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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1144

Duncan treated the whole thing as a mission that he needed to completely, instead of a children kidnapping case.

The police didn't know why he had to kidnap the kids and whether he had accomplices or not.

They could find the answers they were seeking only after investigating the case.

But it wasn't the same for Charles. Although he wasn't a hundred percent sure about the truth behind the kidnapping, he already knew the person behind the curtain.

There was only one other person whose position was higher than Duncan's at Tarsan Corporation. 'Rachel, ' he thought, as he gritted his teeth.

If this kidnapping was really planned by Rachel, the reason behind it was obvious. The worse Sheryl's situation was, the happier Rachel would be. She would be delighted to see these miserable things happen to Sheryl.

Seeing her suffering from pain was the only thing Rachel ever wanted.

'It isn't enough for her to just spread lies about Sheryl. She wants her to suffer, ' Charles thought to himself.

'And for that, she used our children.' Charles fumed in uncontrollable anger. But he didn't show any of it on his face.

"All right. We will wait till you finish your investigation. We will talk about this further after you have a clear picture about the case," said Charles. Although he had his own assumptions, it was not the right time to ask too many questions. The law had its own way of doing things. He respected the police and decided to let them do everything according to their standard procedures.

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Lu. If you hear anything else regarding this incident, please feel free to contact me anytime." The leader gave Charles a standard military salute and commanded his men to move out with Duncan.

"Sher, let's go back home with the kids," Charles said, picking up Shirley in his arms. This was not a good place for their children to stay. He knew that they should leave as soon as possible.

"Sure," Sheryl agreed. She felt the same way as her husband. She knew that her son and daughter had had a very difficult time in this place. She didn't want them to stay there any longer.

"Mom, Dad. I don't want to leave yet. Please wait for a minute. I need to do something here," said Clark.

Sheryl and Charles looked at him in surprise.

"Clark, what's the matter?" Sheryl and Charles asked at the same time in a worried tone.

"If you are worried about me, you can come with me," he said with a firm attitude.

"All right then. We'll all come along with you. What do you think?" Charles said, ruffling Clark's hair. He did not want to turn down his son's request.

However, he was determined to never let him or Shirley out of his sight again.

"Great!" Clark said with a wide grin, glad that his father did not refuse him.

"Clark, where do you want to go?" Sheryl asked again. Although Charles had decided to support Clark, she was still worried about his denial to leave this horrid place.

"Mom, don't ask so many questions. Just come with me and see for yourself. I promise, you will like it when you see it," said Clark. He was so confident that his eyes were shining like little stars. He did not look like a three-year-old kid anymore.


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