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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1089

"Mom, please listen to me. Those were business calls. The guy who called is a client," Sheryl explained. She was upset about Melissa's accusation. The only thing she could do was explain everything to Charles' mother.

Sheryl thought to herself, 'If I don't make everything clear as early as possible, this might make the condition worse. Moreover, she might hold a grudge against me, and hate me more than she already does.'

"That's enough!" Melissa snapped. "I don't care whether that man is a client or someone else. I just need you to remember one thing: you are married to Charles, the CEO of Shining Company. Everybody's eyes are on you!" Melissa quietly studied the woman in front of her. 'What is so good about Sheryl? And why is my son so enchanted by her? I don't get it, ' she thought.

'My son is wasting all his good years being naive, credulous.'

Sheryl had her hands clasped, almost as if in prayer. "Please. I'm trying to make everything clear to you. I never hooked up with other men. And I don't plan to! Charles knows all my male friends. Charles and I share everything with each other. We...." She was desperate to defend herself. As a woman and as a daughter-in-law, she simply could not stand the way Melissa thought of her.

But Melissa did not give her the chance to finish. Instead, feeling impatient, she raised her voice at Sheryl. "Stop! Why are you so determined to keep this up? You had to rub it in my face that you're the person Charles cares about the most? More than once! Come on, Sheryl. I can see you're doing this on purpose. You're not fooling anyone with your little schemes," Melissa bellowed as she wagged a disapproving finger. "Do you think you are the hostess of Dream Garden, the woman everyone loves and whose orders everyone should obey? Do you think everyone just agrees with whatever you say?" Sheryl's face was frozen with horror, her mouth agape in disbelief. Melissa took the opportunity to continue berating her. "I admit you really are something. After all, you were able to trick my Charles. But don't get too cocky and think that you can charm other people as easily as you charmed him. Your tricks might have worked on him, but you will never deceive me!" Melissa's face was distorted in anger. Silence swallowed the two of them.

She wanted to warn Sheryl and remind her that not all the Lu family members were idiots at her mercy.

Melissa was an arrogant, stubborn person. She believed she knew the entire truth, and that Charles' wife was, in fact, an evil, devious woman. But she had no idea that she had been fooled from the start.

Sheryl, despite her disbelief, found her voice once more. "What are you talking about, Mom? I know you don't like me, but you've got it all wrong. I never desired to be hostess of Dream Garden, nor control anyone. All I wanted this whole time was for you to accept me, for the sake of Charles, Shirley, and Clark." Tears welled up in her eyes.

A woman's intuition was too often right. She somehow had this feeling that Melissa hated her. This feeling never went away. Now, she knew why.

Holding back tears, Sheryl racked her brains. 'I can't think of a reason why Charles' mother despises me this way. I have sensed that she has always felt contempt for me...

But why?' Sheryl looked at Melissa.

Melissa laughed scornfully as if enjoying a vile joke. Looking at Sheryl, she gasped, "You know what? You really are a shameless woman! You want to appear as the victim here, don't you? Do you really believe the words that just came out of your own mouth?" Sheryl found herself unable to speak. Melissa went on, "If you never wanted these things, why did you trick my son into marrying you? I'm telling you, I will no longer allow you to fool Charles even more than you already have, as long as I am in Dream Garden." There was a tone of finality in her words.


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