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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1274

Rachel's proposal was wonderful. That was true. But she had underestimated the risks involved.

Holley's, on the contrary, was conservative. According to her, the future of this project was still uncertain. What was more, the lack of funds was a real headache for them. Even if they had decided to move the project forward, they would not be able to manage it.

Given such considerations, Holley could only try to persuade Rachel to change her mind and give up on the project. She couldn't let Rachel put the whole company into trouble because of her recklessness. She wouldn't just sit and watch as everything went down the drain.

But Rachel was always used to getting her own way. She turned a deaf ear to any advice. Besides, the one who disagreed with her was Holley!

'How dare she work against me!' sneered Rachel silently. 'Did she forget that it was me who helped her get out prison?

How ungrateful!' Rachel felt disgust.

Ignoring Rachel's anger, Holley kept explaining her ideas. She laid her points with clarity. She knew that Rachel refused to listen to her advice. But she had to be firm, because one wrong move could ruin the whole company. She wouldn't allow her to put all their hard work to waste.

Rachel looked fierce. She was at her breaking point. She rose and strode towards Holley. She bridled at Holley's offensive remarks.

"Holley Ye, you should learn to walk away from things that don't concern you. Do I need to remind you on who the boss is? It's me. I am the general manager of this company. Who do you think you are to contradict me? Please excuse me for being blunt. But you are nothing but a dog and I am your master!"

Holley's face was ashen. Rachel's words cut her to the quick. She suddenly felt lightheaded, and her heart began to palpitate. For a moment, she almost forgot how to breathe.

Holley was silent for a moment. She quickly adjusted her expression and managed to put on a smile. She hid all her resentment and unwillingness. She just took a step back and tolerated Rachel's insult.

Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold. She would surely get back at Rachel one day. Since Rachel believed she was her dog, she would let her live a life worse than that of a dog someday.

"Sorry, Ms. Bai. It was my fault. I knew I had overstepped my bounds. But I always had the best interests of the company at heart. That's why I was so anxious. But I beg you not to take such a hasty decision and consider it carefully first. How about calling a board meeting regarding this matter? I think we should have a cautious analysis and reappraisal. Also, the shareholders have the right to know."

Deep inside, Holley was sneering at Rachel's ignorant and stupidity. But on the surface, she had to be polite and compromise.

"So you are still not convinced," Rachel said coldly. "Alright then. We'll call a board meeting. Just wait and see!"

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and laughed with disdain. 'Who does she think she is?' she thought, rolling her eyes. 'Does she think she could influence all the shareholders' decisions? Or is she expecting to change my mind this way? Oh yeah. Dream on!'

Instead of ending in agreement, their talk ended up in acrimony.

Holley couldn't concentrate on her work the whole afternoon. She sat in front of her computer and stared blankly at the screen.

Rachel's vicious words still rang in her head. She gnashed her teeth and pressed the mouse hardly, as she replayed the day in her mind.

'Enough is enough. I can't bear it any more!' Holley took a deep breath and thought. 'It's time to take actions. She has bossed me around enough. I'll tear her mask and drag her down from that position. She'll have to grovel and cry for mercy.'

After work, Holley took her handbag and left the office in a hurry. She made advance reservations for a room in a posh restaurant and invited the shareholders to join her for dinner. She arrived half an hour earlier and waited there.

As the night fell, the guests started to arrive one after another.


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