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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1368

Cassie's words shocked Cora. 'Is Cassie out of her mind? These people aren't our friends. Why would she invite them to have some food?' she wondered.

The men dressed in black were puzzled by Cassie's reaction. Their leader scratched his head in confusion and displayed a more friendlier expression on his face. "You seem like a clever girl. I think you already know that we've been sent here to bring you with us. If you co-operate without any resistance, we will be sure to be polite to you."

Cassie immediately realized that they couldn't be persuaded to change their minds, so she needed to buy some time. All of a sudden, she pressed her hands against her belly and winced as a look of abject pain contorted her delicate features.

Cora's eyes widened in horror and she asked, "Cassie, are you feeling okay? Do you have a stomachache?"

Cassie nodded her head with great desperation. "Perhaps I ate something bad. I don't think I can eat anymore. My stomach hurts so much. I feel terrible."

"Do you want to go to the toilet?" asked Cora, expressing concern.

Cassie gave her the thumbs-up even though she knew that Cora was less likely to understand what she really meant.

"Oh my god! I can't take it anymore. Where is the toilet? Quickly, where?" Cassie looked at those men with a wide-eyed grimace.

They all froze at her critical behavior, fearing the worst.

They were hired to take her away from there even without her consent, if need be. Since she was just a delicate woman, their numbers assured them that it wouldn't take much effort on their part to catch her if she tried something fishy. With that in mind, the leader began to eye her from head to toe and finally concluded that apart from losing a bit of time, they really didn't have to worry about this woman at all.

"Okay, there's the toilet. You can go, but you have to leave your bag with us," said the man pointing his finger at her handbag.

Cassie was glad to see that they had fallen for her trap and gladly handed over her bag to them without hesitation.

"Cora, wait here for me. Don't go anywhere and don't try anything reckless," Cassie whispered to Cora.

Cora nodded her head slightly to indicate that she understood her.

Cassie ran to the toilet with her hands on her belly. On her way she saw Jordan hanging up the phone which led her to believe that the police would soon arrive in no time.

All she had to do was wait patiently inside the toilet until the police came.

After watching Cassie get inside the toilet, Cora pretended to be frightened, whipping her head around to look for her brother, Jordan.

Meanwhile, Jordan deliberately didn't make eye contact with her even though it was obvious that she was afraid. He turned around and started walking in the opposite direction towards the kebab vendor.

Cora didn't understand why her brother behaved like this, but she hoped that he wouldn't take any unnecessary risks. It was not like she doubted his abilities, but rather the fact that they were vastly outnumbered by these suits.

Cora sat there anxiously biting her nails. She knew that Cassie went to the toilet to stall them, but there was only one exit in the toilet. Where would she go?

Time passed slowly. Not only was Cora anxious now, but also those men were starting to lose their patience as well.

"Why is that woman taking so long? Is something wrong with her? What will we say to Shawn?" a man asked in a low voice.

The leader stood there pensively for a moment and said, "You! Go over there and check up on her."

His subordinate followed his orders and walked towards the toilet.

Her heart leaping into her throat, Cora crossed her fingers behind her back, while Jordan froze in his place, nervously looking at them with anticipation.


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