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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1155

'All I really want is a stable and peaceful life. Why is it so hard for me to achieve?

If the hardship at the beginning of our marriage was a kind of chastening experience, what about now?

Why won't God just let me be? Even after I changed my name, God still keeps tormenting me. Have I really done something wrong?' Sheryl fell into deep thoughts.

"Don't try to speak to me in a pitiful tone. I'm not my son. I won't be captivated by your charming words!" Melissa cried out. She was hysterical, resentful and helpless.

"Yes, Mom. Since you are already aware that your son is captivated by me, I think it would be better for you to treat me appropriately. Be careful, or else I might end up speaking ill of you during a leisurely pillow talk. He will hate your guts forever." Sheryl did not mean any of that. It was temporary anger. She was trying to frighten Melissa into submission so that she wouldn't try anymore tricks on her.

She could not stand how domineering Melissa was. If everything worked out fine because of a little blackmailing, then this was the best way to see it through.

"Sheryl, you are more vicious than I thought. Previously, I thought that you were just a bitch who was good at disguising yourself, but you are far more than that. I never expected that you would blackmail me into listening to you!" Melissa shouted.

She was afraid now. After all, she was aware of the position Sheryl had in her son's heart. She knew that if Sheryl really wanted to get rid of her, she could just easily poison Charles' mind against her. And her son would alienate her!

She thought back to what had happened last time when her son insisted on moving out of Dream Garden. She was well aware that that was Sheryl's intention.

The truth was that her son would follow Sheryl to the ends of the world, and it terrified Melissa.

Raising her head, she checked the calendar behind the clock. Melissa calmed down and she felt more at ease.

Just a couple more days, someone was going to give her a hand. She bet that Sheryl would not be so arrogant at that time. "All right, since you give me no choice, I have nothing else to say. I'll come with you if that's what you want!" Melissa scoffed.

Sheryl had no clue what was going on in Melissa's mind at that moment. But she was willing to come home with her. She finally completed the task which Charles had given her.

As for what Melissa was plotting, she chose not to care about it right now. She was aware that even if she managed to figure out what was on her mind, she would only end up getting upset by the answer. So she chose not to think about it and be the fool who did not know anything from the beginning.

Sometimes, it was better to be a fool than be someone who knew everything. It was much more peaceful that way.

"Let's go." Sheryl stood at the door and waited for Melissa to pack up.

She wanted to help her pack. But on second thoughts, Melissa had a grudge against her. No matter what she did, she wouldn't appreciate her sincerity. Rather than have a try, it was really better to do nothing.

Charles was not yet back when they arrived at Dream Garden.

Sheryl only knew that Charles had a social engagement that day, but did not know that it was, in fact, related to Tarsan Corporation.


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