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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1279

Holley took her time walking out of the main entrance of the Tarsan Corporation. She didn't want any sweat to ruin her make-up, so she kept her grace.

As soon as the rolling doors closed behind her, she caught sight of Black, leaning against his car. He was wearing a plain, blue sleeves that was folded right before his elbows and a simple pair of dark blue, almost black denim pants, which made him look dashing. Holley ignored this thought and continued to walk towards him.

As soon as Black saw Holley, he stood up straight, his eyes lighting up and sparkling. There was an obvious sense of admiration written all over his face as he felt his heart start to race faster, but he ignored it and started to make his way towards her in haste.

"Holley, hey!" Black called out affectionately, his eyes still stuck on her like glue.

Holley lowered her head and smiled shyly as she met him halfway in her four-inch high heels. She flashed him a timid smile before saying, "Did I keep you waiting for so long? I'm really sorry. I just got off work."

"No, no, it's all right. I just arrived here really. Are you hungry? Let's go and eat first before the movie. I already made a reservation at a restaurant that I figured you might love," he replied nervously. It wasn't the first time that they had spent time together, and yet he was still anxious and jittery around Holley. It was not until she was close to him that he truly noticed how Holley looked. She had dressed in a way that Black felt she gave much importance to their date like he did. Because of that, his smile reached from ear to ear, and his mood was raised up once more.

Black came back to his senses and said, "I'm sorry. I just can't help but stare at you. You look beautiful, Holley. I hope you know that."

After hearing his compliment, Holley lowered her head down and bashfully tucked loose hair behind her ear. A smile made way out on her face. She then looked away to avoid meeting his keen eyes on purpose. It worked, because Black thought that she was as nervous as he was, making him think that she was also interested in him.

Black then escorted Holley towards the car and opened the door for her. As soon as both of them were settled, Black drove to a high building, of which a fancy revolving restaurant was perched on the highest floor. Their table was by the French window, so that they could overlook the mesmerizing scene of the city below them.

Black stared at Holley, who was smiling shyly back at him. There was a few candles flickering on the table, and a man wearing a tuxedo was playing the violin just near them. It wasn't long until the romantic atmosphere had completely enveloped the two of them.

After a waiter poured wine in their glasses and left, Black raised his glass and proposed a toast to Holley. "A toast for the beautiful night, Holley."

"A toast for the wonderful candlelit dinner," Holley followed with a smile before clinking her glass with his.

Their eyes met, and as if they were the only ones in this world, their gaze locked on each other and they immersed themselves with the atmosphere that lingered between them.

After taking a sip of each of their wine, they placed their glasses down on the table gently, filling in the great taste of expensive wine. Holley decided to play coy and kept her hand on her wine glass, staring at the flavorful liquid. Black kept his stare at the bashful maiden, and without any hesitation, he reached his hand out slowly and caught hers on the table. At this moment, the violinist near them and the other people who took a glance at them could see the good chemistry between the couple.

Holley just gave Black a quick glance after this gesture and smiled bashfully with her eyes avoiding to meet his. It was not long after that Holley finally held his hand back. Black could feel his cheeks warm, and seeing the shy and warm look in her eyes, Black was certain that he could hear his rapid heartbeat.

After the satisfying and lovely dinner, the two didn't spend much time at the restaurant any longer. They headed straight to the cinema. There weren't many people at this cinema, since it was the last day of showing for this movie. Black smiled at Holley, while she smiled back at him. As soon as the lights slowly faded away, the movie started to play on the big screen. However, none of the two paid any attention to the movie. Both of their minds were off elsewhere. Black felt this and plucked up the courage to reach out and pull Holley into his arms.

Surprised at this bold move, Holley looked up and saw Black lowering his head towards hers.

She knew what was coming, so she immediately closed her eyes, and the moment she did, she felt his soft lips press on hers. Black started to kiss her gently, but as soon as Holley kissed him back, the pace of their kiss became passionate, and there were more emotions in that kiss than any part of their date tonight.

They felt nothing but desire for each other the whole time that they didn't even spare some time to look at the screen. Not until the lights were back on did they realize that the movie was finished. For a moment, both of them felt disappointed that it was over. Hand in hand, they followed the crowd and walked towards the exit. When they heard people talking about what happened in the movie and their opinions about it, they exchanged looks and broke into a soft chuckle.

'Why should I waste time on that stupid movie when I was with a pretty girl?' Black thought with a huge grin on his face.

Like all other couples on a date, Black and Holley left the cinema holding hands and with sweet smiles plastered on their faces.

Since it was still about eight in the evening, and the night was still young, the two decided to spend some time in the mall. Black offered to buy Holley anything that she wanted. At first, she refused and told him that it was okay, but he was stubborn. So in the end, Holley gave in. Black even volunteered to help Holley with a few shopping bags. As they were done shopping, Black and Holley were on their way to Holley's apartment. Black had kissed her good night before he watched Holley go inside.

As soon as Holley closed the door of her apartment behind her, she dropped the bags on the floor with a smile on her face.

At the hospital, a nurse checked on Melissa and noted down her vital signs.

After the necessary procedures, the nurse started to collect her stuff from the edge of the bed and accidentally touched the patient's hand. She was startled when Melissa suddenly removed her hand away.


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