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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1320

The episode of meeting Alan was not taken seriously by Black and Holley. A moment after Alan left, they had their attention back to dinner.

After carefully cutting the steak on his plate, Black put it in front of Holley intimately in exchange for her steak which had not been cut. Whenever he did these trivial things, he lowered his head silently, making everyone around him feel at ease.

Even if Holley didn't really love him, she thought that Black was really charming.

"Thank you. The steak here really tastes good. You should eat more, Black," Holley said. She couldn't help but comment after watching Black help her cut the steak and pour the red wine.

Black silently looked at Holley. Under the light of the restaurant, her face appeared softer as some loose hair gently fell at her temples.

Reaching from across the table, Black couldn't help but gently tuck Holley's hair behind her ear. Electricity seemed to zap him in shock when his finger touched her earlobe carelessly, the current directly flowing to his heart. After his finger left her hair, he felt his heart gently sighed, regretting that only a trace of residual warmth remained at his fingertip.

Black felt like he needed to breathe. He reached for his wine glass and shook the liquor in it gently before he took a sip, a trace of hazy drunkenness in his eyes. Staring back at Holley, he could feel a certain force asking him to touch her face.

When she turned her head to look at him with confusion, he couldn't help but hold her gently and print a kiss full of sweet wine on her lips.

Holley blushed shyly and pushed Black back to his seat. Although she was satisfied with Black's infatuation with her, public display of affection was never her thing.

"Oh, you haven't told me what your father likes. Tell me. So when I come to visit him, I'll make preparations in advance," Holley said, hoping to change their focus to something else.

"My dad likes tea. You can bring him some tea next time," Black advised. "He will like you. Don't worry," he then assured her.

Tonight, Holley not only introduced him to others, but also took the initiative to mention going to visit his father. These made Black feel very happy and reassured. Any last doubt and suspicion he had about Holley now disappeared.

After dinner, Black drove Holley home.

The streets were already empty and quiet. A few stars lit the dark sky. As the car stopped in front of Holley's house, they were still reluctant to say goodbye to each other.

"Would you like to go upstairs for a cup of tea?" Holley finally broke the silence, blinking her eyes at Black. After all, it was too late. So Holley's words had a clear indication.

"Okay," Black agreed without any hesitation. Her invitation made him excited. He began to look forward to whatever possibility the night might hold for them.

"Take a drink first." Holley handed Black his cup of tea and sat on the couch beside him.

This was the first time that Black had come to Holley's house. He looked around the whole room curiously. It was a simple room, not even well lit. The wall printed in gray was just as quiet as Holley. In Black's eyes, Holley was perfect from top to toe. She deserved more than this.

"Holley, would you like to move in with me? We could live together." The question came expectantly.

Being in a small warm room with Holley, Black suddenly felt the impulse to ask her. The truth was that he hoped to see Holley every morning when he woke up. He never wanted to be separated from her again.

"What? You're asking me to move to your house?" Holley was shocked by Black's offer. She had never thought about it at all. And if she lived with Black, it would be inconvenient for her to do some things.


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