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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1357

"Nancy, can you please take Sheryl to her bedroom? I don't think it's a good idea to let her stay here. She's not in her sound mind so she needs some rest," Charles said impatiently.

Sheryl was still lost in her own world full of shock and distress. Her expression showed absolute indifference to the surroundings. When Nancy walked towards her and held her arm, she exuded a faceless look. She was more like a human puppet without a soul.

When Nancy touched Sheryl's hand, she felt a chilling sensation, like a jolt of electric current, flowed from her body to hers. Nancy felt sorry as well as astounded for her physical temperature. She tightened her grip on Sheryl's hand, trying to give her as much warmth as possible. 'Apart from her cold flesh, her heart may be frozen too. This is not good. She needs help now more than ever!' Nancy thought.

"Sheryl, be at ease! Shirley is a good girl. God always favors and blesses good girls. Bad things will never find their ways to harm her! She will be kept away from danger. You should stop thinking of the worst scenario. Mr. Lu was too anxious just like you but he hadn't put his utterance into second thoughts. You don't have to be too serious about what he has said. Look at you, you haven't eaten anything for the past two days! Let me make you something to eat, okay?" Nancy offered. She managed to look optimistic. But her heart was aching to see her hostess so miserable. Sheryl's pale face and her tottering figure almost brought Nancy to tears.

Still, Sheryl remained silent. When Nancy brought her into her bedroom, her face showed no familiarity. It was as if she was a stranger in her own room. Nancy stopped walking ahead when she reached the side of the bed, but Sheryl didn't. She continued to walk at her original pace and almost bumped into the bed. Afraid that Sheryl might trip, Nancy wasted no time to run to her and hold her arm.

She felt anxious about Sheryl's current condition. In an attempt to pull Sheryl off her daze, Nancy frantically shook her arm, as she called out her name, "Sheryl?" Nancy appeared to be in a complete mess. A wave of fear rose up over her heart. Nancy thought, 'Sheryl is completely unwell! It makes me more worried about her. Even if Shirley comes back, I don't think she might be able to survive to see her.'

To her delight, Sheryl snapped out of her daze. But her face was still covered with distress. Acting absent-mindedly, she forced a faint smile. Nancy could not catch a hint of happiness from her smile, instead, she only detected a heavy blue cast on her mind.

"I am fine, Nancy. You don't have to worry about me. I know Shirley will be okay. I am just as convinced as you of that. My dear Shirley is a good girl, and God will keep her safe!" Sheryl prayed. With her hollow look, Nancy was actually confused whether Sheryl was praying or talking to her.

With a beam, Nancy echoed, "Sure, God must bless our Shirley!" She stayed with Sheryl in the bedroom. Seeing her in such a terrible state, Nancy couldn't bear to leave her alone. However, drowned in sorrow, Sheryl was not in the mood to share her feelings with Nancy. She was eager to vent her sadness by crying out. She didn't want Nancy to be affected by her negative mood.

With an imploring look, she said, "Nancy, please leave me alone. You have your own business to take care of. Don't waste your time on me." Sheryl tried her best to finish her sentence in a calm voice, as she was on the verge of tears. And she didn't want to cry in front of Nancy.

Obeying Sheryl's request, Nancy gave her one last look before she left. As soon as the door shut closed, Sheryl lost all control and burst into tears.

Meanwhile, Charles was standing behind Leila at the corridor.

"Leila, I am so sorry. I want to apologize about Sheryl's violent reaction earlier. It must have freaked you out. I hope you understand that she is a little out of her mind since Shirley has been missing. She is really not herself lately." Charles made sincere apologies, on behalf of his wife.

Leila felt flattered. She was too shocked to keep her composure and her sanity. Clearly, Charles' sudden change of attitude took her off-guard. Before, Charles had always shown her indifference, complete neglect and even disdain. In a heartbeat, she felt her heart quickened, as if it was placed in boiling water.

In quick response, she nodded her head repeatedly. "I understand. I know she doesn't mean it. She is just too worried about Shirley. And I can't blame her." Leila gave him a sincere reply, yet she didn't turn her back to face Charles.

"Thanks for your understanding. I just hope Sheryl can see things as clearly as you do. Her caprice is really putting me in trouble lately," Charles sighed, with a wistful expression. His words were full of discontentment about his wife.


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