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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 662

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 661

In Lord Mooore’s opinion, Charlie Wade had always been the best candidate for the son-in-law of the Moore family.

With his eighty years of life experience, he knew at a glance that Charlie Wade was extraordinary!

Charlie Wade was the first man he recognized to possess powerful abilities that were comparable to a true dragon on earth!

In addition to the wonderful effects of the Rejuvenating Pill, he was more convinced of Charlie Wade’s ability and wanted to lean on him.

Establishing a good relationship with the Webb family was nothing more than diversifying more routes to make even more money for the family.

However, the Moore family was considered rich even though they were not as wealthy as the Webb family.

There was not much difference between a net worth of 100 billion dollars or 200 billion dollars, it only equaled one thing—they already owned more money than they could spend.

Moreover, for Lord Mooore, money was no longer important. Lifespan and health were the most important of all!

Therefore, his dire wish was for Charlie Wade to marry into their family and become Jasmine’s husband. How could he tolerate others ridiculing Charlie Wade on the family’s territory?!

Donald and Sean were dumbstruck.

After Donald being so direct and blunt, they didn’t expect that Lord Mooore would choose Charlie Wade over the Webb family!

Donald felt his face burning with rage. He hated Lord Mooore very much for his biases and thought to himself, ‘D*mn it, you annoying old coot! How dare you put me on the spot in front of so many people! I’m the future head of the Webb family! You’ve tarnished my reputation!’

Sean was equally annoyed. He frowned and complained, “Grandpa Moore, as far as I’m concerned, this Charlie Wade Wade is just a feng shui scammer! Don’t be fooled by this piece of rubbish!”

Lord Mooore’s face immediately turned dark and sullen.

He glared at Sean and chided coldly, “I’ve lived for eighty years, I think I know how to judge people. I don’t need your guidance!”

Donald was equally sullen upon hearing this and said, “Uncle, does that mean you are taking this outsider’s side?”

“Yes!” Lord Mooore stated firmly. “In my eyes, Master Wade is the true dragon on earth, no one can compare to him!”

Lord Mooore’s loud and stern voice echoed across the yard!

Everyone froze on the spot, astonished!

Donald was extremely annoyed.

His pet peeve was the tarnish of his dignity, and Lord Mooore had literally just done so!

At this moment, he wanted to walk away and completely cut ties with the Moore family!

The Webb family was more influential and powerful than the Moore family. If the Webb family announced that they would break ties with the Moore family, the Moore family would inevitably be impacted by negative forces that would cost them at least several billions of losses!

However, if he walked away right now, there would be no turning back, and his wish for his son to marry Jasmine would never be granted!

After spending his entire life in a wealthy family, Donald knew very well about the importance of a good wife to wealthy men.

If Sean married an ordinary woman, she would not be able to bring him any assistance and may even diminish his will and determination to fight and strive for success.

If Sean married a celebrity, she would ultimately become a prodigal who sucked his fortune like a greedy vampire sucking his blood and spent lavishly, and that would eventually lead their family to bankruptcy.

If Sean married an unproductive rich girl with an irritating temperament, she would probably drag him into joining the bandwagon of the prodigal. It would be like dumping their billion-dollar inheritance into the ocean.

He had seen too many cases of wealthy men marrying the wrong women and spending the rest of their lives in regrets.

Therefore, he was determined for his son to marry the perfect wife who was gentle and charming and could bring great help to him and his family!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 662

Jasmine was the best candidate as his son’s wife!

Donald was a little hesitant and indecisive when he thought of it.

Following Donald’s gloomy silence, the atmosphere turned into an awkward reticence.

Reuben secretly punched his knuckles in dismay when he witnessed this awkward scene.

If both families fought and generated an irreversible crack or in the worst-case scenario, turned against each other, it would undoubtedly be a massive blow to the Moore family!

More importantly, Jasmine would be even more unlikely to marry Sean!

If Jasmine didn’t marry him, his position as the future heir would be unstable!

Even if he was appointed as the head of the family, Jasmine might have a part in the family’s inheritance!

