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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1139

When Warren was far away from the two of them, Duncan pushed Vivi away with all of his might. He then quickly picked up the gun, along with his luggage in one go, and ran towards the basement's parking grounds.

Seeing this, Warren immediately reacted and went after Duncan. He wanted to catch him as he posed a threat to the others, especially since he had a gun. The officer was well aware that the hostages were in jeopardy once the criminal had made his escape. As Warren ran past Vivi, she immediately fell onto the ground and blacked out due to having a lack of oxygen.

"Vivi! How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Warren cried out as he kept shaking her unconscious body.

After a few seconds, Vivi fluttered her eyelashes open. She gasped for air and responded to him in a weak tone, "I...I am fine, Warren."

"Can you drive?" Warren asked her hurriedly. He was hoping that she would say yes because he didn't have any backup to help him.

After a long pause, she uttered, "Yes..." Her voice was husky and sounded as though she was very weak.

Warren realized that Vivi was still in shock about what just happened.

"Here. Take the keys and drive towards southwest. My fellow-officers are there and waiting for you. I will go catch Duncan," Warren urged. As he gave the keys to Vivi, Warren rushed to the underground parking lot hoping to catch Duncan.

Just as Vivi wanted to respond, Warren disappeared.

She was angry about what Duncan had done to her, but she didn't have the guts to stay there, or seek revenge. She neither had the energy, nor strength, to do so.

Duncan seemed to have gone mad. A vindictive look pondered on his face, which remained vivid in her mind. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she thought that he would kill her if they ever met again.

Frightened, she thought to herself, 'No, I have to leave here immediately!'

Standing up, she was still injured. Nevertheless, she was determined to get to the car and get out of there. She then sprinted towards the car and got into the driver's seat. She started the engine immediately and drove away.

"Sir, I'm afraid I've lost Duncan. He took my gun and ran towards the underground parking area. I suspect that the children have been hidden there. I desperately need backup!" Warren said into his headset as he ran towards the parking lot.

"Mark, please go to the underground garage right now, Be careful, the criminal has a gun and I fear that the hostages might be locked up in the garage. You must keep the children safe at all cost," the leader informed Mark first. He then notified his other subordinates.

After informing all of his team members, he quickly led his men to the underground garage.

"What's happening? How about we go get more money now? I am so scared..." Sheryl said to Charles in a trembling voice. After she heard the leader's instructions, her heart grew heavier with anxiety. She had trouble catching her breath at even the slightest thought that her loving children might be in danger.

"Listen to me, Sher. Please, don't panic. Don't think about what's happening. Even if we get the ransom and give it to him, I'm sure that he won't give our children back to us anyway. We have to be smart about this. Besides, once we give him the money, there is no turning back. All we can do is trust in the police to bring back our kids," Charles said, in a bid to comfort his wife. Her eyes were red from crying. She still seemed terrified about the whole ordeal.

"It's all your fault! I told you that we couldn't call the police but you persisted to ignore me! They haven't even caught him yet, and to make matters worse, he took away an officer's gun. So much for trusting in the police to save our children! Can you imagine if anything bad happens to Clark and Shirley?" Sheryl berated as tears continued to flow down her cheeks once more.

Sheryl felt helpless and apprehensive. Above all else, she was unable to hold back her feelings. She also didn't mean to blame Charles. She knew that it wasn't his fault. 'Even if we hadn't contacted the polic, we might have not been able to get their children back either way, ' she thought.

Charles understood exactly how his wife felt. He also felt helpless and as a means of comfort to them both, he pulled her into his arms. He reassured her, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay. The police are already here and they are going to save them. They will keep Clark and Shirley safe, Sher."

"I can't help it...I am so afraid, Charles. I don't know what to do..." Sheryl cried her heart out like a helpless little girl.

At that moment, she was on the verge of having an emotional breakdown. She really couldn't afford to hear any more bad news.

She felt like she was already out of options.

"Let's follow the police," Charles proposed tenderly, even though he knew that they might get into trouble after they entered the premises. However, they didn't care. They couldn't just stand by and do nothing. 'Sheryl must want to see what's going on inside too, ' he thought irrationally.


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