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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1187

Sheryl closed the door lightly and headed towards her bedroom to take a shower. When she walked past the staircase, she heard Gary's voice from downstairs.

"Are Clark and Shirley in bed, Sher?"

Sheryl stopped and peeped down to find Gary standing near the stairs. "Yes, they are," Sheryl replied instantly. "That's good. Are you busy now? If not, come downstairs. I have something to tell you," Gary said and gazed at Sheryl waiting for a reply from her.

"I have nothing to do right now. I am coming," Sheryl agreed. She took the stairs to join Gary, who had turned around by then and had started walking towards the living room. Sheryl was bewildered inside, her mind clouded with umpteen unpleasant thoughts. As Gary summoned her like this, it made her all the more speculative. She had no idea what Gary was going to announce. She climbed down the stairs silently and thought in her mind, 'Perhaps Charles wants a divorce, but he doesn't know how to mention this to me. So he begged Gary to discuss our divorce with me.'

The moment the thought of her divorce with Charles came to her mind, she felt an unbearable heaviness in her heart. She felt like going numb in her head and she felt as if her feet were too heavy to be lifted. Sweat started appearing on her forehead. Sheryl had an instant impulse to just run into her room and lock herself. But she could not ignore Gary's command. Hence, she took a deep breath and pulled herself up together and decided to face it bravely.

She joined the elders in the living room soon. "What's up, Grandpa?" she asked nervously as she gazed at Gary's face. Gary looked solemn yet composed as he took his seat on the couch and made himself comfortable.

"Nothing important. Have a seat, Sher. Stay, Melissa," Gary said in a casual manner. His voice was low yet steady. Melissa and Sheryl took their respective seats in front of him and stared at his face trying to guess what he was going to tell them.

"What is it, Dad? Please go ahead. I'm listening," Melissa asked him politely. She was an excellent mother in front of Charles and an equally dutiful and respectful daughter-in-law to Gary.

Sheryl settled herself on the couch and gazed at Gary as she expected him to mention something important. She and Melissa guessed what was on Gary's mind.

"It's not a big deal. I wanted to tell you that I am traveling abroad tomorrow. Perhaps I will come back after a month or two. I am not sure how long my trip will last," Gary announced with a slight smile.

"You're going to travel abroad? Why did you never mention this before, Grandpa?" Sheryl asked with gaping eyes. Gary's announcement took her by surprise. Sheryl couldn't believe that what the old man declared had nothing to do with Charles. All this while, her mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of Charles being involved with Rachel all over again.

Charles had not yet revealed anything to Sheryl. At least, now as Gary called her, she thought this could put her anxious mind to rest. All the conflicting thoughts she had in her mind that rooted mainly from not being properly informed would find an answer.

Gary's news wasn't a relief. Instead, she was more flustered. She felt like a prisoner who knew that she would be sentenced to death but the judge just delayed declaring the punishment.

It was inexplicable fear and panic that flooded her. She stared at Gary pretending to listen to him while inside her heart; she was falling apart bit by bit. She was tired. She needed an answer—a final answer—with Charles or without Charles.

"I and a few of my old fellows agreed to go on a trip the other day. If I back out, they will be mad at me," Gary explained and gave a wide smile as he took notice of the surprised faces of the two women. He referred to his best friends whom he had known for most of his life.

He looked forward to going on a trip with his old buddies. His face brightened up when he mentioned the upcoming travel.

"I remember that you enjoyed hanging out with uncles when I was newly married to Charles' father. So many years have passed, and you are still so much attached to each other just like before. In fact, to tell you the truth, such long-lasting friendship that you have makes me envious at times," Melissa said in an articulate manner recapitulating the memories of the earlier time.

Back then, Melissa was the hostess of Dream Garden and Gary's beloved son was still alive.

"Oh, yeah, I also feel lucky to have met them. I have known them all my life. Yet the joy of meeting them and spending time with them leaves me invigorated and enthused every time," Gary echoed with a peaceful look on his face. He couldn't control his joy and gratitude when he spoke about his old friends. A sense of contentment spread over his face as he spoke.


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