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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1206

"What are you talking about? When did I fool around with Rachel?" Charles asked, fixing his eyes on Sheryl. Sheryl had finally opened up on the matter which was troubling her for so many days. But what she said left Charles completely speechless. 'How could Sheryl suspect me to have an affair with Rachel? What made her to even believe that?' Questions flooded him. He felt like it was completely out of the blue. He waited for Sheryl to speak more about it.

"If you didn't see Rachel, how can you explain those photos? And why would you stay with her alone that night at Lavender Bar?" Sheryl blurted out. Finally, as Sheryl spoke her heart out, her emotions came overwhelmingly. Her eyes were red and she seethed with a distressed face.

"What photos?" Charles asked, looking bewildered. "As for that night at Lavender Bar, it was a misunderstanding."

"Why are you even asking me? Now that you cheated on me, you should have known that your secrets would be exposed one day. I saw you and Rachel flirt with each other in the photographs. So stop playing as if you don't know anything," Sheryl snapped back with a sneer.

"Calm down, Sher. It looks like Mr. Lu isn't lying. Besides, what pictures are you talking about? Why didn't you tell me?" Isla chipped in. "Where did you get those photos? Did Rachel give them to you? If you got those pictures from Rachel, you should have investigated them first. Perhaps it was a trap. You can't believe her words," Isla mediated. Sheryl became quiet after hearing Isla. Now she felt that perhaps she had been in a hurry to judge Charles.

"Yes, Sher, Isla has a point. Where did you get those photographs? Are you sure that they are not processed?" Charles asked after regaining his composure. Charles was completely flabbergasted by the entire thing. All these days, Sheryl kept it all within herself without even bothering to tell him the reason behind her coldness towards him. Now that Isla put things into the right perspective, he suspected that Sheryl might have been fooled by Rachel.

After introspecting the entire situation, Sheryl began to speculate that the photographs might have been morphed. She opened her phone quickly and showed the pictures to Charles. To give the couple some time to clear the air, Isla bid farewell to them and left the restaurant.

Very soon the misunderstanding was cleared. Sheryl was regretful of the fact that she did not speak about this openly with Charles, while, he was relieved to have won back his wife's faith on himself. They sat and chatted at the Japanese restaurant until it was closing time. It had been quite an ordeal for both of them. Now, after having all her doubts cleared, Sheryl was back to being the candid and loving wife she had always been. Charles was happy to see her smile again. Having been through this, they realized how lucky they were to be with each other. It would be a pity if they had split up due to some nasty trick played by someone.

It was not just Charles. Even Sheryl owed some explanation to her husband regarding her relationship with Nick. Charles told Sheryl everything that was going on between him and Rachel. He agreed that it had been wrong on his part to have neglected her in the past few days. He apologized to Sheryl for that. The couple finally cleared the air. They promised to share everything with each other and spend quality time without any misunderstandings or suspicions.

"Sher, I will not do anything that will make you misunderstand me. Promise me that you will come to me first if you have any doubt in your mind about any such similar matters, will you?" Charles said as he looked at his wife in the eye with affection.

"I will," Sheryl replied tenderly. They walked out of the restaurant and headed towards the car. In the last few days with Melissa at home and the Rachel-Holley duo posing new challenges for them at every step had put their love and mutual understanding to a tough test. However, at last, it was Charles and Sheryl who had the last laugh. Though the ordeal was not over yet, as long as they were together and had faith in each other, they could tide over all the hurdles. That was what Sheryl and Charles felt inside their hearts. They felt stronger as they walked hand in hand. Charles squeezed Sheryl's hands. Sheryl looked up at him. Their eyes met and they smiled at each other.


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