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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1130

Duncan especially didn't want to harm a child who was worth a lot of money.

"Do it quickly. I want the money!" Deliberately, Duncan yelled into the phone. Although he didn't have to give Clark and Shirley a hard time, he had made Sheryl extra nervous, so that she would fear him enough to follow his requests.

"I know, I know. I'll go to the drop-off location now. Please do not hurt my children." Even as Sheryl tried to speak in a hurry, Duncan hung up the phone immediately.

Having heard the conversation on the phone, Charles saw that Sheryl didn't look good and he tried comforting her. "Don't worry. Clark and Shirley are alright. That man wouldn't dare do anything to them."

After reassuring her, he was relieved to see that she calmed down a little bit. Immediately after, he reached for his phone and called Isla. "How is everything going?"

"We've prepared everything well. Did the kidnapper give you the address?" she asked in return. At that time, she was standing beside the best SWAT team in Y City.

"Yes, he did. But this address is in the downtown, and might not be where the kids are. I think the kids were taken to some remote area," Charles replied. After considering what Clark told them, Charles was quite sure that the Children weren't in the downtown.

"Alright. We can work separately in two groups. One will go to the address you were given, and the other will go search for the children in remote areas," suggested Isla.

"Yes, we'll do that. Keep in contact."

After agreeing to Isla, Charles hung up.

Having confirmed the plan, Charles sighed in relief. Looking at the address on Sheryl's phone, he gathered the courage to face what they had to deal with later on. "Let's go, Sher. Our children will be fine. We're going to save them."

In spite of her worries, Sheryl gained some confidence from Charles' determined eyes. His firmness made her feel more reassured.

Thinking about her children, she knew that it wasn't the right time to waste on being afraid and worried.

What she had to do was find her children immediately.

The address that Duncan gave them wasn't very far from Dream Garden. It was in crowded downtown. In other words, it wouldn't be easy for the police to find Duncan and arrest him in this place.

The money was to be brought to a large shopping mall. An event for the mall's anniversary was being held at that time, with loud noises and crowds of people inside. In the deafening music, the host lit up the atmosphere.

The different clients and customers were so excited that they reached out their hands to grab the gift cards from the host.

"Please don't push. Don't push! Calm down a little bit, everyone. Everyone can have one gift card as long as you have a receipt to show that you've purchased something in our shopping center. Everyone will get one gift card!" The host tried to speak to the crowd loud enough into the microphone.

However, the booming voice didn't please Sheryl or Charles in the least.

Bouncing her leg, Sheryl anxiously waited for another call or message. When Charles reminded her to check on her phone, she brought out her phone again.

A new message finally arrived saying that Sheryl should put the money in the warehouse at the north gate of the Men's Wear department on the third floor of the shopping center.

When she arrived at the third floor, Sheryl walked around several times, not finding the warehouse mentioned in the message. When she was sure that the position was nowhere to be found, she made a call. "I'm here. Where is the warehouse? I can't find it."

"Now, go downstairs to the ground floor. You'll see a garbage bin beside the elevator at the gate of the central nave. You'll put your money there."

Apparently, Duncan changed his mind by giving Sheryl another position to put the money.

"But the garbage bin is too small to put the money in…" said Sheryl honestly. As much as possible, Sheryl wanted to avoid making any trouble. Fifty million dollars was way too much. There was definitely no way to stuff it into the bin.

"Sheryl, I'm warning you. Don't play your little tricks with me!"

Duncan said angrily.

"I'm not playing any tricks. The money is too much to be put into the bin. How about this? I can put the suitcase beside the garbage bin. The money will be there. I'm just afraid that someone might steal it…" she said. Sheryl's worries were valid.


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