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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 732

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 731

Although Donald is a billionaire, he is not a generous person.
In other words, in his eyes, the money that should not be spent is not spent any more.
For example, Mr. Jones and these five wastes.

The bodyguard with his broken hand can’t even open the door of his mother’s car. What are you going to do?
Their wages are ridiculously high, and if they continue to be kept, they can only be charity and provide them with old age.

Therefore, they should be driven away as soon as possible at this time. The farther you go, the better. Donald actually didn’t want to pay 500,000 severance pay. Therefore, he felt that he was already very generous.

However, Mr. Jones certainly didn’t think so! I am a useless person now!
What is the concept of waste? In this life, it is tantamount to being an armless person!
Armless people, eat, drink, and sleep, why don’t they need someone to take care of?
In the next few decades, there will be more places to spend money!

They were so badly injured because of the Webb family. At this time, the Webb family fell into trouble, wouldn’t it be their life? !
Thinking of this, Mr. Jones felt resentful.

However, he didn’t dare to do anything to Donald.
Because the Webb family is too strong, five of my own brothers have been scrapped, and dozens of bodyguards may come in a blink of an eye. He is already a useless person. When the time comes, he will face the Webb family. Get killed?

Mr. Jones really wanted to cry without tears at this time.
Why didn’t I notice that Donald turned out to be such a bastard! The subordinates said that they kicked, and the ministers in the arms completely ignored him. He was simply a beast with no heart and liver!

At this moment, the door of the presidential suite was suddenly opened.
The waiter used the universal room card to open the door of the presidential suite. Then, Cameron Isaac walked in with dozens of personal bodyguards with a cold face.

Donald didn’t expect the door to be opened suddenly, but he was shocked when he saw Cameron Isaac walked in slowly with unspeakable anger and indifference.
Behind him, in addition to following the Manager who was beaten by Mr. Jones before, there were also dozens of strong bodyguards in suits.

Seeing Cameron Isaac’s sudden appearance, Donald felt confused, but he didn’t dare to neglect. He hurriedly put away his face full of anger, and smiled: “Isaac, why are you here?”
Unexpectedly, Cameron Isaac said with a cold face and angrily said: “Donald, you are so brave! Do you know that Shangri-La is an industry under the name of the Wade family?”
Donald’s expression suddenly stunned, and he couldn’t help but wonder, is this Cameron Isaac taking the wrong pill?

I was still chatting and laughing with me before, so why didn’t I have too much effort in the conference, so I changed into such an inhumane face?
Or even call yourself a dog? !

However, no matter how unhappy he was, he knew that he could not offend Cameron Isaac.
Therefore, Donald hurriedly said respectfully: “Mr. Cameron, of course I know that Shangri-La is the industry of the Wade family.

To be honest, my admiration for the Wade family is really like a surging river, and I hope I can rely on you. , Get acquainted with the Wade family, and I will serve the Wade family in the future…”
Cameron Isaac looked at Donald, raised his hand and slapped him severely, then kicked him to the ground.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 732

Donald screamed, and fell to the ground in pain, panic in his heart.
Sean, who was next to him, subconsciously rebuked angrily: “Hey, why are you hitting my dad?!”
Cameron Isaac strode to him and hit his nose with a punch.

He was covered with blood and yelled: “Your dad has to be respectful in front of me. Who are you to dare talk to me like this?! Tired of living?

Believe it or not, I will kill you now?”
“You’re looking for death!” Sean grew up so old and had never suffered from being beaten, so he ate twice today.
First Charlie Wade scrapped one of his own hands, and then Cameron Isaac smashed his nose with a punch.

He was spoiled and arrogant since he was a child. How could he ever suffer such a crime?
So angrily roared: “Do you think that you are the Wade family’s dog? That’s great? My Webb family is the first family in the south of the Yangtze River. I will kill you in a minute!”

As soon as Sean’s voice fell, Donald rushed over, slapped his face with a slap, and angrily cursed: “Bastard thing! How do you talk to Mr. Cameron?! Hurry up to Mr. Cameron. Kneel down and admit your mistakes!”
Donald was shocked by Sean at this time.

He couldn’t think that his own son was so useless, he couldn’t even tell the situation?
Even if Cameron Isaac was just the Wade family’s dog, the Wade family is standing behind him!

Who are the Wade Family? One of the top three families in the country!
In terms of financial resources, the Webb family may not be one-tenth the Wade family.
Because the Wade family is a trillion-level family, but whether it is one trillion or nine trillion, no one can figure out.

After all, a behemoth like the Wade Family can never be seen through by ordinary people!
When it comes to power and status, the Wade Family is far more numerous than the Webb Family!
Therefore, even if Cameron Isaac kills the two of them now, the Webb family will definitely not dare to react!

Even his own father, Mr. Webb, might not even care about holding a funeral for himself until he first went to Eastcliff and pleaded guilty to the Wade family!
Sean even dared to scold Cameron Isaac at this time. Isn’t this looking for death? !
After Sean was slapped, he realized that he had caused a catastrophe.

Apart from anything else, he immediately knelt in front of Cameron Isaac in fear, kowtow and begged for mercy: “I’m sorry, Mr. Cameron! I was impulsive! “
Cameron Isaac went up and kicked him in the chest. After kicking him down, he went up and stepped on his face, and said coldly: “Boy, you have offended the Wade family.

Believe it or not, I can make your Webb family extinct! “
Sean’s face was swollen just now, and now Cameron Isaac stepped on his face. He couldn’t speak clearly, but he could only insist on saying: “Isaac, I’m really wrong.

