rubbish?!”

Charlie Wade smirked at his remark and eyed him from head to toe. Indeed, he and his brother were very much alike. They were truly brothers of the same mother.

However, before he could say anything, Jasmine stepped forward and hurriedly said, “Sean, Cain was the one who started it all. Please don’t put Master Wade in a difficult position.”

“Master Wade?” Sean became very agitated when Jasmine stepped forward to defend Charlie Wade, and he blurted, “He is just a loser, why do you call him master?”

Jasmine said solemnly, “Sean, please be respectful! Master Wade is my idol, I won’t allow you to slander him like that!”

Sean was getting more and more annoyed by her reaction. She was supposed to be the goddess of them all, but instead, she was being Charlie Wade the loser’s ass-kisser!

He growled in dismay as if he was spilling all the hatred and wrath inside him. “Why? What does this dude have that I don’t?! I’m supposed to be the one you admire and flatter! You’re so blind and ignorant!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 658

Sean sneered in disdain. “Jasmine, don’t say I didn’t warn you. This guy insulted the Webb family and bit our dog. Even if Lord Mooore comes to talk it out, we won’t let him off so easily!”

Then, he pointed at Cain and shouted to Charlie Wade, “I’ll forgive you temporarily if you kneel before my dog and apologize, and then kneel before me and apologize again!”

Cain was over the moon when he heard it. He would wag his tail if he had one!

He was thankful that Sean had stood up for him after he had been slapped twice! So, while covering his swollen cheek, he strode to Charlie Wade and said arrogantly, “You heard him, right? Kneel before me right now!!”

Charlie Wade snorted contemptuously, and then, in a split second, he stretched his arm out, grabbed Cain’s neck, and lifted him upward!

Sean watched the scene with wide eyes, completely dumbfounded!

Never did he expect that Charlie Wade could lift a 150-pound man with one arm, his feet suspended off the ground!

Cain could only feel a strong force strangling his neck as his legs were kicking in the air. However, the more he struggled, the more he became breathless!

Charlie Wade stared at Cain and said coldly, “If you dare to utter one more word, I’ll carve the words ‘pathetic jerk’ on your forehead just as I did to your son!”

Then, he flung him to the floor.

Cain yelped loudly in pain as he was slammed to the floor. He felt as though the bones in his body were all broken, but he was frightened by Charlie Wade’s ruthlessness and charisma, so he crawled to Sean’s side with his mouth tightly shut.

Jasmine urged her bodyguards indignantly, “What are you standing there for? Kick this man out of our property right now!”

The bodyguards nodded and immediately marched forward, restraining Cain.

Cain frantically shouted, “Mr. Webb, Mr. Webb, help me!”

Sean clenched his knuckles tightly until they turned white. This was an utter humiliation that he had never had to face before!

The wrath of fury was burning violently in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said to Jasmine, “Do you know that this loser is a married man and a useless live-in son-in-law? How dare you kick my people out for him?!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 659


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