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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1181

Rachel's laughter was filled with contempt and provocation, which severely annoyed Sheryl, leaving her in a state of anxiety. Sheryl involuntarily moved the computer's mouse to check her email.

She received an email message and holding her breath, clicked on the new unopened email with a shaky hand. She encouraged herself to be strong, yet she was shocked and heartbroken at the sight of the photos in front of her.

She thought about whether the photos were real and pondered on the thought, in the hope that she would convince herself that they were indeed fake. However, they looked real.

'Is Charles secretly dating Rachel? If that's the case, then why does he treat me so well?

If he has nothing to do with Rachel, then why on earth would he risk meeting her in private at Lavender Bar?' she brooded. Going through the photos, which seemed rather convincing, Sheryl wondered to herself whether it was enough to prove that they were indeed in a relationship.

At the mere thought of this, Sheryl felt her heart contort. She immediately felt like she was going to have an anxiety attack and she had trouble breathing. A dizzy spell also came over her, leaving her vision blurred. 'What did I do to deserve this? Am I going to lose him?' she wondered, sneering while holding her chest that was in pain.

All of the happy moments spent between her and Charles flashed inside of her mind. At that point, she couldn't even comprehend the moment her husband started to get sick of her.

"Don't you just love my gift, Sheryl? I bet that you would love to have a conversation with me in person now. Am I correct?" Rachel suggested. Hearing Sheryl gasping for air, Rachel felt pleased with herself.

Judging by the sound, she speculated that Sheryl had browsed through all of the pictures she had sent her.

Sheryl's tone aroused Rachel's wild imagination. She suspected that Sheryl was consumed by a state of panic and pain. The more she thought about the pain she had caused, the more satisfied she was.

"Where are you? I need to see you," Sheryl said as she breathed and tried to regain her composure.

She initially believed that things would be fine if she pretended as if nothing had happened. However, now Rachel had sent her this. If she continued to play dumb, she might just lose her husband forever.

'I can't stand by a second longer. I should go meet with her to try and figure out what is going on between the two of them, ' she resolved.

"See...I knew you would be very interested in those pictures. I am currently in Tarsan Corporation. You can come over to my office directly if you'd like. I will wait for you here," Rachel concluded with satisfaction before hanging up the phone.

"I feel that we are close to getting exactly what we want. What do you say?" Rachel exclaimed in excitement. Sheryl's reaction served as a great comfort to her. 'It seems as though I will get Charles back in no time.

Even if I don't, at least I will make Sheryl suffer great pain, ' she thought. She was very pleased with herself.

She derived a ton of pleasure in tormenting Sheryl. She made a grave effort to simply put her enemy down and went to great lengths to intensify the results. Besides, she enjoyed upsetting Sheryl this way. She was having plenty of fun.

"Congratulations, Ms. Bai. When Sheryl is here, you can embarrass and humiliate her some more," Holley said with a sneer. She looked forward to whatever was about to happen once Sheryl met Rachel.

'Sheryl has always been blessed by God. So, I'd like to see whether someone would come to her rescue this time around, ' she thought scornfully.

"I will! I will make her suffer all the insults I have ever felt before. She won't leave here without enduring agony," Rachel announced with hatred as she recalled her miserable past.


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