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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 672

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 671

Lord Mooore had been very enthusiastic after receiving the Rejuvenating Pill, and he wanted to swallow it the minute he received it.

After all, he had seen the magical effect materialize on Anthony after the latter had taken the pill, so he was very worried about damaging it when he held it in his hand.

The only way to feel assured was to eat it!

Since Charlie Wade had said so, Lord Mooore nodded and said gratefully, “Okay, Master Wade, I’ll take it now!”

Then, he carefully put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it!

As the pill was being digested, he felt that the pill had transformed into a stream of heat that surged into his limbs and veins, warming his body, and every cell in his body was full of vitality. It was as if he had returned to his teenage years, feeling youthful and energetic.

Just like Anthony, Lord Mooore felt that every part of his body had been nourished by the pill to the point that it was glowing with long-lost youth.

Surprisingly, he found that the old wounds and illnesses that had lingered in his body for many decades were gradually disappearing, and the wrinkles on his face began to smoothen, and his skin started to tighten.

He felt an itch on his scalp as well, and it seemed that new hair was starting to grow!

Lord Mooore was experiencing astonishing physical and internal changes right in front of everyone’s eyes!

He was slightly crouching in the beginning. He slowly stood straight and upright. His hair, although not all, was starting to turn black.

The senile lines on his face had also faded to a visible extent, and his spirit and dynamic were completely different from before!

If one were to say Lord Mooore looked like an old man in his eighties earlier, now, he looked like he was in his sixties at best!

In fact, he suddenly looked very energized and active, his dynamic eyes even suggested that he was a middle-aged man!

Those who had dismissed the Rejuvenating Pill earlier were stunned by Lord Mooore’s incredible and supernatural changes!

No one had ever seen such a miraculous sight, and even Jasmine was completely taken aback by the sight!

The former rickety old man had now become a gray-haired middle-aged man. This reminded Jasmine of the time the old man had taken her into his arms when her father had passed away a decade ago and told her not to be afraid and that he would always be there for her.

Her grandfather had only been in his sixties at the time, and right now, he looked almost the same as he did back then.

In other words, it could be said that her grandfather’s biological clock had been reversed thanks to the Rejuvenating Pill!

It also meant that his life would be extended by ten more years…

Did that mean that her grandfather could live until he was 100 years old!?

Jasmine burst into joyful tears all of a sudden!

The rest of the Moore family members did not truly care about her. When her father had died, they were grieving on the outside, but celebrating in their hearts, delighted that there was one less person in the inheritance war among them.

As such, her only relative in the world who sincerely cared about her was her grandfather!

So, of course she hoped that her grandfather could live a long life!

When Lord Mooore was dying, he had once told her that his biggest regret was that he couldn’t walk her down the aisle.

Lord Mooore had said that Jasmine was the one he was most worried about because she had lost her parents since she was a child, and he adored her very much. She was also the only child who was the most sincere and filial to him.

Hence, his biggest concern was that Jasmine hadn’t started a family when he died. Then, Jasmine would become lonely.

Lord Mooore hoped to watch her marry a man who loved her and whom she loved in return, a capable and reliable man who could take care of and protect her.

Only in that way could he leave the world peacefully.

However, now, Jasmine knew that he didn’t have to worry about any of that any longer.

Not only could he walk her down the aisle, but he could also see her having kids and building her own family. He could even enjoy the happiness of four generations living together!

When this thought flashed through Jasmine’s mind, she couldn’t help looking at Charlie Wade.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 672

Charlie Wade was her ideal partner if she ever wanted to marry someone and have children with.

But would Charlie Wade fall in love with her?

Would Charlie Wade be willing to give up on his current loveless marriage and be with her?

Jasmine was a little worried.

On the other hand, the rest of the crowd cheered loudly!

They were so excited when they saw with their own eyes the exceptional changes that happened to Lord Mooore!

“How… how is it possible… How did Lord Mooore become so young suddenly?!”

“Oh my goodness, is this the effect of the Rejuvenating Pill?!”

“A pill that can make someone ten years younger! This is a magical pill!”

“Master Wade was indeed the true dragon!”

“I… I want the pill too…”

“Me too… I’m willing to buy it for 10 million!”

