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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1254

Because of the disclosure of some secret information, their bosses had already figured out that Sheryl must have something to do with Leila's poisoning. Their bosses were also informed that once Leila regained her consciousness, she would cooperate with the following actions. As such, the impact of the accident was purposely maximized. It started as a spark, but was fueled into a huge fire.

Sheryl noticed that no one actually showed any interest in talking to her. She had no way to play the same trick again, so she just sat on a bench nearby quietly. Obviously, there was no use attempting it again.

Right at this moment, a tall figure approached from the other end of the corridor.

It was Charles. He had started looking for Sheryl as soon as he reached the hospital. After learning that Leila was in the emergency room, he wasted no time rushing there.

From afar, he could see Sheryl sitting alone on the bench. He could recognize her familiar figure anywhere. Seeing her sitting all by herself, he couldn't help but feel heart-broken.

"Sher!" Charles called out.

Hearing his familiar voice, she initially thought she must be hearing things. 'I must be daydreaming right now. How could he possibly be here?' Sheryl thought to herself.

Letting out a doleful laugh, she shook her head, sorrow clearly visible on her face. How she wished to have Charles by her side right now! Then, she wouldn't feel so lonely. At least, she would have a shoulder to lean on.

"Sher!" he called out again, after walking closer.

Upon hearing his voice again, Sheryl stood up abruptly, turning her head. She watched in disbelief as the man walked closer and closer.

'It really is Charles. But why is he here?' Sheryl wondered.

"Sher!" When Charles finally got close enough to her, he scooped the woman into his arms. For the third time, he called out her name, softly and affectionately this time.

"Charles!" Sheryl hugged back tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

She had been holding back her emotions for too long. With Charles by her side, there was no way that she could hold onto the tears any longer. It had been such an awful day for her. Charles was like a beacon of hope in the sheer darkness. Finally, she had someone to rely on. All she wanted to do was hide in his arms and vent all her emotions.

However, as much as she wanted to do so, she couldn't. There were still some reporters keeping a watchful eye on them right now. Plus, they were at the hospital. She would refrain herself from behaving like an emotional wreck in a public space.

"Why are you back?" Sheryl asked, raising her head to look him in the eye.

Even though Sheryl was trying her best to hide her tears, Charles quickly understood the haze in her eyes. Grief-stricken, he patted her head and said, "Mom called me and told me what happened here. You don't have to worry. I'm here with you now."

'Melissa called Charles back?' Sheryl thought to herself, puzzled.

The thought immediately made her tense.

'What is Melissa up to this time?'

Sheryl had never imagined her to be so kind-hearted. The last thing Melissa would do was call Charles back to help and console her. She must have some sort of ulterior motive, something perilous.

Despite her suspicion, she couldn't say it out loud. After all, Melissa was Charles' mother. If Sheryl said anything, Melissa would try to ruin her relationship with Charles.

"Thank you, Charles." Again she buried her head into his chest. Out of the corner of her eye, she could clearly see the reporters with their eyes fixed on them, ready to take photos for their headlines tomorrow.

"Charles, the reporters are around. I can't talk to you so freely…" Sheryl murmured to him.

His eyes suddenly turned cold. He was so excited to see Sheryl that he forgot to even scan his surroundings. Now that Sheryl had mentioned it, he noticed the reporters. The small crowd of people nearby seemed to be chatting, but they would casually glance in their direction. They were watching them!

An expression of anger flashed across his face.

Letting go of Sheryl's hand, he uttered, "I'll deal with this."

"Charles…" Sheryl warned quietly. She was worried about what Charles was planning to do.

"Don't worry about it Sher." After giving her a reassuring glance, he walked straight up to the crowd.

Upon seeing Charles approaching, the group of reporters stood up straight and smiled. However, they wouldn't look him in the eye.


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