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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1189

Isla didn't care much about it at all. Her visit to the company yesterday had given her a bad impression of it. Now that they were unable to keep the company running, she felt it was better to cancel their contract.

"Give me the contact details of the company. I want to make sure that I give it one last chance," said Sheryl, unwilling to give up on those young men who had just started to branch out on their own.

Sheryl clearly remembered the passion in their eyes the last time they had come to their company to seek a contract with them. They longed earnestly to start a company of their own and display their competence.

Their desire was obvious and sincere. Sheryl didn't want to believe that those young men had forgone their faith in such a short time.

Even if they had left their faith behind, Sheryl didn't want to give up yet. She felt that she should make an effort to hold onto her faith at least.

"Why are you so determined in wasting more of our time bothering with them?" Isla asked again in disbelief.

"I don't have anything else to do for now. I finished the other order yesterday. So, why don't I help you with this one? I don't see any problem in it," Sheryl said with a shrug.

"Oh? Are you challenging me? All right then, I'll give you their phone number. From now on, you are in charge of this order!" Isla obviously had no tolerance for provocation.

She was confident about her professional skills. She was ready to take Sheryl's challenge head on.

"Yeah, you can take it as a challenge! It will be pretty boring if there is no bet in place. What do you think?" Sheryl asked with a wide smile. She had been extremely bored these past few days. This was a rare chance for her to stir her blood. She couldn't let it slip through her fingers.

And Isla was the perfect person for her to get that kind of excitement from. Sheryl had no interest in seeking out trouble by gambling with others. All she wanted was to have a little bit of fun with her friends.

"A bet? Okay! You determine the rules. I'm in!" Isla was intrigued instantly.

"The rules are simple. If I can help reconcile the partners of Lansh Technology and convince them to keep running the company, I win. Otherwise, I lose," Sheryl stated simply.

"All right. It's a bet. Let's see, I place one hundred dollars on it," said Isla, taking a hundred dollar bill out of her pocket.

"That is too little! Let's go big! The loser has to pay the travel costs to Sanya for the winner. How does that sound?" Sheryl declared. She had been wanting to take a trip for a while now. She was hoping that if she lost, she could pay for Isla and they could go together on the trip.

"Travel costs to Sanya?!" Isla blurted out, her eyes wide in surprise. "Sheryl, that is too much! I can't afford it. I'm not as wealthy as you are. I don't have enough money to cover your traveling expenses. Be realistic. You are the wife of a CEO, not me!" Isla scoffed, shaking her head at her friend's ridiculous bet. Isla was suspicious that it was a trap because Sheryl seemed so confident that she could win.

Sheryl was rich. If Isla fell for her tricks, she would have to cover the cost of her trip to Sanya. 'Charles should be the one paying for her, ' Isla thought.

"I see that someone has lost her guts to place the bet," Sheryl provoked her.

"You are right. I wouldn't dare agree to this bet. There is nothing you can do to force me." Isla raised her brow in suspicion once again. She was wondering if Sheryl was doing this to retaliate because she had asked Sheryl to treat all the staff to dinner before.

If Isla lost the bet, she would have to bear immense loses. She couldn't risk it.

"You are such a coward," said Sheryl, knowing that her plan hadn't worked. It would be no fun at all if Isla didn't take the bet.

"Yep, I'm a coward," Isla admitted without any embarrassment. She had nothing to be ashamed of since it was true that she couldn't afford to take such a huge bet. "Fine. Since you are such a spoilsport, we'll just cancel the bet!" Sheryl pouted, disappointed.

Isla was nervous as she dialed the number of the company. She held her breath as she sat in front of the computer. However, the line was not connected.


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