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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 667

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 666

After the three sons, Jasmine and Reuben walked on stage, knelt in front of Lord Mooore, and presented their gifts.

Oscar then announced:

“The eldest grandson, Reuben Moore, presents a pair of imperial jadeite ornaments, worth 80 million.”

“The eldest granddaughter, Jasmine Moore, presents a painting, The Blinding of Samson by Rembrandt, worth 70 million.”

After the family finished their rounds, the guests stepped forward one after another, giving gifts.

Although the guests’ gifts were not as valuable as the Moore family members’, they were also quite pricey between the range of 10 to 30 million.

Next, Donald and Sean stood up. Sean held the gift carefully and walked toward Lord Mooore with his father.

On his way, Sean shot a scornful look at Charlie Wade.

He was about to give Lord Mooore a priceless piece of authentic painting from Vermeer, it had to be the most valuable gift among all the guests!

He was certain that Charlie Wade’s gift would pale in comparison to his gift, he would know by then that they were from different worlds!

Sean was feeling extremely proud of himself as he imagined the scene. He held the painting carefully and bowed before Lord Mooore. Then, he marched forward and said with a smile, “Grandpa Moore, this is a gift from me! I heard that you like Johannes Vermeer’s painting, so I had someone bring one from our house, The Geographer, which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. I hope you like it.”

Then, Oscar immediately announced loudly, “The eldest son of the Webb family presents a copy of Vermeer’s original The Geographer, with a value of over 100 million!”

His announcement attracted curious gazes and attention from all the guests.

Vermeer’s paintings were relatively few and rare in the market, and every piece of his painting was extremely priceless.

Any of the most common paintings came with a price tag of at least 30 to 40 million, let alone the extremely rare ones.

Previously, Vermeer’s The Girl with the Pearl Earring had been sold abroad for 3.6 billion dollars.

The Geographer was also one of Vermeer’s rare treasures. Five years ago, it had been sold to a mysterious rich man at an auction at a price of nearly 200 million dollars. There was almost no news about the painting ever since.

No one expected that the painting would resurface at the Webb family’s house. It could be assumed that the mysterious man who bought the painting was them.

Five years ago, the painting was worth 200 million dollars. If it was auctioned off now, the value would possibly be increased to 300 million!

It could even fetch 400 million if they were lucky!

Lord Mooore blinked in astonishment when he heard the announcement.

He never expected the Webb family to be so generous in giving him the painting of The Geographer that was worth more than 300 million!

Everyone in Aurouss Hilll knew that he liked Vermeer’s painting, so it was impossible for the Webb family to overlook it.

By presenting Vermeer’s The Geographer as a birthday gift, they were completely catering to his pleasure regardless of cost.

Lord Mooore couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “Sean, thank you, you are so generous! I’ve been looking for this painting for a long time, thank you for giving it to me. I appreciate it very much!”

Sean was very proud and delighted upon hearing this.

Haha, he had guessed it right! The old man was obsessed with Vermeer, he couldn’t get his eyes off the painting!

However, he donned a calm and composed expression and said, “Grandpa Moore, you’re welcome. This is just a token of my affection.”

Then, he couldn’t help but glance at Charlie Wade.

Charlie Wade had not yet come to give his gifts. Now that he had approached the stage first to give the most expensive gift before Charlie Wade, there was no way Charlie Wade could beat him at this!

Hence, he smiled and said, “Brother Wade, I wonder what kind of gifts you have prepared for Grandpa Moore? Grandpa Moore admires you so much, you wouldn’t let him down, would you?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 667

In Sean’s opinion, he was convinced that there was nothing Charlie Wade, the deadbeat moocher, could give to Lord Mooore that was comparable to Vermeer’s painting!

Thus, he concluded that he would win over Charlie Wade big time and also become the winner in the gift-giving round who surprised the guests and impressed Lord Mooore the most.

After all, in Sean’s view, Charlie Wade was just a worthless loser who had chosen to marry into his wife’s family, it was impossible for him to come out with a decent gift, so no matter what his present was, it couldn’t possibly be on par with the precious painting he had given Lord Mooore!

