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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1149

Rachel's promise was a temptation that Duncan couldn't resist. He attached more importance to his son's future than money. It was a bribery he couldn't refuse.

Rachel filled in Holley about her visit to Duncan and their conversation. Having learnt about their deal, Holley smiled in delight. 'Sheryl messed up my life. Now it's my turn.

This is just the beginning. I will take everything away from her, bit by bit, ' Holley resolved.

"I see. Congratulations, Ms. Bai. Once Duncan insists that you have nothing to do with the kidnapping, neither the police nor Charles can do anything to associate you or Tarsan Corporation to the incident," Holley said with a contented smile on her lips.

"I am really looking forward to seeing Sheryl make a fool of herself in the public eye. Wherever she goes, people will judge her and spread rumors about her."

"That's exactly what I want. She ruined my happiness. Now it's time for her to be miserable!" Rachel said with a loud laugh. She was in a good mood.

It had been a long time since she had had a good laugh.

She was very satisfied at how everything had turned out.

"Cheers!" Rachel toasted in high spirits as she raised her glass. 'What a day! What a memorable night! I'm not going back home till I am drunk as hell, ' she screamed excitedly in her head.

"Cheers!" Holley echoed, laughing heartily as she raised her glass of wine.

They clinked their glasses, and the two grinned from ear to ear.

"Do you think Sheryl will go to her company tomorrow?" Holley asked after she had downed several glasses of wine.

"Who cares? But I don't think she will leave home for the next few days. She is not that stupid," Rachel said in a defiant tone.

"Hmm...I don't think so. Cloud Advertising Company is falling apart at the moment. If she doesn't show up, her company could be shut down permanently," Holley retorted, shaking her head. "I am sure she will go tomorrow."

She paused and looked at Rachel. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me and see something interesting tomorrow?" Holley asked in a mysterious tone.

"Sure, I'd love to. What is it?" Rachel asked curiously.

"You will have to wait until tomorrow to find out," Holley laughed without revealing the answer.

"I can't wait to see it," Rachel said, full of excitement.

It was not until past midnight that Sheryl had finally fallen asleep. She slept soundly and had good dreams. Only in her dreams could she forget about all those unpleasant things that were happening in her life.

While she was sleeping, Charles was still busy in his study fixing the monitor. Eventually, he fixed it and found the videos he was looking for.

Fixing his eyes on the screen, he went through the videos one by one and copied some relative clips which contained visuals of his children and the kidnapper.

It was a complex task going through each and every video.


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