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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1200

"He is such a persistent man and has countless things to do. Of course, he knows his body and will take good care of himself. Even though he always pushes himself, he won't compromise his health for the sake of his dream. When he is tired, he will take a break. However, when he feels good, he will work hard on his career and exceed expectations. He will balance work and rest, even if it may take him longer to finish his work. After all, he doesn't have any other choice," Sheryl explained.

When she noticed a sense of hesitancy on Isla's face, she continued, "Most importantly, as long as he is busy at work, he will not think about those unpleasant things. That way, he will be positive and always have a good mood. So, I think it's better for him to leave the hospital than to just lie in the bed idly. Don't you think?"

Isla surveyed the speaker up and down with curious eyes.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sheryl asked, noticing Isla's stare and feeling rather uneasy.

"Well, I was just wondering when you became a thinker. You made a very good point. I'm quite surprised," Isla remarked in a teasing tone.

Disbelief was written all over her face.

"Isla, why are you making a big deal of this? I'm not dumb, you know? I actually have a brain. Didn't you know that?" Sheryl snapped in a triumphant tone while she proceeded to glare at Isla.

"Oh, now don't be like that. Come on, Sher. Relax... Let's go inside," Isla said with a resigned look on her face. 'What on earth came over her? Is this really my best friend, Sher? It's unlike her to be this opinionated and defensive. Did she have a bad day?' A barrage of questions ran through Isla's mind.

Isla and Sheryl entered the ward. Fixing her eyes on the patient, she offered, "Where are your things? I'll help you collect them." Evidently, Isla was persuaded by Sheryl.

"It's over there. Thank you," Nick replied in a joyous tone as he pointed at his belongings. Nick was oblivious. He didn't hear Sheryl and Isla's conversation outside of his ward. Nevertheless, he knew that Sheryl convinced Isla to change her mind. Above all else, he was grateful and wanted to thank Sheryl.

As he wanted to do so, he shifted his gaze from Isla to Sheryl. Meeting his grateful eyes, Sheryl smiled at him.

Nick nodded at her as a means to show her gratitude.

Isla was a rather efficient person. It only took her several minutes to pack all of Nick's things. "My job is done here. Did you complete the discharging formality documents?" Isla asked the patient.

"Oh, I'll get it," Sheryl offered as she watched Nick shake his head at Isla. 'Since Isla helped him gather his stuff, I should probably do something for him too, ' she thought.

"Okay...Well, you better hurry up. Otherwise, you will have to wait in line for a long time," Isla advised. With the birth of her daughter, Amanda, Isla got used to having to bring her ill daughter to the hospital. So, she knew exactly how to deal with hospital procedures.

Amanda had a fever the other night. Luckily she managed to recover quickly after taking medicine, which set Isla's mind at ease.

It took Sheryl until noon to finish all the procedures and return to the ward. Nick had been in the hospital for nearly a week. Although he hadn't recovered yet, he still managed to walk. He didn't look like a patient anymore. The three of them managed to leave the hospital quickly.

"Sheryl, Isla, I'm fine. I can take a taxi home. You don't have to give me a ride," Nick said as they stood together outside the hospital. 'I can get home by myself. I don't want to bother them any longer.

After all, I already owe them a lot, ' he mulled.

"Don't be silly! It's perfectly fine. Where do you live? Perhaps I can give you a lift," Isla blurted out generously.

"Let me guess...No matter what my answer is, you will just continue to say that you happen to be going in the exact same direction as me, won't you?" Nick grinned. 'It's so good to be taken care of by them. It has been a long time since someone treated me so well, ' he thought, feeling touched inside.

"Is it that obvious? Yes, you understand me," Isla returned, as she flashed the young man an embarrassing, yet sweet smile. 'No matter what he says, I will take him home and that's final, ' she resolved.


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