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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 737

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 736

Cameron Isaac smiled playfully: “Do you want to know who gave me the courage? I’m sorry, it was Master Wade!”
If it was normal, he was just a spokesperson for the Wade family, and he really didn’t dare to directly conflict with the Webb family on behalf of the Wade family, let alone interrupt the legs of Webb’s parents and grandson.

However, today’s decision was not made by myself, but by my young master!
If his young master said he wanted to kill the Webb family and his son, he would immediately follow suit, and the Wade family would definitely support the protection!
Therefore, Cameron Isaac has no scruples at all.

Donald and his son were stunned! Is Master Wade going to deal with himself? However, when did you offend Master Wade? ! I don’t even know Master Wade!

At this moment, if they were killed, they couldn’t know that Charlie Wade, the well-known trash son in Aurouss Hilll, was actually the young master of the Wade Family!
Donald said in a panic: “Mr Cameron, is there any misunderstanding in this? When did we offend Master Wade?”

Cameron Isaac was too lazy to explain to them, sneered, and said to the people around him: “First discard that small leg! Then discard the old one!”
As soon as the voice fell, the man in black around him rushed to Sean!
Sean was scared! He was pressed to the ground by the man in black and shouted: “Dad! Hurry up and help Dad! Dad, help me!”

Donald was trembling even at his teeth!
I thought that Shangri-La was the safest place, but I didn’t expect it to be the real wolf den!
This Cameron Isaac, relying on being a member of the Wade family, is confident, what can he do now? beg for mercy?

He doesn’t buy it at all! Show your identity? He doesn’t care at all!
Go head-to-head with him? Is there anyone else available around me? Thinking of this, his heart was completely ashes! He knew that he could not save his son. I can’t even save myself!
At this moment, the black man wearing a finger tiger’s punch suddenly fell!

After the click, Sean howled sadly like a slaughtered pig!His right leg is useless! The right hand and right leg are all dead at this time!
Moreover, the injury of the right leg is too serious, and there is no possibility of recovery!

In other words, in the future, he, the dignified eldest son of the Webb family, will become a lame ridiculed by others! Sean burst into tears immediately! How could this be! Why is this happening? !
What kind of place is Aurouss Hilll?

Why do you feel that this small city is full of devastating demons! Donald was heartbroken. The one he loves most is the eldest son.
After all, the eldest son will inherit his mantle in the future, and he has always been a focus of training. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a disabled person now!

And his second son is still that shit swallowing beast that eats shit every hour…
Why is your own destiny so miserable? !
At this time, Cameron Isaac pointed to Donald who was indignant in his heart, and said to the black man: “Come on, this old guy!”

Donald snorted in his heart, his legs softened involuntarily, and he knelt on the ground with a thump…
Cameron Isaac looked at him who was kneeling, and laughed coldly: “Oh, Mr. Webb, why are you kneeling? Kneeling, you also have to break your leg!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 737

Donald collapsed!
He knew that he was already powerless. When he came to Aurouss Hilll this time, instead of detecting the murderer of the younger son, he got in with his elder son’s legs…
Cameron Isaac’s subordinates walked to the front in three or two steps, grabbed his right leg, fists up and down…

Donald felt an extremely strong pain in his knee, and the pain almost made him faint.
He gritted his teeth and tried to stop himself from screaming, but the severe pain only made him endure for less than ten seconds, and then he let out a cry, crying!

Cameron Isaac looked at all this coldly, and snorted disdainfully: “Webb Family, for whatever the f*ck, I dare to stray wild on the Wade Family’s site. This is a little punishment for you. If you dare to touch Wade Family, the Wade Family will definitely destroy your Webb Family!”

Cameron Isaac’s words are loud and loud! Especially the last six words, destroy your Webb family! It was even so scary that Donald twitched violently!

what happened…… What exactly happened here…… Why does the Wade Family want to target themselves so?
If I wanted to kneel and lick the Wade family, I couldn’t find a chance. Why would the Wade family hate them for being a shareholder and would punish themselves so
He can’t figure it out, totally can’t figure it out!

He can only attribute all this to Mr. Jones’s five people who fought in Shangri-La!
It seems that the Wade family’s majesty really does not tolerate any form of trampling, even if it is just making trouble in the Wade Family’s property and beating Wade Family’s insignificant subordinates, they will also be punished by the Wade Family!

Donald hates this damn Mr. Jones crazy! Blame him!
It was he who hired him, so he and his son were also implicated! At this moment, he could not wait to rush over and choke this Mr. Jones alive! Moreover, his heart was really moved to kill!

He knew that he couldn’t kill people on Cameron Isaac’s territory, but he had made up his mind. After leaving Shangri-La, he immediately called and asked the family to send some masters over to kill Mr. Jones and his four brothers directly, leaving them five dead.

At this time, Cameron Isaac said coldly: “I will give you ten minutes to get out of Shangri-La. If you are still in Shangri-La after ten minutes, I will have your other leg broken too!”
Donald trembled all over, and hurriedly said with sincerity and fear: “Mr. Cameron, let’s go now! Let’s go!”

After speaking, he jumped to his son’s side, reached out to help him, tearful, and comforted: “Son, let’s go back home. Dad must find the best orthopedic doctor to treat your leg!”
Sean also cried in a mess. With the help of his father, he got up with difficulty and cried and said, “Dad…can my legs be cured?”

“Yes, it will definitely be possible!” Donald also knew that the knee has been completely shattered, and there is almost no possibility of cure. Even if all the artificial joints are replaced, there will be serious damage in the future, even if it is not a lame, it is a lame man. It is absolutely impossible to restore the appearance of a normal person.

