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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1192

"I feel much better now. Thank you so much for your help, Ms. Xia. You saved my life! You can rest assured that I'll pay you back for all my medical treatment expenses. I'll transfer the money to your account as soon as I get discharged. Please leave your details with me," Nick gratefully said.

"It's nothing, really. I just did what anyone would do, so please don't let it burden you." After a pause, Sheryl continued, "Nick…I've been curious about something. I heard that your company was about to start running. It's such a critical moment when your employees should be there preparing for it. But when you fainted, no one was around. Why is that?" Finally, she was able to voice her questions out. She had been wondering about this since she saw him lying unconscious in the office.

Hearing her questions, Nick began to explain to her what he had been through. "It's a long story…" As he told her, he became more and more frustrated.

According to Nick's story, Sheryl and Isla already knew the reason why their company couldn't open on time.

In truth, it wasn't so different from what they saw on the news—Nick had a falling out with his partner who, in anger, left the company with all of the start-up capital. The partner practically disappeared since then.

"So that means your company probably won't be set up, right?" Isla asked him directly. It was better to hear the truth straight from the company's founder. Whether or not the preparation work was going smoothly was important to her.

Since it wasn't his business alone, Isla wouldn't let him avoid answering the question. If the situation could be stabilized, they could establish a proper business partnership with him.

"The reason why I was working alone at the company was that I had some hope that I could change its current situation on my own. I've devoted so much to this company…You have no idea how hard I've been working to get it started. I don't want to lose it. It may not be in operation yet, but I know it has a promising future," said Nick.

Even if he did believe what he said, he still looked rather frustrated.

The complex emotions laced in his words reached Sheryl. It was true—he had put in so much work and effort into starting the company, and missing out on the opportunity to launch it could result in a huge loss for him.

"Have you been working extra-long hours these days? To the point that you passed out from exhaustion?" It occurred to Sheryl that there must be some signs before he passed out.

People with congenital heart disease should avoid overworking themselves—Nick went as far as to risk his own health for the company's sake, but in the end, his condition got the best of him.

When Sheryl asked, he lowered his head shyly and answered, "I know how bad my health condition is, but I really don't want to give up that easily." His eyes were almost twinkling.

It seemed that nothing, not even a heart disease, could stop him from realizing his dream. Because they shared the same drive for work. Sheryl and Isla could understand why he was pushing himself so ardently.

They had all been there—they had all pushed their limits for the sake of their goals. Such times were always difficult, leaving them only themselves to depend on.

"What were you doing at the office?" asked Isla curiously. Since he was unable to launch the company because of his lack of money, she didn't understand what he needed to stay there all day and night for.

In such a condition, he wouldn't have been able to earn any money, anyway. It wasn't realistic to believe that he could change anything on his own, thought Isla.

"I was working on a new project. If I can finish it successfully, it will garner millions of dollars. With that money, I can start running my company again. It's the best way to get out of this situation." To Nick, Sheryl and Isla were kind people who helped him without hesitation. With that in mind, he believed he could trust them enough to tell them what he planned to do since he knew they wouldn't try to probe him about it.

"I see…

What is the project?" Isla smiled and asked.

"I can't divulge any details, but my research will be completed soon. By then, you'll know what it's all about," he replied proudly. As he explained what he could gain from his project, Nick couldn't help but smile eagerly.

"Of course, you shouldn't be talking too much about it. I'm sorry I overstepped and asked about something confidential." Being in a company herself, Isla understood Nick's refusal to disclose the details of the project. As an afterthought, she realized that it was a bit reckless of her to ask such a question. Fortunately, Nick did not mind it so much.


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