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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1052

"Let's go," Charles said to Sheryl, as he sighed helplessly.

Sheryl was finally relieved when she heard that.

Oliver had indeed made her angry just now, but... Holley was the one who had instigated the discord between them. So Oliver should not be held accountable for the misunderstanding.

For this reason, Sheryl tried to persuade Charles to let Oliver go.

As she took Charles' hand and prepared to walk away, Charles stopped. He turned to Oliver, who stood there trembling. "Oliver, since my wife spoke up on your behalf, I will spare your life for her sake. You must keep in mind, that from now on, the Shining Company will not have any further dealings with your company. Please find somewhere else to do business," Charles warned.

"What do you mean? Are your serious?" When Oliver heard this, his knees buckled as he fell to the floor, pleading. He begged with everything he had. "Charles, please don't do this to me. We've been in business together for so many years. You have to see all of the hard work we've done. You... You cannot do this. PLEASE."

Oliver was so frightened that he stopped Charles in his tracks. "Charles, please reconsider your decision. It is imperative that we continue the collaboration with the Shining Company. If we do not, there will be no way that my company will stay afloat. How will we make a living?"

Charles did not respond. He shook off Oliver's grasp, and sneered at him with disdain.

Oliver realized that there was no sense in continuing his plea. He turned to look at Sheryl, hoping he could appeal to her softer nature. He hoped that he could convince her to speak with her husband once again and get him to change his mind.

Looking at Sheryl, he begged, "Sheryl, no, Mrs. Lu, it's all my fault. I failed to recognize you before. Please, you are aware that it was someone else who caused all the trouble. I... I had no Idea who you were. I never would have even attempted such a thing, had I known that you were Charles' wife..."

Oliver glared viciously at Holley as he finished. He would definitely teach her a lesson when he was taken care of the matter at hand.

Right now, however, the priority was to fix the current situation as soon as possible.

He smiled bitterly and said, with eyes fixed on Sheryl, "Mrs. Lu, I beg you. I cannot afford to lose the partnership with the Shining Company. Please... please say something."

"Well..." Sheryl said, with a pause. She was unsure of what to say right now. She stood there and looked at the grown man who had, just a few moments before, been gloating over how much power he had in order to 'show her who was the boss'. Now, he was begging for mercy and trembling like a scared puppy. She pitied him as sympathy flooded through her once again.

Trying to figure out what was on Charles' mind, she caught a glimpse of him. "How about..." she muttered.

She had only said two words before she was stopped in her tracks by the stern gaze on Charles' face. She retracted her gaze and said to Oliver, "I'm sorry. But I'm afraid that I'm not in the position to help you with this at this time."

"Why?" Oliver got mad immediately when he saw that Sheryl had given up trying to convince her husband. "Why can't you help me? You can easily say something, anything to change his mind!"

He looked at Sheryl and continued, "I admit that I offended you before, but I have already explained what had happened and apologized to you. Why can't you forgive me? Why don't you put in a good word for me?"

Seeing Oliver's attitude, Sheryl was secretly glad that she had not impulsively offered to help him plead for mercy any further.

People like Oliver would never remember how kind you were to them, but would always keep in mind the slightest wrong of you.

She looked at Oliver with all seriousness and said, "Oliver, whether I help you or not is really a matter of my words, but why do you think I should help you at all?"

"You..." Mr. Chen did not dare continue with his response. After a minute, he said, "I have apologized to you. If you're not satisfied with just that, please tell me what I can do to rectify the situation. I will do whatever you want. But business is business and should be kept separate from personal feelings. How could you get your personal feelings involved in business affairs..."


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