However, he cannot see his son that way. He is still young after all! So, he didn’t dare to pack things anymore, and supported each other with his son, and walked to the door of the presidential suite. At this time, Cameron Isaac suddenly smiled and said: “Hold on!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 738

Donald trembled all over, turned around, and asked nervously, “Mr. Cameron, what do you want to say?”
Cameron Isaac pointed to Mr. Jones and other five people lying on the ground, and said coldly: “You two, drag me out these five dead dogs, don’t dirty my Shangri-La place!”
“I…” Donald was anxious, almost vomiting blood!

After a while, he came back to his senses and blurted out: “Mr. Cameron, these five people have nothing to do with the Webb family anymore, you can do it at will! You want to kill or smash it!”
Cameron Isaac said coldly: “Did you forget what I just said? These five people have works of art on their foreheads.

You brought them back to Webb’s house, waited on me and let them live well, and you must not let them die. , Let alone remove the artwork on their foreheads, understand?”
Donald looked at Mr. Jones and the five of them with resentment. Every word on the forehead of these five people was like a sharp knife, slamming his heart!

Now, Cameron Isaac actually asked him to take these five people home to serve? This is really too humiliating! However, he did not dare to have the slightest temper. What can you humiliate yourself? What should be received, still have to be received!

It seems that at the moment I can only deal with him first, take these five people away and bring them back home, and then let them evaporate!

Just as thinking about this, Cameron Isaac said again: “Yes, I forgot to remind you, these five people are to be brought home, you will let them live well, and they will be sent to Aurouss Hilll by special plane every once in a while for my inspection. I want the life of one of your sons; if two people die, I want the life of a pair of your sons; if three people die, your dog’s life is mine!”

Donald Webb’s body trembled violently with anger! This…this is shit riding on the neck! What exactly does Cameron Isaac have against my Webb family?

Why do you want to humiliate yourself in such an extremely insulting way? However, how dare he say a word to Cameron Isaac?
So I could only cry and nod: “Mr. Cameron, what you say is what…”
Cameron Isaac was satisfied and said coldly: “Okay, you two, get out with them behind your back!”

Donald begged: “Mr. Cameron, I broke my leg, my son also broke his leg, and he also broke his hand earlier today. We two disabled people, how can we carry these five people on their backs… .. Please forgive us, or please arrange some of your subordinates to help carry them out…”
Cameron Isaac asked coldly: “If you don’t carry it, don’t you? Don’t leave if you don’t carry . I will break your hands and feet.

The seven of you are lying here together waiting for the Webb family to pick you up!”
Sean suddenly collapsed and cried: “Mr. Cameron…how did we make you unhappy, please give us a good time, don’t torture me and my dad, I’ll kowtow to you!”
With that, Sean, who had broken his leg, knelt on the ground with difficulty and kept kowtow with one hand supporting it.

He is really scared! And I’m so scared!
What the hell is the top luxury Shangri-La, this is simply Hell on earth!
I just want to escape now, escape back to the southern region, escape back to my own home, then lock myself up and lick the wounds alone.

What happened today is really humiliating, and he will not even want to go out to meet people in the next few years!
Cameron Isaac didn’t buy anything for his kneeling and kowtow, and said coldly: “Well, I have already said, either you two will get me away from these five dogs, or you will become such dead dogs just like them. There are only two roads, choose your own!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 739

With Donald’s complete compromise, the injured and lame father and son can only leaned down with a gray face and tried their best to prepare to carry Mr. Jones and others out of the Shangri-La Hotel.
However, the two had already become disabled, and Sean was even more miserable, having broken hands and feet, so carrying these five profuse sweats was simply extremely difficult.

The father and son took the lead in dragging Mr. Jones out, and every time they took a step, they both panted with exhaustion.
Not only was he tired, but the leg that was broken was even more painful.

However, neither of them dared to yell at this time, so they could only grit their teeth and persist.
Cameron Isaac hugged his shoulders, as if watching a good show, watching the father and son exert all their energy, and drag the five people to the square outside Shangri-La Hotel one after another like a shitball.

Donald slumped on the ground tiredly and raised his hand to wipe off his sweat. Then he asked Cameron Isaac: “Mr. Cameron, are you satisfied now?”
Cameron Isaac nodded and said coldly: “But you took too long. I let you do it in ten minutes. How about you? It took an hour!”

“I’m really sorry…” Donald said humiliatingly: “The legs and feet of Sean and I are indeed inconvenient. It is a waste of your precious time.”
Cameron Isaac snorted, and said, “You know it!”

After Cameron Isaac finished speaking, he turned and left the scene.
The father and son were left almost desperate.
Sean cried and asked Donald at this time: “Dad, what shall we do now? I want to go back to the southern region, and I don’t want to stay in Aurouss Hilll anymore…”

Donald gritted his teeth and said, “I will call your grandfather now and ask him to send a helicopter over to take us back!”
In fact, Donald had already broken his heart in Aurouss Hilll. At this time, he just wanted to go back and treat his legs quickly.

So Donald immediately called his father, and on the phone, he complained to his father about what happened here.
After listening to this, Mr. Webb became furious.
“The Wade Family is really deceiving people too much!”

His eldest son and eldest grandson had both broken their legs, and it was fake that Mr. Webb was not angry.
However, after getting angry, he sighed again and said, “Wait, I will contact the general aviation company in Aurouss Hilll, and hurry up to rent a helicopter to pick you up.”
Donald also knew that even if his father regained his energy, there would be no way to do this. After all, the Webb family could only be regarded as ants in front of the Wade family, without any strength to compete with it.

A few minutes later, the old man called and told Donald: “The helicopter has been found. I will be there to pick you up in 15 minutes!”
“Great…” Donald even choked up.
He has never suffered such a big humiliation in his life. Now he is like a child who has been wronged outside, just thinking about being able to go home sooner.


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