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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1360

After hanging up the phone, Leila condescendingly looked at Sheryl, thinking she was so pathetic. Leila was cold and calculating and showed no sympathy for Sheryl.

Leila was so arrogant and full of herself that she even conjured up an image in her mind of herself holding onto Charles' arm intimately and humiliating Sheryl with a smug look on her face.

Although her perfect image was soon burst when she thought of how sad and worried Charles was about Shirley. She was in love with Charles and couldn't bear the thought of seeing him so grieved. So she decided to change the plan that she had set previously.

With that thought in mind, Leila hastily turned to leave. Before she went, Melissa asked her where she was going, but Leila didn't explain much to her.

She was in a hurry to see the guy that she hired to kidnap Shirley. She was going to ask him to release her.

Leila scurried about with a troubled mind, so she didn't notice that a man was tailing her since the moment she left Dream Garden.

Pulling her cell phone out, she made a call to the guy. However, to her disappointment, she couldn't get through. It was as if he had disappeared off the surface of the earth. Leila suddenly had that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that something had gone wrong. She quickly hailed a taxi and went to the place where Shirley was being held captive.

Neither the taxi driver nor Leila had noticed a car following them from a distance.

In the ghetto area of the South Street District, Leila got out of the taxi and dashed toward the house where the man lived. The path leading to the house was uneven and rocky, and Leila stumbled several times after losing her footing because she was wearing a pair of high heels. She didn't care as she was anxious to find the guy as soon as possible.

Finally reaching the house, Leila shoved the rusty hinge wooden door open, and a cloud of fine dust particles wafted into the air. She coughed while waving her arms around to clear the dust.

She entered the house, eager to find the man. However, after she searched through the dilapidated house, he was nowhere to be seen.

Leila stood numb with fear and panic. She racked her brain, trying to think of where that man could have taken Shirley to. 'Where could he be? Did he betray me? Where could he possibly have taken Shirley?'

Her mind was racing at a million miles an hour, making her heart suspend anxiously.

She left the house in a trance and had almost lost her mind with worry. She had the misgiving that there were going to be dire consequences waiting for her.

When she returned to Dream Garden

and entered the house, to her surprise, she found Charles at home. Feeling a little afraid, Leila pretended to be exhausted and was about to make her way to her bedroom when Charles suddenly spoke to her.


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