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The Apple of My Eye novel Chapter 1380

That would be absolutely perfect.

If Sheryl died, Melissa was confident that Charles would listen to her once and for all and leave his property in her care. In that case, she would be the real hostess of the house—it would be necessary for her to manage the family's finances.

Indulging in her imagination of an easy future, she thought, 'Sheryl, you've tried to fight me all the way through. Well, now you're facing the consequences!'

With this in mind, Melissa could barely hold back her laugh.

Soon, the ambulance sirens could be heard from outside. A group of medical staff jumped out of the car and rushed to Sheryl's room to put her on a stretcher and drive her to the hospital.

On the way there, Nancy stayed with Sheryl in the ambulance. She remembered to call up Charles and tell him to head to the General Hospital instead of Dream Garden.

Worried out of his mind, Charles drove to the hospital at incredible speed. In a gloomy mood, he felt everything turn gray around him when the dust flew by as he drove.

Once he got to the hospital, he rushed to the emergency room faster than ever in his life.

Inside, the doctors were doing their best to save Sheryl's life.

A doctor came out to have him sign the Critically Ill Notice, telling him with candor that the patient inside might not be salvageable. Charles' hands shook violently. At that point, he could no longer stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks.

Staring at the sheet in front of him, he signed it like he was stuck in some kind of dream, in contrast to the usually vigorous signature he would use on his office files. His uncontrollably shaky hands revealed his extreme panic at the moment.

"Doctor, please save my wife. Please!" Charles pleaded, grabbing the doctor by his arm like he would be a lifesaver if he was drowning in the sea.

Although the doctor was already used to being around matters of life and death, even he was moved by the weakness and pleading in Charles' eyes.

"Mr. Lu, we'll do everything we can."

Each operation was a battle—doctors couldn't ever make any promises to patients' families. The only thing they could truly do was put all their effort into saving every patient they had.

With that, the doctor gently removed Charles' hands from his arm and gave him a brief pat on the shoulder before throwing himself into the emergency room, ready to enter the battle of saving another life.

The sound of the door shutting on him made Charles tremble even further. All he could do was stand still outside the room, his eyes fixed on the door as if it could determine life and death itself.

Before the procedure was over, Melissa and Leila arrived at the hospital in a rush. Seeing the light on the emergency room sign, they knew that Sheryl was still in there.

"Charles, don't worry. Sheryl could recover soon. Don't make yourself suffer too much."

Seeing Charles' ghastly face, Melissa comforted him with as much sincerity as a hypocrite could manage.


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