Therefore, he sneered, “Grandpa Moore, I heard that Master Wade has been lingering in the feng shui fraud for some time now, he must have accumulated a significant fortune from all the scamming he did. I bet his birthday gift to you must be a precious treasure that is worth hundreds of millions, or maybe even billions of dollars!”

Then, he turned his sneer at Charlie Wade, “The painting I gave is only worth 400 million, I believe your gift must be more expensive than mine!”

Lord Mooore frowned at Sean’s sarcastic remark, his dissatisfaction toward the young man growing. He then said with a cold expression, “No matter what Master Wade gives to me, they are all priceless treasures!”

Sean was taken aback by the cold treatment and unfriendly tone.

What kind of magic potion had Charlie Wade given to Lord Mooore anyway? Why was he taking his side all the time?!

Meanwhile, Charlie Wade stood up and approached the stage since his name had been mentioned.

Everyone glued their eyes at him, wondering what kind of gift he would give.

However, he was not holding anything in his hands nor did it look like he was carrying anything inside his pockets.

Did Charlie Wade plan to play “empty-handed” with Lord Mooore on such a glamorous occasion?!

Even if he wanted to give a painting, it was impossible to put it into his pocket no matter how tiny the painting was!

Since Charlie Wade was walking up empty-handed, most people assumed that he did not prepare a gift. Even if he had, it was highly likely to be a worthless piece of shit and completely incomparable to the Vermeer painting.

On the other hand, Lord Mooore was sitting at the edge of his chair, his heart in his mouth.

He focused entirely on Charlie Wade.

In truth, he was shaking in wonderment when he saw Charlie Wade approach him empty-handed!

His biggest concern was seeing Charlie Wade holding a gift box, a scroll, or some physical object to come to him.

Because at a moment like this, he didn’t want anything except the Rejuvenating Pill!

Vermeer’s painting was indeed an awesome present, it truly catered to his preference as antiquity.

However, it was just his hobby.

When you were on the verge of dying, what was the use of putting all his favorite things in front of him?

He would rather exchange all of those things for a few more days to live.

Thus, Lord Mooore was looking forward to Charlie Wade giving him the Rejuvenating Pill! It could be regarded as his greatest expectation right now.

At this moment, Charlie Wade had come to a stop in front of Lord Mooore, calm and tranquil.

Before he could speak, Sean interjected mockingly, “Hey, Brother Wade, don’t you think you’re a little bit too stingy? Today is Grandpa Moore’s 80th birthday, how could you attend his banquet empty-handed? The nerves you’ve got!”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and asked, “Who told you that I didn’t prepare any gift?”

“Where is your gift, then? Show us!”

Sean said contemptuously, “Did you simply buy something off the shelf and come? Open your eyes and look around, which of these gifts is worth ten million or below?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 668

Charlie Wade smiled at him with feigned ignorance and retrieved a small wooden box from his pocket.

Charlie Wade had bought the wooden box by the street for five dollars. He had bought it because he thought it was inappropriate to put the pill directly into his pocket or wrap it with a napkin.

Sean couldn’t conceal his disdain when he saw the wooden box and sneered, “D*mn, what the heck is that? Did you buy that by the street for ten dollars?”

Charlie Wade smiled. “You are half right. Yes, I bought it by the street, but it only cost me five dollars instead of ten.”

Everyone gaped in shock at Charlie Wade’s remark!

Did he even take Lord Mooore seriously?

How could he come to Lord Mooore’s birthday with a five-dollar wooden box?!

Even if there was something in the box, it would be some lousy junk, right?

He wouldn’t put something valuable inside such a shabby-looking box.

Hence, everyone started booing at Charlie Wade.

Even Reuben covered his mouth and tutted contemptuously.

Sean howled indignantly as if he had caught Charlie Wade red-handed, “Charlie Wade Wade, you are being so disrespectful! How dare you give Grandpa Moore such junk? You’re doing this intentionally, aren’t you?”

Ignoring him, Charlie Wade opened the small wooden box, revealing the black and round pill inside, and said to Lord Mooore, “Mr. Moore, this is the birthday gift I prepared for you by chance, the Rejuvenating Pill. I hope you like it.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 669


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