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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1373

Just when Leila was about to delete all of the nude photos, one of them caught her eye. It was blurry and dark, not the most eye-catching of them all, but it sparked her interest nevertheless.

It seemed like this photo was taken in a remote suburb. There were a lot of greenery and open spaces and in the middle was a small house. Next to the house was a huge chimney.

Even though Leila couldn't see what was going on inside the house, her heartbeat quickened.

Jim wouldn't take such a photo for no reason. Leila knew him well and knew that he did everything for a reason. The only explanation that she could think of was that the house was an important place for him and that he might have hidden something inside.

Leila zoomed in on the picture and studied it carefully, eager to find some clues

because she had a strong feeling that Jim was hiding Shirley somewhere inside the house.

Leila swiped up, looking through the photo gallery for more. She hoped that there would be more photos and clues that would help her find Shirley, but sadly, there weren't.

She sent the photo she found to her WeChat and then saved it onto her phone, intending to study it more at home. She wanted to be the one to find Shirley before Charles found her.

Leila breathed a sigh of relief after she deleted all of the photos. She walked over to Jim and ripped the clothes off him. But Jim was too heavy, like a dead fat pig. She was exhausted and out of breath when she was done, sweat beads dripping from her forehead.

Panting, she took out her phone and turned on the camera app and flashlight and started taking photos of Jim, naked and still.

"Ugh, there is really nothing to look at. No muscles at all. This body is so gross," she exclaimed as she took photos, even dragging him by his ear.

"You deserve this!" she yelled, grinding her teeth.

When she finished taking photos, she walked outside and waited for another woman to come.

She leaned against the hallway wall, waiting, doing absolutely nothing, when suddenly she noticed the camera that was attached to the ceiling. Its blinking red light startled her.

How could she forget about the camera? Leila cursed under her breath. She realized that her hatred had clouded her judgment. How could she have forgotten about the security cameras that would be there?

Groaning, she started to pace the hallway, instantly anxious at the possibility she might have been caught.

What if Jim had died? The security camera was a piece of huge evidence. Even though there wasn't a camera inside the room to catch her committing the crime, the one in the hallway would have caught her staying in the same room as Jim and so she would be pegged as a suspect.

Jim was an asshole and Leila couldn't go to jail again on his account. Leila was sure of one thing—Jim could not die. At least, not now.


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