“One million? You must be kidding! I’ll buy it for 100 million!”

“D*mn it! If Master Wade wants to sell the pill, I’ll pay 200 million!”

Ear-deafening astonishment and exclamations resonated in the hall!

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that a literal rejuvenation pill was real!

This kind of thing could only happen on TV, the movies, and in dramas, but it had happened in real life!

All the guests today were successful people who were in their 40s and 50s, or even older. People of this age had already felt the despair and hardship of the passing of time, and in this case, youth.

They had started to have wrinkles crawling up their faces and necks, their physique was much worse than when they were young. Backaches, knee pains, muscle strains, and so on, were inevitable.

In addition, hair loss, obesity, getting up at night, and rapid sexual deterioration was also unspeakable misery suffered by these men.

No one in their 50s and 60s would not miss the happiness and joy in their youth!

Unfortunately, back when they were young, most of these men were healthy but had no money, and as they grew older, their fortune expanded, but their health dissipated.

Not many people were as fortunate as Donald who was born with a silver spoon to have money and physical strength ever since the day they were born.

Many of these men did not have the luck to attract women when they were young, but when they had the money and career, and countless young women had started courting them, they lacked the physical and sexual strength to meet their needs.

As such, they stopped dreaming about having both money and youth in their hands at the same time. Instead, they wished that they could reincarnate into a wealthier family in their next life.

Therefore, when they witnessed the miracle that happened to Lord Mooore, a hopeful and longing fire started to burn within them!

Even a rich man like Donald was on his tiptoes as he witnessed the miraculous changes on Lord Mooore!

Indeed, his youth had been filled with money, energy, and power.

At that time, he was a playboy sought after by countless beauties. His youth life could be described as hopping between different bushes of flowers every day, and it certainly sounded as scandalous and flirtatious as it might. He was as popular as David Beckham, even.

However, it was all in the past, being kept in the folder of his glorious history. His manhood and masculinity had deteriorated day by day.

Hence, he missed those youthful days when he was a bold, free, and casual young man.

At this moment, when he looked at Charlie Wade, there was no longer hatred and resentment. Instead, it was replaced by eagerness and expectation…

He walked up to Charlie Wade, bowed respectfully, and said, “Master Wade, may I know if you still have any Rejuvenating Pills left? If you do, please give me one. I’ll pay 500 million dollars for it!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 673

No one at the scene would have expected Donald, who was scolding Charlie Wade and pressuring Lord Mooore to give him an explanation earlier, to suddenly change so quickly.

Even Sean himself was stunned at this time!

He blurted out subconsciously as he asked, “Dad! Why are you being so polite towards a casual and useless son-in-law such as him? Don’t forget that he called our family garbage when we were outside just now!”

At this time, Donald blurted out, “B*stard! You’d better shut up now!”

There were so many things that Donald could not say in front of everyone here.

However, he was already roaring in his heart.

You b*stard! What would you know?

Sean was still young and his body was at its peak as he was still in his twenties. That was the reason why he could sing songs every night, party and drink, go to bed at three o’clock in the morning, wake up at nine o’clock in the morning, or even stay up all night. However, he could not do that anymore!

Sean’s current physical state was typical of a well-fed man who would never understand how a hungry man would ever feel when he was starving!

His son could eat expensive fish and meat every day. So, how could he possibly understand how a person who has not eaten for three days would bend his waist over just for a mouthful of rice?

That was because he has never experienced hunger in his entire life!

He would never understand the feeling of hunger that would make a person so flustered, as well as experience hair loss, weak limbs, and uneven breathing. He would never understand why a person who was starving would kneel down just for a bun!

For someone like Donald, although he had not reached a very old age yet, he knew that his body was already in a much worse state compared to his younger days. He had money, status, and strength but he did not have his youth anymore. Therefore, when Donald saw the sudden change in Lord Mooore’s physical body, he really longed for the same thing deep down in his heart.

He would be willing to pay five hundred million dollars to buy a magic medicine like this. In fact, he would even be willing to pay five billion dollars for a pill like that!

The expression on Sean’s face turned very ugly after getting scolded by his father.

However, he did not dare to talk back to his father because he understood his father’s temper very well. If he continued talking back to him, Sean knew that his father would probably beat him up in public!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 674


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