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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1352

"God knows where she is. She must be hiding from us after making such a huge mistake! What a disgraceful woman!"

Melissa said in fury.

Standing next to Melissa, Clark couldn't believe that his grandmother would say such slanderous things. His grandmother always put blame on his mother when things went out of hand. He couldn't help but get annoyed because he knew that his mother had gone looking for his sister. She was not hiding from them!

Furious as Melissa's words, Clark desperately grabbed Charles' sleeve and defended his mother by saying, "Dad, Grandma is wrong. Mom has gone to look for Shirley. Can we join her and find Shirley?"

It was rare for the little boy to look so vulnerable. Being tough was Clark's asset. Even as a kid, he barely cried and never gave up facing difficulties. But now, his eyes were filled with tears with too much concern.

The father felt pity and regret for Clark, so he held him in his arms. As his son asked, he went to look for Sheryl. Seeing this, Melissa and Leila followed him. No one uttered a word, except Clark, who was sobbing.

Although Charles looked calm, his mind was in chaos. Her little girl was Shirley, the charm of his life. He couldn't imagine how his life would be if he would lose her.

Being the chine of the family, Charles remained silent and firm. If he panicked, the whole family would go out of control. Therefore, he must suppress his sentiments from bursting out and calm down.

After a few minutes of seeking, they saw Sheryl. With disheveled hair and clothes, tears kept rolling down from her cheek, she eagerly asked every passerby about her dear daughter.

At the sight of Sheryl's situation, Charles' heart was tore into pieces. Why did he leave her alone? She must have been hurting as much as he did. Shirley was also her daughter.

"Sher…" He couldn't utter more words.

Recognizing his husband's voice, Sheryl slowly turned her head at him, her tears welled up even more.

Like a lost kid, Sheryl ran into Charles' arms. She cried so hard that her voice echoed in the air, making every passerby look at them.

With his small arms, Clark hugged his parents. Containing himself to cry, he bit his lips and buried his face in his father's thigh. 'Crying would only make Mom even sadder, ' he silently thought.

"This is all my fault, Charles. Shirley got lost because I was not paying attention. I should have been more careful. It's because of me. What should I do? I don't know what I can do if we lose her. My poor daughter, where are you? Charles, we must find Shirley as soon as possible. Our daughter is waiting for us. It will become dangerous for her, so we need to find her now!"

Tears also welled up in Charles' eyes too. He tried his best to control his outburst to comfort Sheryl. "Sher, please don't worry too much. There are CCTV cameras everywhere. I am sure we can find Shirley soon. Please stop crying."

"Shirley is so afraid of the darkness, so she must be crying without us around her. She must be so scared right now as it's getting darker now."

Sheryl wept even more until she could barely catch her breath. She felt something squeezing her heart.

"It's no use crying over spilled milk. Why didn't you become careful at the very beginning? Your regret is worthless! Our Shirley won't be missing if you have been more cautious!"


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