He was determined to not let Jasmine stay with the Moore family, and so, he would definitely oppose strongly for Jasmine to marry Charlie Wade and let him live in their house!

Therefore, he hurriedly stood up to lighten the mood and said, “Hey, Uncle Webb, Sean, today is my grandfather’s birthday, so, he is the king of the day. Please calm down and relax, let’s not destroy our harmonious friendship.”

Reuben was offering a chance for everyone to ease the mood and buffer.

Donald was still in a black mood. He didn’t want to turn things sour between both families, but he was still infuriated by the embarrassment.

As the saying went, ‘you cannot sell the cow and drink the milk’, but Lord Mooore actually wanted both. If he had to choose one of the two, he would undoubtedly choose Charlie Wade. However, since he didn’t have to choose, he definitely wanted both.

Hence, Reuben’s interjection offered a chance for both men to reconcile temporarily.

Donald cleared his throat and started, “Reuben is right. Today is Uncle Moore’s 80th birthday, I can’t ruin it. Uncle, I’m sorry for what happened just now, I was too impulsive. I hope you can forgive me!”

In this way, not only did he give himself an out but also Lord Mooore.

As the junior, he had taken the initiative to apologize on the grounds of Lord Mooore’s birthday and he had also shown that he was respectful to the elder as well as saving his own face.

In his opinion, the right choice for the moment was to ease the confrontation between himself and Lord Mooore. As for Charlie Wade, he had a million ways to kill him after the party was over later!

A warmth slowly spread over Lord Mooore’s face. He nodded and said, “Yes, harmony brings wealth. I don’t want everyone to be in an unpleasant mood on this auspicious day either.”

Then, he turned to Charlie Wade and asked, “Master Wade, what do you think?”

Charlie Wade found Donald and Sean repulsive, but he didn’t need Lord Mooore to stand up for him. He preferred to torment and punish these pretentious b*stars himself.

Nevertheless, today was indeed Lord Mooore’s birthday banquet. It was unnecessary for him to make a scene with the other guests here. Even if he wanted to fight them, they should take the fight outside out of respect for the owner of the house.

Thus, he said flatly, “Lord Mooore, you are the boss today, the ultimate decision is on you.”

Lord Mooore hurriedly laughed and said, “Huh, it’s just a misunderstanding, it’s great that everyone can talk it through! Come, come, let’s move to the banquet hall, the party is about to begin!”

The wrath of resentment and unpleasantness was still burning wildly inside Sean’s heart, and his eyes almost burst into flames as he glared at Charlie Wade, but he couldn’t do anything since the adults had reached a truce.

He simply glared at Charlie Wade with his murderous glances and cursed inwardly, ‘B*stard, you’ll be done soon!’

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 663

The crowd started to walk toward the banquet hall where the birthday celebration was about to begin.

Lord Mooore exchanged a few words with Charlie Wade and went to sit at the main seat.

Sitting next to him was his eldest son, third son, and fourth son.

Among the second-generation heirs of the Moore family, Reuben’s father was the eldest son, and Jasmine’s father was the second son, but he had died young, hence, Jasmine was the only one left in this line.

As for the family of the third and fourth sons, they were relatively young and their children were still in the teenage or elementary school age, thus, they were not considered in the inheritance competition.

The rest of the guests sat down at their assigned tables.

Charlie Wade sat with the Quinton family, the White family, Albert, and so on.

Donald and Sean were sitting with a few local families. Some of them were families who were busy buttering them up, and they surrounded the Webb family’s father and son, continuously flattering them.

The table was full of mouth-watering delicacies as well as luxurious aged wine.

Jasmine couldn’t sit with Charlie Wade, but her beautiful eyes were constantly following him and never shifted for a split second.

Sitting on Charlie Wade’s right was Aurora, while Zeke sat on his left side.

After Zeke had taken his seat, he whispered to Charlie Wade, “Master Wade, the renovation at the Thompson First villa will be completed soon, may I know when do you plan to move in?”

“I’ll move in as soon as the renovation is completed.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 664


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