You beat me and scolded me. Anyway, please don’t be like me…”
Seeing that his son was beaten like this, Donald felt distressed and couldn’t help asking: “Mr. Cameron, I have my heartfelt respect for you.

If you are dissatisfied with us, please tell me. , If someone Webb really did something wrong, I am willing to be punished, but you have to make me understand!”
Mr. Cameron sneered, and said, “Your heartfelt respect?

You respect me, so you let these silly dog ​​bodyguards of your Webb family rush into my Shangri-La lobby. In my Shangri-La lobby, and hurt my Shangri-La people? Then if you don’t respect me, will you even call me?”
Donald was struck by lightning! What?

His bodyguard actually beat Cameron Isaac’s men in the lobby of Shangri-La?
Which thing with no brain did this? Thinking of this, Donald’s icy eyes fell on Mr. Jones and the others. Needless to say, he also knows that it must be one of these five people who caused the catastrophe!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 733

Donald was extremely angry, staring at the five people kneeling on the ground, and asked coldly: “Who did it? Or did the five of you do it together?!”
Feeling the killing intent in Donald’s eyes, Mr. Jones was shocked. He hurriedly said, “Mr. Webb, it’s not us to blame! We have already explained to the security guard at the door and the lobby manager and said we are Webb.

People at home, but they insisted that our manners were disordered and that we were not allowed to come in, I was anxious to return to you, so I broke into the hotel and clashed with them…”
Hearing this, Donald suddenly became angry. He slapped on the face and cursed: “It’s really a bunch of trash! Can Shangri-La also be something you can break through?!”

As he said, he immediately said to Cameron Isaac: “Mr. Cameron! These five wastes attacked your people, I want you to kill them!”

Cameron Isaac also knew Donald’s wishful thinking, and said coldly: “Donald, are you the boss? If you don’t help your little brother, you will sell your own people if something happens. Your Webb family’s work is really true. Too low-level, isn’t it? If it’s spread out, how do you Webb family still mix?”
Donald was suddenly shocked.

What does Cameron Isaac mean? He has already handed over all the five people who are looking for things to him. He still holds on to him?
However, he dared not yell at Cameron Isaac, so he could only suppress the soaring anger in his heart, walked to Cameron Isaac’s body, and apologized: “Isaac, this matter is my fault. I apologize to you!”

What do you think? “
In his opinion, although Cameron Isaac is the spokesperson of the Wade family in Aurouss Hilll, after all, he is also the second-generation heir of the Webb family somehow, and he also paid out 10 million as compensation.

No matter what, the other party will not be because This trivial matter will cause conflict and disharmony with the southern region Webb family, right?
Unexpectedly, Cameron Isaac’s face was still cold at this time, and said, “Do you think that my dignified Eastcliff Wade family cares about ten million Dollar? According to your statement, I will now let people beat you father and son into rubbish. , And give another 20 million to Mr. Webb who is far away in Eastcliff. Even if this matter is over, do you agree?!”

As soon as these words came out, Donald’s expression was so ugly and ugly.
He never expected that Cameron Isaac would be so stubborn!
The few of my own non-eyed subordinates just beat a lobby manager in a small area. What’s the big deal?

Moreover, the other party didn’t suffer multiple injuries. Cameron Isaac had to chat with himself here for this?
With Cameron Isaac’s tough attitude, if someone else came over, Donald would have let him be broken into pieces!

You know, throughout the southern region, the second-generation heir to the dignified Webb family, when did he suffer such grievances?
But having said that, he never dared to offend Cameron Isaac, after all, he was the spokesperson of the Wade family in Aurouss Hilll.

As the second-generation heir of the Webb family, once there is a conflict with Cameron Isaac, it means that the Webb family is directly provoking the authority of the Wade family.
In this way, it will definitely bring great trouble to the whole family!
Once Eastcliff Wade family asks the guilt, and fights for it, the Webb family is bound to fall into an abyss that cannot be restored!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 734

After speaking, he licked his lips and said: “Mr. Cameron, how do you want to solve this matter today? As long as you give a solution, Webb will do everything you can to do the way you said!”
Cameron Isaac smiled coldly in his heart, and secretly said in his heart that this second-generation heir of the Webb family is quite capable of bending and stretching, and sure enough.

However, today they provoke their own young master, it is really impossible for me to come!
Had it not been for the command of the young master, Cameron Isaac would have waited to cut them off immediately!
He snorted coldly and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t accept your apology, nor will the Eastcliff Wade family accept it!”

Donald held back his anger and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Cameron, how do you want to solve it?”
Cameron Isaac said coldly: “Your five men injured my people with their legs. I want to abolish all the legs of these five people!”

As soon as these words came out, Donald immediately said without hesitation: “No problem! Since Mr. Cameron has spoken, these five people’s legs will be at your disposal!”
As soon as Mr. Jones heard this, he suddenly collapsed and shouted: “Donald! You can’t be like this, right?!

The five of us have already had our arms destroyed. If our legs are destroyed, what is the difference with the living dead?! “
Donald scolded coldly: “Damn, your arms were scrapped because you were inferior to human skills, and your legs were scrapped because you offended Mr. Cameron. This is all your fault, you deserve it!”

“You…” Mr. Jones roared angrily: “Donald, you are an old tortoise bastard! If I knew you were such a face, I Mr. Jones should screw your head off!”
Donald was furious and said to Cameron Isaac: “Mr. Cameron, you see, for this kind of bastard thing, you break their legs, it is all kind of grace to them!


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