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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1084

"Mommy, look!" Clark shouted happily as he approached Sheryl. He was holding something in his hand. "This Transformer is fantastic! Grandma bought this for me." What he didn't understand was why his grandma ignored his mom. 'Was there something wrong with Mom's greetings?' thought he. Anyway, this was his way of rescuing his mom from embarrassment, by showing her his new toy. 'I don't like toys anymore. They are for little kids. I prefer now those technical or battery-operated ones. But I understand. Grandma just got out of jail. She doesn't know my likes and dislikes yet, ' thought Clark. He knew exactly how to behave and was willing to get along well with Melissa. He pretended to be happy so that Melissa would feel good about him. Family harmony needed everyone's effort.

"That really looks great. Did you say thank you?" Sheryl responded with a sweet smile. She was surprised by Clark's words, for she knew the interests of his son. Clark was really very mature for his age. Still, there were times that she still felt surprised at his precocious talent for communication. Looking at her son's face, she was filled with pride.

"Yes. I told her that, and Grandma said I was welcome," Clark replied as he held his mother's arm.

"That's very good. You are such a polite boy." Clark blushed at his mother's praise. He was shy in nature. Because of Leila's busy work, he was used to being alone. It was a new experience to be praised due to his politeness.

"Mommy, mommy! Grandma also bought something for me. Look at these Barbie dolls! And, I also said thanks," a sweet voice chimed. Shirley's full attention was on her new dolls. But when she heard her mother and brother talking, she rushed to Sheryl and showed off her new toys.

"Oh, Shirley is as good as Clark," Sheryl said and then kissed both of them on their cheeks. She always saw to it that she talked to her children every day when she came home from work. It made her happy. It also seeped all her tiredness away after an exhausting day. But lately, she worried about living with her mother-in-law. She found it hard to adjust. She was also worried that it might also be hard for the children to adjust living with their grandmother. But, tonight, seeing the children happy was a relief.

Melissa had a good time with the children. But Sheryl's arrival dampened her mood. She saw the children liked Sheryl more than her. This made Melissa's face darken. She remembered that Charles, in his childhood years, was not close to her. How could Clark and Shirley be attached to Sheryl? She wanted them to be closer to her than to Sheryl. She was overwhelmed by jealousy. Gone was the smile on her face. She didn't glance at Sheryl and kept sitting still on the sofa.

Meanwhile, Charles was looking at his wife and children. When he turned his gaze at his mother, he saw that his mother was unhappy, and was obvious what the reason was. He went to Melissa, winked at Sheryl, and said, "Mom, Sher has a gift for you. I hope you will like it."

Charles knew Sheryl bought something for his mother. He thought it was a good way to lessen her mother's anger.

"Yes, Mom, I bought you a gift. I don't know your taste, but I hope you will like it. Have a look," Sheryl said as she took out a Patek Philippe watch from her handbag. "If you don't like it, I will exchange it for something you like." Respectfully, she held the watch to her. But Melissa did not take it. Nor did she say anything.

For the second time, Sheryl felt embarrassed. Choosing a proper gift was exhaustive and time consuming. Anyone would feel insulted after receiving such treatment. 'I thought Melissa is kind and easy-going. It's obvious that she doesn't like me. I have no idea why she feels bad about me. And I am afraid our relationship will be hard to handle, ' thought Sheryl. Even though she was unhappy, she stayed put. She knew it was important to have a good relationship with Melissa. She would show her sincerity and respect. She would do everything in her power to get along with her. After all, they would live together for many years.

Everyone could feel the awkwardness of the situation. To lighten what everyone felt, Charles took the watch from Sheryl and showed it to Melissa. "Mom, Sheryl bought this to show you her respect. Just have a look," said Charles with a flattering smile.

Melissa was not satisfied with the gift. Since Charles was there, she tried to hide her unhappiness. She took the watch and just glanced at it. But she did not wear it. "Is this a warning for me to cherish my freedom after 15 years in prison? For me to live and enjoy every moment of my freedom?" asked Melissa sarcastically. She did not like Sheryl, and regarded her as a greedy woman. Why? Because she believed everything Leila had told her. That was unfortunate on Sheryl's part. She was judged without knowing her first. So anything Sheryl did would just make Melissa unhappy.

"No, Mom! The watch is attractive. That is why I bought it for you. No malice included. I hope you will like it. Please don't take this the wrong way," explained Sheryl as she shook her head. She felt frustrated and sad because her good intention was ridiculed and given a bad meaning. Having such a difficult mother-in-law was causing her a headache.

"Okay, stop explaining! I don't care about your intention. Since you bought it, I accept it. It's getting late. Let's have dinner," Melissa glanced at Sheryl and sniffed. Though she accepted the gift, she didn't hide her distaste. The watch was thrown on the desk. Deep inside, she never accepted Sheryl as her daughter-in-law. No matter what Sheryl had given her, she would never appreciate it. She was even confident that no matter what she did, Charles would always tolerate her behavior.

Sheryl was sad. She was doing everything she could to please Melissa. She even bought her an expensive watch. But look at what she did. If Melissa didn't like the watch, she would understand it. But what hurt her the most was Melissa's facial expression. She saw on her face that whatever she bought, Melissa would not accept it with all her heart. 'My instinct tells me that she thinks bad of me. She may give me much trouble, ' thought Sheryl. She was right. Melissa didn't like her; she liked Leila. If it was possible, Melissa would accept Leila as her daughter-in-law.

Charles felt Sheryl's grief. He picked up the watch from the desk and persuaded Melissa to wear it. "Mom, since you accepted this, why not wear it? Sher bought it to make you happy. Please don't give any meaning to her actions. Sher has a good taste. This Patek Philippe watch is very elegant. It suits elegant women like you. Give me your hand." Upon hearing that, Melissa gave him her hand and let him put the watch on her wrist.

She could never say no to Charles. Whatever happened, she didn't have a heart to reject him. But that didn't mean she was willing to start a good relationship with Sheryl. She still didn't like Sheryl. Melissa's face was still a reflection of distaste even after Charles put the watch on her wrist. She pulled a long face and impatiently said, "Enough! Let's have dinner."

"Okay, let's have dinner," answered Charles. Then he turned to his wife and said, "Sher, go wash your hands. You must be hungry after the day's work." Being a husband and a son, he had to be a mediator. He was trying his best to connect his wife and his mother. When Sheryl went upstairs, he turned his attention to the children and told them to follow him. "Shirley, Clark, stop playing. Let's wash your hands and get ready for dinner."

Charles and the children went upstairs. While he was washing the hands of the children, he noticed Sheryl was still sad. He instructed the children to continue washing their hands. Then, he approached her. He put his arms on her shoulders and told her comfortingly, "Sher, I know Mom was wrong for doing that to you. But will you please be more understanding with her? Forgive her rudeness? She has just gotten out of the prison. I am sure that you will get along well with each other as time goes by." Charles didn't understand Melissa's behavior towards Sheryl. He knew very well that it was impolite on the part of Melissa to ignore and misunderstand Sheryl's kindness. And he didn't know how to solve the problem. His only hope was to ask Sheryl to be more patient with Melissa. He knew there would be a big problem once Sheryl couldn't take Melissa anymore.


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